2011年3月8日 星期二


3月8日 AFP】台湾では、肥満度指数(BMI)で「overweight(過体重)」と判定される男女の死亡率が最も低かったとの研究結果が、7日のカナダの医学誌「カナディアン・メディカル・アソシエーション・ジャーナル(Canadian Medical Association JournalCMAJ)」に発表された。


 大半の人のBMIは18~35の範囲にある。米疾病対策センター(US Centers for Disease Control and PreventionCDC)はこのうち、25.0から25.9を「overweight(過体重)」、30.0以上を「Obese(肥満)」としている。

 論文によると「プロスペクティブ調査の結果、死の危険性が最も低かったのは、男女ともBMI24.0~25.9のグループだった」という。BMIがこれ より高くなっても低くなっても死亡率は上がり、台湾の成人のBMIと死亡率の関連性はU字型を示したと述べた。年齢や喫煙の有無、既存疾患の有無などで分 析した場合も、同様の関連性が示されたという。

 世界保健機関(World Health OrganizationWHO)はアジアで「過体重」とされるBMI指数の範囲を23.0~24.9に引き下げようとしているが、今回の研究はこれを支持しない結果になったと研究チームは指摘した。


 中国、浙江大学(Zhejiang University)の朱善寬(Shankuan Zhu)教授はこの論文に解説を寄せ、過体重や肥満の現在の定義を見直す必要がある可能性を示した点や、BMIと生活習慣病との関連性が白人の場合とは異なっていることを明らかにしている点など重要な成果だと述べた。(c)AFP


BMI; Quetelet index

An index of weight for height, calculated as:

BMI = weight in kg/ (height in metre)2
Measurements are for a subject barefooted and without clothes. You can use the above equation to calculate your own BMI (if measurements are made in pounds and inches, divide pounds by 2.2 to convert to kilograms, and divide inches by 39.4 to convert to metres).

The BMI has been used as a guideline for defining whether a person is overweight because it minimizes the effect of height, but it does not take into consideration other important factors, such as age and body build. The BMI has also been used as an indicator of obesity on the assumption that the higher the index, the greater the level of body fat. However, this assumption is not always true. Highly muscular people, such as body-builders, may have a high BMI but low fat content. Nevertheless, for most people, the BMI is a good way of determining a range of acceptable weights (figure 16).

Figure 16 Chart depicting body weight to height ratio
Figure 16 Chart depicting body weight to height ratio

Most authorities use the following guidelines:
20/td>underweight (may need to gain weight)
20-25advisable range
25-30overweight (some weight loss may be beneficial to health)
30-40obese (need to lose weight)
>35severely obese (urgent need to lose weight; advised to consult doctor)

The risk of developing diseases associated with obesity (e.g. high blood pressure and diabetes), do not appear to occur until the BMI exceeds 27, then there is a gradual increase in risk as the BMI increases. In practical terms, this means that the average woman, 1.63 metres (5 foot 4 inches) in height, should weigh between 52.7 and 67 kg (8 stone 4 pounds to 10 stone 8 pounds), but there is no health risk until she weighs more than 71.3 kg (11 stone 3 pounds). When the BMI exceeds 35, the risk of premature death is doubled.
