2020年3月29日 星期日

Simple masks could help flatten the curve. We should all wear them in public. vs 亞洲唯一「口罩無用派」!鐵齒新加坡為何能穩住疫情且無人死亡?

"There are good reasons to believe that DIY masks would help a lot," writes one research scientist.


2020年3月27日 星期五

空氣汙染微粒或可促進covid-19病毒傳染 Airborne particles may be assisting the spread of SARS-CoV-2

A new paper suggests that the virus might be getting a helping hand from atmospheric pollution

2020年3月25日 星期三

台灣故意環境污染者的罰則太輕: 翡翠水庫集水區棄置廢液桶 查出無照業者

↑↑↑ #公視新聞搶先看 ↑↑↑

2020年3月21日 星期六

Keep it clean: The surprising 130-year history of handwashing

Until the mid-1800s, doctors didn’t bother washing their hands – they would go from dissecting a cadaver to delivering a child. Then a Hungarian medic made an essential, much-resisted breakthrough.

Coronavirus: Expert says new symptoms could be loss of taste or smell

BREAKING: One of the country's leading Ear, Nose and Throat consultants has told Sky News there are new signs for detecting COVID-19 in patients

2020年3月20日 星期五

健康、工作,安全、環保優先經濟(GDP,股市......) Coronavirus has shattered the myth that the economy must come first |


Coronavirus has shattered the myth that the economy must come first | Adam Tooze
The world’s attachment to business as usual has caused


二次運球(Double Dribble),簡稱Double,是一個篮球術語,若在運球時將球用雙手抓住,在沒有對方觸碰時再繼續運球(只要球還在手上沒掉就都不算碰觸,因此運完球若被對手碰觸卻沒掉球仍舊在手中則一樣會被吹犯規),即為二次運球

Double_Dribble//二次_運球. 設計館故事. 創立時間: 2018 主張: 傳球給我使命: 打造展現自我主張的升級環保服飾配件材料內容: 廢棄籃球皮革、防潑水布、水洗帆布、五金配件製程: 材料解構+手縫工法+機器縫合特性: 實用、百搭、獨一無二. 閱讀更多.
