2014年2月28日 星期五



Victor Prado for The New York Times
我的兒子亞歷克斯已經快一歲了,他喜歡把什麼都放到嘴巴里,特別是 洗澡玩具。當他高興地啃着那隻熒光橙色、長着大大的眼睛的螃蟹時,我總歸會有點緊張。玩具的塑料小部件會不會被他吃下去?這套沐浴玩具組是中國生產、出口 到美國的,生產廠商宣稱它們「安全可靠」,質量「達到並超越」了美國法律規定,但這究竟指的是什麼呢?美國有這樣的法律嗎?我這是杞人憂天嗎?此外,我和 其他家長又能在多大程度上保護親愛的孩子免受各種環境傷害?
在想到當今世界對化工產品和塑料製品的依賴時,我不禁聯想起唐納 德·拉姆斯菲爾德(Donald Rumsfeld)曾說的「已知的未知」——我們都知道,對於自二戰後出現的8萬餘種消費者化學製品的安全,我們知之甚少,因為沒有法令要求對這些製品進 行人體實驗。世衛組織(WHO)在其2012年的報告《內分泌干擾化學製品的科學現狀》中表示:「目前大多數商業性使用的化學製品並未接受任何測試。」
人們最主要的顧慮是內分泌干擾物,這是一種分子結構與我們的天然激 素類似的化合物。由於結構相仿,它們可以跟與天然激素結合的相同的受體接合,由此改變正常的內分泌活動,進而影響我們人體健康的方方面面。最讓人擔心的是 兒童,因為這些內分泌干擾物可以在最敏感的生長衝刺階段——首先是在母體的子宮中發育時,接着是在青春期階段——產生永久的傷害。最臭名昭著的例子是己烯 雌酚(DES),在二戰後很多孕期婦女服用了醫生開具的這種人工雌激素,目的是防止妊娠併發症。但人們漸漸發現,服用這種藥物的媽媽生下的女嬰罹患一種罕 見的陰道癌,DES因此作為一種致癌物遭禁,但即使是現在,當年的這群「DES女兒」仍然繼續遭遇生殖健康問題,而且出現問題的不僅是她們自己,還有她們的女兒,這意味着一些內分泌干擾物可以永久地改變我們的基因,影響子孫後代。這便是我最擔心的現代警世寓言,也是世衛組織關注的焦點:我們的子女,我們的後代。
極富聲望的《美國醫學會雜誌·兒科》(JAMA Pediatrics)在2012年發表了學會對內分泌干擾物的評論,基本上認同世衛組織對這種化學製品的評價,那就是儘管有關人體研究的硬數據並不十分有力,但足以令人感到關切,並做出結論,「作為預防手段,有避要減少孕期婦女和兒童暴露於內分泌干擾化學製品中」。
令我擔心的是,雖然像DES這類化合物已經遭到了禁止,但還有大量 內分泌干擾物仍然廣泛用於各類日常用品中,最常被人提及的化合物包括雙酚A(BPA)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)和鄰苯二甲酸酯。雙酚A可以製造防碎塑料,在 20世紀60年代以來就被普遍用於製造塑料(奶)瓶、幼兒用的吸口杯、食品和飲料(奶粉)罐內側塗層。而在家中的保鮮膜、塑料肥皂盒和管材這類透明或半透 明用品中,聚氯乙烯是常見的材料。鄰苯二甲酸酯是最常見的增塑劑,在玩具、化妝品、食品包裝中十分普遍。它們可對兒童產生傷害,跟不孕、肥胖、癌症和神經 發育障礙,比如行為異常和智商低下有關。針對雙酚A,現在國際社會與中國的標準十分統一,歐盟、美國和加拿大、中國都已經禁止其用於嬰幼兒食品容器(如奶 瓶)的生產。至於鄰苯二甲酸酯,中國的質量標準上則有所滯後,2011年2月,歐盟已將三種常見鄰苯二甲酸酯直接列入化學品「淘汰名單」,在兒童產品中的 使用受到了嚴格控制,而中國2008年頒佈的國家標準玩具及兒童用品聚氯乙烯塑料中鄰苯二甲酸酯增塑劑的測定》中,雖對玩具中鄰苯二甲酸酯的測試方法做出 了詳細規定,但未對其含量設限。近兩年,質檢部門就分別在出口的童鞋兒童玩具中檢出了超標的鄰苯二甲酸酯。在台灣,2010年,一位從事包膜工作多年、長期接觸塑化劑的女工所懷胎兒查出患隱睾症,主治醫生懷疑與其長期暴露於較高濃度的鄰苯二甲酸酯有關;而在香港,浸會大學於2010年進行的一項研究發現,抽查的200個香港人血液樣本中,有逾九成鄰苯二甲酸二酯含量超標。
需要指出的是,這些研究和「共識」聲明最主要的問題在於,幾乎所有 研究都是動物實驗而非人體實驗,因此沒有人可以打保票說,在動物身上造成的傷害必然也會出現在人身上。實驗室的小鼠和猴子並非人類,而我們確實知道,有很 大一部分藥物雖然在小鼠身上取得了極好的效果,卻在下一階段的人體實驗中失敗。因此我需要承認,所有關於現代社會化學製品的醫學顧慮都並非定論,我也希望 未來我們能得到更加堅實的數據。
一些研究人員曾為了減少這種不確定性而做過實驗,他們幫助研究對象移除了家居環境中的所有塑料製品來源,比如塑料容器和預包裝食品,隨後監測其尿液中的BPA和鄰苯二甲酸酯副產品濃度。這些研究的研究十分驚人,也讓人深感不安。其中最著名的一項研究是 在2010年1月,在舊金山灣區進行,研究者來自於美國「寂靜春天研究所」(Silent Spring Institute)和美國乳腺癌研究基金等科研院所。他們移除了5戶人家共20口人所接觸的所有BPA和鄰苯二甲酸酯產品,結果他們尿液中這類化合物的 濃度確實明顯下跌。但2013年一項類似實驗卻出現了一個完全意想不到的結果:實驗組的鄰甲二甲酸酯水平出現了顯著增加。研究人員隨後檢查了參試人員的各類食物來源,結果在其「相對健康」的預包裝食品中,發現芫荽粉的鄰苯二甲酸酯濃度高得驚人(21400毫微克/克),此外,在乳製品和辣椒粉這類香料中也都含有較高濃度的鄰苯二甲酸酯(前者為超過440毫微克/克,後者為700毫微克/克)。研究人員推測,這可能是因為包裝材料中的鄰苯二甲酸酯遷移到了食品中。
家長們可以在幾個消費者團體網站和博客中查找有益的建議。我比較喜歡「Soft Landing」博客,你可以在裡面找到十分有用的安全產品購買指南。此外,香港食品安全中心也很有用,不僅提供了一次性塑料容器使用指南,同時還可以下載一個PDF版本的食品包裝與容器安全使用指引兒科環境健康特別小組也提供了類似的建議。以下是我匯總的一些最值得推薦的建議:

1. 盡量購買不含BPA、鄰苯二甲酸酯和PVC的產品,在「Soft Landing」博客上可以找到很詳細的列表,尤其要避免含這類成份的嬰兒製品。
2. 將所有塑料食品容器都換成玻璃的。
3. 參考塑料編碼體系指引,避免標誌上註明3、6和7的產品,使用標明1、2、4、5的產品,後者材質較為穩定,有更好的耐熱、耐酸、耐油等特性。
4. 考慮購買有機食品,以減少暴露於農葯中的風險。
5. 如果需要使用塑料食品薄膜,只使用PE(聚乙烯)薄膜;儘可能避免食物直接接觸塑料薄膜;儘可能不要在包裹上薄膜後在微波爐中高溫加熱。
6. 尤其不要讓薄膜接觸液體表面,而且冷熱液體都不可以。
7. 使用帶高效能HEPA過濾網的吸塵器定期清理家中的地毯和地板,減少室內粉塵傷害。
8. 從餐館裡打包回來的食物,回到家後要儘快放到玻璃容器中,永遠不要用外賣塑料盒加熱食物,也不要直接食用裡面的飯菜。
至於亞歷克斯的洗浴玩具?「Soft Landing」博客將其列入較安全洗浴玩具中,而生產廠商多次向我寫信,證明這些產品「不含BPA、鄰苯二甲酸酯和PVC」。所以我就讓他繼續啃玩具吧。
Richard Saint Cyr(聖西睿智醫生)是來自美國的全科醫生,現在在北京的和睦家醫院工作,撰寫着健康博客myhealthbeijing.com。自2007年起他與太太在北京居住,可以通過新浪微博和他互動。

2014年2月27日 星期四

How to Get Fit in a Few Minutes a Week

How to Get Fit in a Few Minutes a Week

Thomas Tolstrup/Getty Images
Phys Ed
Gretchen Reynolds on the science of fitness.
High-intensity interval training, a type of workout that consists of very brief bouts of very strenuous exercise, has become enormously popular in recent years. A main reason is that although such workouts are draining, they can be both very effective and very short, often lasting only a few minutes.
But people take notably different approaches to this form of exercise. Some complete only one sustained, all-out, four- or five- minute bike ride or sprint — a single interval — and then are done. Others practice standard interval training, involving repeated brief bursts of almost unbearably taxing exertion, interspersed with restful minutes of gentler exercise. Some people perform such sessions two or three times per week; others almost every day.
The science of intensive interval training has, though, been lagging behind the workout’s popularity. Past studies of HIIT, as the practice is commonly known, had established that as measured by changes in cellular markers, standard short-burst HIIT training may improve aerobic fitness up to 10 times as much as moderate endurance training. But scientists had not determined whether a single sustained interval likewise improves fitness, or the ideal number of HIIT sessions per week.
So to clarify those issues, researchers at two of the laboratories most noted for HIIT science set out to learn more about the best way to do interval training.
First, for a study published this month in Experimental Physiology, scientists at McMaster University in Ontario gathered 17 healthy young men and women and divided them into groups. Ten of them were asked to exercise on two separate days. On one day they completed a standard HIIT session consisting of four 30-second bouts of all-out, tongue-lolling effort on a stationary bicycle, alternating with four minutes of recovery between. On another day they completed a single uninterrupted interval lasting for about four minutes, by which time each rider had combusted the same amount of energy as during the stop-and-go session. Before and after the workouts, the scientists gathered blood and muscle samples.
Separately, the remaining seven volunteers did the continuous four-minute workout three times a week for six weeks. The researchers again collected blood and muscle samples, and monitored changes in the riders’ athletic performance by having them ride as hard as possible for a specified period of time.
When collated and compared, the data showed that the physiological differences among the two groups of riders were notable and, in some ways, strange.
On the one hand, the scientists found no significant variations in how the muscles of riders in the first group responded to a single session of interval training, whether of the standard stop-and-go variety or a sole sustained effort. In both cases, the riders showed immediate, post-exercise increases in their blood levels of certain proteins associated with eventual improvements in endurance capacity.
But when the researchers checked blood and muscle tissue in the second group of riders after they had completed six weeks of single-interval training, some of the pending improvements seemed to have evaporated. These riders’ muscle tissues now had only average — not augmented — amounts of the chemicals that help cells to produce more energy, a reliable marker of fitness. This finding was in stark contrast to the results of earlier work by the same researchers, in which they found that six weeks of standard short-burst HIIT exercise resulted in significant, sustained gains in these markers.
The implications of the new study are not altogether clear, said Martin Gibala, the chairman of the department of kinesiology at McMaster University and senior author of the study, but “it would appear,” he said, “that there is something important, even essential, about the pulsative nature” of on-off HIIT training if you wish to reap sustained physiological improvements.
In more practical terms, before you riff on your current workout, check to see whether reliable science supports your improvisation.
That caution is underscored by the results of the other major new study of interval training, this one published this month in PLOS One and undertaken at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. In it, scientists asked volunteers to perform a total of 24 standard HIIT sessions over either three or eight weeks, meaning that the volunteers exercised either three times per week or almost every day and sometimes twice on the same day.
At the end of the prescribed time, those who had completed three HIIT sessions per week had improved their endurance capacity by almost 11 percent. But those exercising daily displayed no such improvements and, in some, endurance declined. Only after those volunteers had quit training altogether did their aerobic capacity creep upward; after 12 days of rest, their endurance peaked at about 6 percent above what it had been at the start, suggesting, the researchers believe, that daily high-intensity interval sessions are too frequent and exhausting. In that situation, fatigue blunts physical adaptations.
The takeaway of both studies is that it is best, if you wish to perform high-intensity interval training, to stick to what is well documented as effective: a few sessions per week of 30- or 60-second intervals so strenuous you moan, followed by a minute or so of blessed recovery, and a painful repetition or four. Done correctly, such sessions, in my experience, get you out of the gym quickly and inspire truly inventive cursing.

2014年2月26日 星期三


Mental Illness Risk Rises With Father’s Age, Study Finds

Children born to middle-aged men are more likely to develop any of a range of difficulties, like attention deficits, bipolar disorder and autism, according to a new study.


The marketing message being trumpeted to middle-aged men is: "Do you feel tired? If so, testosterone supplements will make you more energetic, thinner, less grumpy and more sexually active." What is never mentioned in the advertising campaigns are the side-effects, let alone the possible long-term risks http://econ.st/1lggbFq

2014年2月25日 星期二


【民報專題】攏係為了錢?椰油治失智研究 藥廠興趣缺
可是,事後應該針對椰油療效投入更多經費的大型研究案,卻遲遲沒有大藥廠參與。為此,美國UCLA/VCMC 醫學中心榮譽主治醫師劉鍾毅感嘆,椰油取得太容易,就算研究證實具有療效,也無利可圖,藥廠當然就興趣缺缺。



新頭殼newtalk2014.02.26 翁嫆琄/綜合報導

知名餐廳「鼎王麻辣鍋」備受消費者喜歡,不過今(26)日出刊的《壹週刊》爆料,鼎王的湯頭是由超過10種化學粉末調製而成,「與泡麵調味包差不多」,湯 頭及食材更被驗出含有農藥及汞、鎘等重金屬成份,與聲稱的「健康風味」完全不符。對此,鼎王上午緊急召開記者會,強調絕對有熬煮湯頭,創辦人陳世明還說, 他要懸賞500萬元來找出爆料者。

鼎王最受歡迎的麻辣鍋底,官網上強調湯頭是採用32種中藥與多種蔬果熬製而成,主打「健康風味」,但根據《壹週刊》的最新報導,鼎王麻辣鍋的員工爆料,雖 然鼎王強調湯頭都是用中藥、蔬果熬煮而成,但事實上卻是用由大骨粉、味精等超過10種粉末所調製,再加水煮沸而成,與泡麵的調味包差不多,但價格卻高上多 倍,涉嫌欺騙消費者。


針對週刊報導,鼎王創辦人陳世明出面澄清,強調確實有使用蘋果、大蒜、洋蔥來熬煮湯頭,還使用了「天然中藥粉」,而鼎王湯頭則是在烏日廠製作,湯頭是用豆 瓣醬熱炒,並加入香油、冰糖、蔬菜、中藥材等。至於被爆料加入大骨粉,陳世明強調,鼎王的湯頭本來就沒有加大骨熬湯,「怎麼會加大骨粉!」他說,中藥就可 以配出牛骨味,根本不用加。




【壹週刊】食材驗出農藥重金屬 鼎王天然湯頭攏係假


對 外強調湯頭均以中藥材及天然蔬果熬煮而成的「鼎王麻辣鍋」,因廣受消費者喜愛,至今已發展出「無老鍋」「塩選燒肉」等5大品牌,在台灣及大陸共開了23家 分店,年營業額達10億元。但本刊取得鼎王食譜密件,發現湯頭竟是由味精、大骨粉等10多種粉末調製而成,涉嫌詐騙消費者,簡直是胖達人翻版。



Beijing's air pollution is so bad that scientists, who have noticed it impact on photosynthesis, say it resembles a nuclear winter.

2014年2月24日 星期一


別名 Benzol
CAS號 71-43-2
PubChem 241
ChemSpider 236
ChEBI 16716
RTECS CY1400000
化學式 C6H6
莫耳質量 78.11 g·mol−1
外觀 無色透明易揮發液體
密度 0.8765(20) g/cm3 [1]
熔點 5.5 °C(279 K)
沸點 80.1 °C(353 K)
溶解性 1.8 g/L (15 ℃) [2][3][4]
黏度 0.652 cP,20 ℃時
偶極矩 0 D
So298K 173.26 J/mol·K
熱容 135.69 J/mol·K (298.15 K)
警示術語 R:R45-R46-R11-R36/38-R48/23/24/25-R65
安全術語 S:S53-S45
歐盟分類 可燃(F
Carc. Cat. 1
Muta. Cat. 2
NFPA 704
NFPA 704.svg
閃點 −10.11℃(閉杯)
自燃溫度 562.22℃
相關化學品 甲苯
若非註明,所有數據均出自一般條件(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。





若停在戶外大太陽下溫度超過 6 0 ( 15.5 )就上升至2000-4000毫克,超出允許量的40倍!



DNA prostate test 'will predict deadliest cancer risk'

Prostate cancer

Related Stories

DNA testing can predict which men face the highest risk of deadly prostate cancer, scientists say.
The team at the Institute of Cancer Research, in London, say men could soon be offered genetic screening in a similar way to breast cancer in women.

Start Quote

I can see in two to three years offering screening to men with prostate cancer and to men worried about their family history”
Dr Zsofia Kote-Jarai Institute of Cancer Research
They have shown 14 separate mutations can greatly increase the odds of aggressive prostate cancers, which could form the basis of a test.
Prostate Cancer UK said such testing could "revolutionise" care for men.
Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer in men in many countries, including the UK - where more than 40,000 people are diagnosed each year.
But not every patient has, or needs, invasive therapy that results in severe side-effects.
Identifying which men will need treatment - those who are likely to develop the most aggressive and deadly form of the cancer - is a huge challenge.
Danger genes The researchers took blood samples from 191 men with prostate cancer and at least three close family members with the same condition.
Each was tested for risky mutations - this included the BRCA genes that are involved in repairing DNA and already linked to breast and ovarian cancers.
The results, published in the British Journal of Cancer, show that 7% of the men had one of 14 high-risk mutations.
The researchers said that it was also these men who had the aggressive prostate cancer that had started to spread around the body.

Start Quote

We urgently need to understand more about which men are at risk of developing prostate cancer and in particular aggressive forms of the disease”
Dr Iain Frame Prostate Cancer UK
One of the researchers, Dr Zsofia Kote-Jarai, told the BBC: "I can see in two to three years offering screening to men with prostate cancer and to men worried about their family history."
However, she said it was unlikely these men would immediately opt to have their prostate removed.
Many women with a high risk of breast cancer, for example Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, opt to have their breast tissue removed.
"A mastectomy is removing an organ we don't really need, and there is excellent plastic surgery afterwards. Radical prostatectomy has really big side-effects. It is more likely men will be monitored more closely."
The side-effects include infertility, difficulty maintaining and keeping an erection, and uncontrolled urination.
'Exciting' However, the screening is not ready yet. The research group is already running a larger trial involving 2,000 men and testing 192 genes.
Dr Iain Frame, the director of research at the charity Prostate Cancer UK, said: "We urgently need to understand more about which men are at risk of developing prostate cancer, and in particular aggressive forms of the disease.
"Genetic testing to predict risk could revolutionise how we treat the 40,000 men diagnosed with the disease every year in the UK.
"These results are exciting as they add to the growing weight of evidence that men with a family history of prostate cancer who possess certain genes may be at higher risk, providing us with another crucial piece of the jigsaw."

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2014年2月23日 星期日

7 Weird Signs of Health Troubles


當你的甲狀腺,一個在你的脖子上的蝴蝶形內分泌腺體,攪動了激素 - isn't正常工作,它會影響激素的整個身體,包括那些與頭髮生長相關。什麼是正常,什麼是不?甲狀腺相關脫髮,你可能會遇到其他的鬃毛變化,比如你的頭髮變得乾燥粗糙,或之前就開始吵了起來。甲狀腺功能低下也可引起減薄眉毛。
誰的人看起來老的年齡有股票的麻煩在道路上的風險較高,建議研究人員在哥本哈根大學醫院。相比於人而不老化灰色的頭髮,禿頭,皺紋,和膽固醇的沉積明顯跡象眼瞼,那些有三個或四個徵兆有心臟疾病的高40 %的風險和心臟發作超過35的高出57 %的風險年。如果您發現上述任何跡象,請醫生檢查,可能是潛伏在表面之下的任何其他心臟疾病的危險因素。
更多: 100的方式來保護您的心臟檢查:呼吸為:勃起功能障礙。
龍的氣息是牙齦疾病的警示信號,這可能與勃起功能障礙的聯繫。土耳其研究人員發現, 30至40歲之間的男性,患有嚴重牙齦疾病均超過三倍更有可能從勃起問題遭受比球員與健康的牙齦。你的舉動:刷,一天兩次,每天使用牙線,並為您的牙醫敞開每年兩次。
測試,測試1-2-3 。患有糖尿病的人的兩倍以上的可能性是那些沒有這種疾病有聽力損失,報告的研究人員在新潟大學在日本。出人意料的是,年輕的糖尿病患者,在年齡60甚至更可能對發展中國家的聽力損傷比他們的老對手。與糖尿病相關的高血糖水平可能會損傷血管在你的耳朵。

7 Weird Signs of Health Troubles

From your fingernails to your nose, these tricks could give you clues about your body for years to come

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You don’t need a crystal ball to predict your future health—just your five senses. Whether you realize it or not, many conditions and diseases start with physical changes you may not pinpoint as problematic. The good news: If you know what to look for, you can spot many issues early—and treat them fast. Here are seven ways your body could be signaling a health hazard.
Check Your: Sense of Smell
For: Alzheimer’s disease.
A decline in sniff-ability could be one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study by the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Mice bred to produce high levels of a protein called amyloid precursor protein—involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease—had higher rates of nerve cell death in their noses compared to normal mice. Changes that occur in your olfactory system due to Alzheimer’s may be similar to those that happen in other regions of the brain, but appear much sooner. Gradually losing your sense of smell can be normal after age 70, but if you notice a decline much younger—or more suddenly—discuss it with your doc.  Know what symptoms warrant a trip to your doctor: Learn the 7 Pains You Shouldn’t Ignore.
Check Your: Fingernails
For: Lupus.
Healthy nails are typically smooth and spotless. If you notice redness under your fingernails it could be a sign of lupus, a disease in which your immune system attacks healthy tissues. Lupus can also cause a rash on the backs of your hands and fingers as well as swelling and puffiness at the base of your nails.
Check Your: Hairline
For: Thyroid disease.
When your thyroid—a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland in your neck that churns out hormones—isn’t working properly, it affects hormones throughout your body, including those linked with hair growth. What’s normal and what’s not? With thyroid-related hair loss, you may experience other mane changes, such as your hair becoming dry or coarse before it started falling out. An underactive thyroid can also cause thinning of the eyebrows.
Check Your: Reflection
For: Heart attack.
People who look old for their age have a higher risk of ticker trouble down the road, suggest researchers at Copenhagen University Hospital. Compared to people without visible signs of aging—gray hair, baldness, wrinkles, and cholesterol deposits on the eyelid—those with three or four signs had a 40 percent higher risk of heart disease and a 57 percent higher risk of a heart attack over 35 years. If you notice any of these signs, ask your doctor to check for any other heart disease risk factors that may be lurking beneath the surface.
More: 100 Ways To Protect Your Heart
Check Your: Breath
For: Erectile dysfunction.
Dragon breath is a telltale sign of gum disease, which may be linked with erectile dysfunction. Turkish researchers found that among men between 30 and 40, those with severe gum disease were more than three times more likely to suffer from erection problems than guys with healthy gums. Your move: Brush twice a day, floss daily, and open wide for your dentist two times a year.
More: Discover What More Testosterone Can Do for You

Check Your: Eyes
For: Cognitive decline.
In a study, people as young as 38 who had wider blood vessels in their eyes scored worse on IQ tests than those with smaller veins, according to Duke researchers. The veins in your eyes are similar in size, structure, and function to your brain’s vessels, so your peepers could indicate a decline in brain health years before the onset of dementia. It’s not so easy to spot the change yourself, so make a yearly appointment with your eye doc. And while you’re at it, make sure you know the top 10 Questions Every Man Must Ask His Doctor.
Check Your: Hearing
For: Diabetes.
Testing, testing 1-2-3. People with diabetes were more than twice as likely as those without the disease to have hearing loss, report researchers at Niigata University in Japan. Surprisingly, younger diabetics—under age 60—were even more at risk for developing hearing impairment than their older counterparts. High blood sugar levels associated with diabetes may damage blood vessels in your ears.
This article was written by Paige Fowler and originally appeared on MensHealth.com.

Read more: 7 Weird Signs of Health Troubles | TIME.com

2014年2月21日 星期五

讓 防凍劑對人畜更少毒害

汽車上使用時,防凍劑除了要防止它們在高於引擎最低工作溫度的溫度凝固,兼防止冷凍系統的金屬生鏽。1930年代前,甲醇是最流行的防凍劑,可是它的熱容量沸點都很低,而且時間一長,它的份量都漸漸因蒸發而減少。1937年,開始使用乙二醇,其沸點高,使得它取代甲醇,直到現在仍流行。其缺點是有毒。丙二醇是沒有毒性的防凍劑,它以甘油為原料。1980年代Jack Evans發現使用無水的防凍劑——乙二醇及丙二醇的混合液,其沸點超過攝氏180度。

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