2008年2月28日 星期四

宵夜大吃大喝 熱量多 當然會發胖 煙害~~密招 !

這篇紐約時報的問答是常識 宵夜大吃大喝 熱量多 當然會發胖
Q & A

Midnight Meals

Published: February 26, 2008

Q. Is there any truth to the idea that if you eat heavily late in the evening, you will gain weight?

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Victoria Roberts

A. The research is not conclusive on a clinical effect of late meals, but there are suggestions that there might be one.

“If the calories are exactly the same, it shouldn’t make a difference, but my clinical impression is that people who eat late at night eat more,” said Dr. Louis J. Aronne, director of the comprehensive weight control program at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. They may be eating “an extra meal, if you will, ‘the fourth meal,’ as one ad put it,” Dr. Aronne said. Studies of college students who eat late at night have found that they are more likely to put on weight.

“Eating a big meal just before going to bed has been found in studies to elevate triglyceride levels in the blood for a period of time,” Dr. Aronne said. A higher triglyceride level “has been associated with metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance,” both related to weight gain, he said.

Dr. Aronne suggested a theoretical framework for why late meals may stay with you. “If you ate 500 calories during the day but walked around afterward, your muscles would be competing with your fat cells for the calories and could burn them up as energy for physical activity,” he said. “But if you consume it at bedtime, with no physical activity, the body has no choice but to store the calories away as fat.”

我收到林公孚先生轉來的 覺得它可能是偽造的咖啡宣傳 躊躇是否轉登

今晚與日本友人在咖啡館吸煙室活受罪--不好意思溜溜之大吉--這位台灣電影史專家還舉最近過世的大導演大煙槍 市川活到九十幾....

所以決定轉登 一笑
萬芳醫師的~~密招 !

下次感冒初起,不妨試試 ! 無害...



趕緊先喝兩、三杯熱開水(不可以喝冰的) 等三、五分鐘,




而且,很神 奇的,流鼻水、打噴嚏、頭痛都慢慢不見了!





