2010年11月27日 星期六

歐盟禁售BPA(雙酚A) 奶瓶

歐盟禁售雙酚A奶瓶 台灣不跟進

  • 2010-11-27
  • 中國時報
  • 蔡鵑如、邱俐穎/綜合報導

 歐洲聯盟執行委員會廿五日宣布,為顧及歐盟國家兒童健康,明年起禁止使用並販賣含有化學物質雙酚A(Bisphenol A,簡稱BPA,又名酚甲烷)的嬰兒用塑膠奶瓶;衛生署表示,我國雙酚A溶出限量標準於廿二日甫公告上路,目前尚不考慮禁售相關產品。


 歐盟執委會在聲明中指出,明年三月一日起,禁止歐盟各國業者製造含BPA的聚碳酸酯(polycarbonate)材質嬰兒奶瓶。而明年六月一日起,不准含BPA的奶瓶販售與進口。  歐洲議會今年六月已呼籲對BPA實施禁令。達里表示,禁令是和歐洲食品安全局(EFSA)、歐盟會員國及業界討論數月的結果。



 衛生署食品藥物管理局食品組長蔡淑貞表示,衛生署從去年開始即著手草擬市售塑膠容器的雙酚A溶出限量標準,並於《食品器具容器包裝衛生標 準》正式增訂,本月廿二日公告上路。蔡淑貞說,廠商若一旦經查不符標準,將依《食品衛生管理法》,商品沒入、銷毀,並處以三萬到十五萬元罰鍰。


2010年11月24日 星期三





踩 踏發生原因尚不清楚。一些目擊者說﹐部分參加送水節的人從擁擠的橋上穿過時不小心掉進水中﹐引發了恐慌﹐於是發生了踩踏。這座橋位於金邊市中心和附近小島 之間。大家紛紛試圖逃離﹐導致大橋更加擁擠﹐因為兩個方向都在互相推擠﹐導致人群不能動彈。很多人說﹐除了頭身體其他部分都動不了﹐這種狀況持續了一個多 小時﹐還有的人躺在屍體上面。


17歲的金邊學生Ly Chea Oun說﹐很多人大喊要求當局切斷燈光電源﹐他說當時被卡在混亂的人群中﹐有些人觸電而死。他離開小島的時候幾乎馬上就要過橋了﹐但一大群人沖過來把他卡住了。最後他得到了營救﹐被送到了醫院。

政府發言人否認使用了水炮及有人觸電的說法﹐他們說﹐他們在盡力確認該事件的全部原因。柬埔寨首相洪森(Hun Sen)已下令進行調查﹐並宣佈將25日定為全國哀悼日。

還有些受害者說﹐這座橋太窄了﹐根本無法承載前往小島參加音樂會的巨大人流﹐這個島是新落成的房地產項目鑽石島(Diamond Island﹐也叫Koh Pich)的一部分﹐位於巴薩河(Tonle Bassac River)上﹐對面就是金邊市中心區域。

Patrick Barta


媒体看中国 | 2010.11.24




“这两起引起轰动的事件反映了中国建筑行业中极 度无所顾忌的做法已成系统。这里并不缺少法律和号召注意安全的呼声。工厂或居民区发生事故后,第二天在事发地肯定会挂上‘安全第一’的横幅。但是,在呼吁 和落实法律规定之间有很大的缺口。为了快速廉价地建房,许多建筑企业并不重视建筑材料的质量和安全保护条例。



“直到现在,中国意识的现代化只意味着速度和变 化。一位桥梁工程师说,‘中国是一个由梦想驱动的国家,所以规划首先要符合规定的目标’。过去数十年,城市几乎没有长久考虑,人们对短期内建了又拆、拆了 又建的行为习以为常。结果是建筑物的质量极不相同,光鲜外墙背面的危险难以揣测。”



“这一不稳定因素对国民经济产生了久远的影响。 中国人把收入的三分之一都储蓄起来,而国家的经济计划部门更愿意看到这些钱流入消费领域。许多中国人对政府的改革计划持怀疑态度。毕竟在毛的时代共产党曾 答应,给予人民全面保障,也就是‘铁饭碗’,这一切在市场经济开放时代又被废除。受苦的人主要是农村居民,他们此后只能象以前一样,依靠自己的家庭。”




2010年11月23日 星期二



Survivors Fill Hospitals as Cambodia Toll Rises

One of the worst stampedes in recent years killed at least 378 people at a holiday celebration Monday night.

柬埔寨踩踏事件:排除系恐怖事件 好奇加重慘劇

http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2010-11-23 21:43:50

  中新社金邊23日電,原本舉國歡慶、歌舞昇平的柬埔寨“送水節”,卻在22日晚上即將結束前的幾個小時,發生了出乎意料的擠壓踩踏致死悲劇事 件,造成了上千人死傷。死傷者大多數為來自周邊省份的村民及制衣廠工人,給柬國人民帶來了揮之不去的傷痛,金邊眾多市民也為此度過了一個悲傷的難眠之 夜。

 柬埔寨《華商日報》提供消息稱,擠壓踩踏的慘劇發生後,迅速傳遍 金邊大街小巷,習慣於早眠的金邊市民因此根本無法入睡,四處打聽猜測,各類謠言 也隨之而起,鬧得人心惶惶。所幸洪森總理于23日淩晨1時半正式通過各大電臺公開事實真相,並責令各級政府部門迅速投入救災之中,爭取將死亡人數減至最 低。洪森總理于淩晨2時30分再度向國民表示,死亡人數已竄升至339人,同時也有超過300人受傷,並於各大醫院急救中,政府還迅速決定11月25日為 全國哀悼日。
 政府神速的應變、及時讓全國市民跟進與瞭解慘劇真相,得到了市民普遍的讚賞。各大咖啡廳23日一早在談論此事時,對洪 森總理的應變舉措都予以支 持。市民詹旺達表示,自己徹夜未眠、緊跟電臺新聞但覺得十分值得。與前段時間菲律賓政府對於劫持事件的應對能力相較,柬國政府官員確實已盡力而為了。而且 洪森總理的及時反應,同時也告之金邊市民這不是一場恐怖事件,而是純屬意外。而現場憲兵的積極救難表現確實難得,不單讓他掌握了第一時間的資訊,也改變了 以往對政府的看法。
 23日上午,金邊大部分員警已被抽調前往各大醫院及事發現場維持秩序,金邊各主道的員警明顯比往日減少許多。金 邊警察局長杜那洛表示,慘劇發生 在送水節即將結束之時,將所有人帶入悲痛之中,眾多政府官員及執勤員警、憲兵徹夜救援,維持秩序,力爭將死亡人數控制到最低。柬國政府又宣佈了成立四個相 關的善後緊急處理部門。
 排除系恐怖事件 好奇加重慘劇
 柬埔寨政府雖未對事故發生的原因定下結論,但已積極展開 調查。根據現場情況及各方面收集的訊息,目前已可確定的是,擠壓踩踏慘劇絕非恐怖事件, 而造成整起意外的發生排除了橋體坍塌、斷裂或搖晃,或者電線短路所致。甘密醫院法醫指出,死者大部分因肺部缺氧窒息而死,身體各部位都有明顯的擠壓傷痕。 傷者也表示,當時情況極為混亂,橋上人滿為患,許多人都可以腳不沾地的被推來擠去,最後慘劇終於發生了。
 據目前掌握的線索推測,導 致悲劇的發生較為可信的因素是:事發當時,因橋上過於擁擠,造成其中個別老年人因體力不支而暈倒,引發周邊年輕人的恐 慌及哄鬧,讓更多好奇者從兩邊往橋上擠,因此有人被擠至護欄處,護欄搖晃讓橋上者誤為橋身傾斜,引發更大的恐慌導致慘劇發生。而另一說法事件的起因是橋上 擁擠時,好事的男子趁機對周邊女孩伸出“咸濕”手所致。
 根據現場畫面及警方的說法可以得知,來自首都以外省份的遊客對於交通規則並 不熟悉,愛湊熱鬧,及年輕人的好奇心態才是此次悲劇的導火索。而最為 可悲的是,悲劇發生時,圍觀者不是即時散開,而是一擁而上的,阻礙了最佳的救援機會,也加重了慘劇的發生。無論如何逝者已矣,柬國市民尤其是年輕人更應從 此事件中吸取教訓。



本刊版主剛從中國回來 一周來未更新


鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
台灣戴明圈: A Taiwanese Deming Circle
電話:(02) 23650127

2010年11月15日 星期一


又是MIC! 美爆多起環保袋含鉛超標





紐 約時報報導,目前沒有證據顯示這些環保袋將對公眾造成立即威脅,紐約知名超市販售的環保袋也沒有驗出含鉛超標。然而,全美各地最近不斷出現環保袋恐含危險 劑量鉛的報導,其中包括知名藥局CVS提供的環保袋,連鎖超市Wegmans在9月間也停止銷售兩種可重複使用的塑料環保袋,因為經樣品測試後發現,部分 環保袋上的綠色塗漆含鉛超標,這些塑料環保袋均由中國製造。





吊車撞翻公車 4屍5命9傷
桃園客運被撞後,車體嚴重扭曲變形,慘不忍睹。 (記者余瑞仁攝)
被大型起重車從後方追撞的桃園客運,翻覆撞斷兩根電桿,造成四死九傷的慘劇。 (記者余瑞仁攝)


〔記 者余瑞仁、李容萍/桃園報導〕男子黃榮城無照駕駛重達四十五公噸的大型起重車,昨天行經桃園縣龜山鄉忠義路下坡路段時,疑因煞車失靈,龐然大物一路往下 衝,一部桃園客運公車被這部失控的起重車撞翻後又拖行了約一百二十公尺,並撞斷兩根電桿後才總算停住。這起意外造成孕婦莊毓萍等人慘死,釀成四屍五命與九 人輕重傷的慘劇。

警方指出,車禍發生於昨天下午三時許,往返桃園與松山機場間的桃園客運公車,連駕駛共十八人,由司機黃正明駕駛,自台北返 回桃園,途經忠義路下坡路段卓厝準備停靠站牌之際,黃榮城駕駛「南崁起重工程行」所屬的大型起重車,突然沿路急按喇叭警告前車,並大喊「踩不到煞車!」 後,先擦撞一部小貨車,小貨車被彈到內側車道,隨即撞上客運車右後尾部,客運車身轉了九十度左傾橫在馬路上,起重車吊架竟然又不偏不倚頂住客運車底盤往前 衝去,拖行二十公尺後,客運車左側擠斷一根電桿,巨大衝擊力讓電桿斷成好幾截,起重車這時衝上人行道,客運車又再被往前拖行一百公尺,撞到第二根電桿才停 住,車身嚴重扭曲變形。

桃園釀禍 未申請路權




司機被扣照 無照駕駛





桃 園客運總經理邱德義指出,損毀的車輛是車齡才兩年的新車,價值五百萬元,將向肇事駕駛的公司求償車損及死傷損失;至於乘客理賠,邱德義說,每張車票都有投 保平安險,死亡或重度殘缺者可獲三百二十萬元理賠,加上強制責任險一百六十萬元,最高可獲四百八十萬元賠償,傷者最高可獲六十萬元理賠。






2010年11月14日 星期日



2010年11月13日 星期六

澳航A380迫降事故 涉引擎部件出問題

澳航A380迫降事故 涉引擎部件出問題



萊希在悉尼對記者稱,引擎製造商勞斯萊斯已解決新版Trent 900型引擎的渦輪軸承箱問題;但他沒有進一步闡明勞斯萊斯沒有更換舊版引擎的有問題引擎部件的原因。勞斯萊斯方面則拒絕評論萊希的聲明。

2010年11月9日 星期二

2010年11月8日 星期一

Rolls-Royce Narrows Engine Probe

Rolls-Royce Narrows Engine Probe

[QANTAS_B1] DPA/Zuma Press

A Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine at a Lufthansa site in Germany in July

Rolls-Royce Group PLC said Monday thatit is closing in on understanding why one of its engines on a Qantas Airways Ltd. Airbus A380 jetliner blew apart last week, and the British engine maker is making fixes that will allow the Australian carrier to return its superjumbo jets to service.

close in on

Rolls-Royce said in a written statement that the Qantas incident was unrelated to an apparently similar accident in August with a test engine for the new 787 Dreamliner made by Airbus's top rival, Boeing Co. of the U.S.

"It is now clear this incident is specific to the Trent 900 engine," which is used only on Airbus A380s, Rolls-Royce said Monday. Rolls-Royce added that checks are now being completed that will allow the aircraft to resume operations "in full compliance with all safety standards."

Qantas Chief Executive Alan Joyce said the carrier's engineers found oil leaks in engines on three of its six A380s. The fleet of double-decker planes—which are made by Airbus, a unit of European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.—has been grounded since Thursday, after the fiery blowout of a turbine that forced a flight with 466 passengers and crew onboard to make an emergency landing in Singapore soon after taking off.

Mr. Joyce said Monday that Qantas's A380 jets are likely to remain grounded for at least another 72 hours.

"These engines are not performing to the parameters you would expect," he told a news conference in Sydney.

Qantas engineers identified oil leaks on engines from three separate superjumbo jets, one in Sydney and two others in Los Angeles, Mr. Joyce said. "The oil leaks were beyond normal tolerances," he said.

A Rolls-Royce spokesman declined to comment on Mr. Joyce's statements.

Mr. Joyce added that Qantas's Trent 900 engines are adjusted to provide more thrust than those on the two other airlines that use the engine model. He said this could help explain the failure. The two other airlines, Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Singapore Airlines, found no problems on their engines after conducting detailed inspections.

"We have done our checks and we are back in normal A380 operation," said a Lufthansa spokesman.

The Trent 900 is designed to deliver between 70,000 and 80,000 pounds of thrust. All three airlines' Trent 900s are physically identical, but control computers on Lufthansa's and Singapore Air's engines are set at 70,000 pounds, while Qantas's are set at 72,000 pounds, according to people familiar with the equipment.

The average length of Qantas A380 flights is also longer than those of Lufthansa and Singapore Air A380 flights. This means the Australian carrier's superjumbo jets generally carry more fuel and are heavier at takeoff, and so require more engine power to get off the ground.

All of these issues are being examined by investigators as possible factors contributing to the incident, although a person familiar with the investigation said the difference in thrust alone wouldn't explain the engine failure.

"One of the things we're looking at is whether those operational considerations by having the high level of power" are actually contributing to this, Mr. Joyce said. If that is the issue, he added, "this is a problem with the engine not meeting its design criteria." A spokeswoman for Qantas said other issues are still being examined as well.

Mr. Joyce's comments increased pressure on Rolls-Royce, which is based in Derby, England, amid concerns of a wider design problem with its higher-powered engines for certain A380s. The company makes and services turbines for aircraft, naval vessels and power systems. It is separate from the car brand of the same name, which it spun off in 1973 and was purchased by German auto maker BMW AG in 1998.

Shares in Rolls-Royce are down 7.3% since Wednesday, although the company's stock price rebounded 2.7% on Monday to close at 607 pence (US$9.83) in London.

Editors' Deep Dive: Aircraft Maintenance Taking Off

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Fitch Ratings, which tracks companies' debt, said in a prepared statement that Rolls-Royce's public problems "have no immediate impact on the company's ratings." But Fitch said it "will monitor events closely over the coming days and weeks to assess the extent of the effect on Rolls-Royce."

Qantas faces heavy losses from grounding its fleet of the 460-passenger aircraft as it juggles flight schedules and rotates spare aircraft into its roster. Shares in Qantas fell 2.1% to close at 2.80 Australian dollars (US$2.84) in Sydney on Monday. The company's stock price is off 3.1% since the engine blowout forced Flight QF32 to turn back on Thursday en route to Sydney. Qantas said last week it is leasing aircraft from British Airways PLC to meet its flight schedule without the use of the A380 fleet.

"It's too early to put a number on total cost," Mr. Joyce said.

Write to Enda Curran at enda.curran@dowjones.com

2010年11月7日 星期日




衛生署指出,過去健保給付的藥品大都以骨質密度值小於-2.5之因骨質疏鬆引起之骨折患者為限,未來將放寬第一線藥物(如:福善美錠等)亦可給付 於骨質疏少症(骨質密度值介於-1.0及-2.5之間)引起兩次或兩處骨折病患。同時,活性維生素D3製劑為治療骨質疏鬆症必要之輔助藥物,先前因價格昂 貴而限制不得與骨質疏鬆治療藥物同時給付,目前該類製劑價格已較為低廉,本次修正亦放寬可不再限制同時給付。

另外,過去藥品給付規定並未對骨質疏鬆症及其檢驗方法作明確規定,本次修訂採用世界衛生組織(WHO)對於「骨質疏鬆症」的定義(骨質密度值T score小於等於-2.5),並考量一般使用之超音波簡易測定的數值並不精準,以雙能量X光吸收儀(DEXA)檢測特定部位之骨密度值較為準確,因此規 定骨質密度值以DEXA檢測,可避免診斷及用藥浮濫。誠如醫界所言,骨鬆藥物長期服用有後遺症,因此仍應謹慎為之。如果民眾在甲醫院作DEXA檢驗,因故 轉換醫院治療,只要將檢驗報告副本或影本交給乙醫院貼在病歷上,一樣可以得到給付。





2010年11月6日 星期六


大林慈院:預防超級細菌 你,洗手了嗎?



賴重彰醫師表示,目前NDM-1在腸桿菌家族裡最常見的兩種細菌︰大腸桿菌、克雷伯氏肺炎桿菌兩種細菌上發現,不排除還會傳到其它細菌上。一旦被帶有NDM-1的細菌感染,目前除了克痢黴素(colistin)和老虎黴素(tigecycline )兩種抗生素可能還有效之外,幾乎無藥可醫。




新聞提供:大林慈濟醫院公共傳播室 黃小娟








2010年11月5日 星期五

Rail safety awareness (Japan)

EDITORIAL: Rail safety awareness


Have calls for safety simply become lip service? In October, a rapid train exceeded the speed limit when it entered the curve where a commuter train derailed in April 2005 in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, on the JR Takarazuka Line, killing 107 people.

Thanks to the automatic train stop (ATS) system that was installed after the 2005 disaster, the train was halted and an accident was prevented. But the incident was a chilling reminder of the terrible loss of lives.

What concerns us is the driver's comment: "I was late in applying the brakes because I was thinking of something else." What happened to the improvement of safety awareness that has been chanted like a mantra?

Recently, West Japan Railway Co. (JR West) has been the subject of a number of disturbing reports.

A conductor was arrested on suspicion of removing a fuse from a backup power source for a radio system that transmits alerts to nearby trains in emergencies.

In a tunnel on the Sanyo Shinkansen Line, maintenance trains collided after an employee of a JR sub-subcontractor was driving over the speed limit.

Speakers for the ATS and emergency brake systems in the driver's cab have been found covered with tape or stuffed with paper because they were too loud. As a result, drivers are not hearing the alarms until the systems go into operation to stop the train.

JR West has said it made a "basic safety plan" and is tackling "risk assessment."

Each section of the company is required to properly assess danger factors that could lead to accidents, report them and set priorities to deal with each case. That is the idea of risk assessment. It requires close communication within the organization and between employees. It is also aimed at changing the so-called top-down corporate climate.

However, the series of safety incidents has given rise to suspicion that the sense of crisis is waning again with the passage of five and a half years since the derailment. It is particularly serious that problems are arising among drivers and conductors, who are directly responsible for overseeing safety.

An investigative team of the transport ministry recently surveyed drivers who had passed the curve on the Takarazuka Line before the accident. Twenty-one percent said they had passed it over the speed limit. The company had been explaining that drivers do not exceed speed limits by a large margin.

The survey results show there has been a gap in safety awareness between the company and its train crews.

Not only JR West, but all transport systems need to ensure good communication between the front office and the personnel with hands on the controls. Good communication builds mutual trust and unity and fosters the formation of a safety culture.

Lessons of major accidents must not be forgotten. JR West must not make light of minor accidents and near misses and should re-examine its level of safety awareness among of all employees and related parties.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 4

Qantas grounds A380s

Qantas grounds A380s after Singapore emergency landing

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A passenger's mobile phone footage shows the damage to the Qantas plane's wing

The Australian airline Qantas has grounded its six-strong fleet of Airbus A380 airliners after one of the superjumbos made an emergency landing.

Qantas flight QF32 experienced engine trouble shortly after taking off from Singapore on its way to Sydney.

One of the engines exploded with a bang, a passenger told the BBC, and debris was found on an island below.

Singapore Airlines said its A380 flights would be delayed pending technical checks.

Engine maker Rolls-Royce said it was in the process of checking the 20 A380 planes currently in service - with Qantas, Singapore and Lufthansa - that use its Trent 900 engines. It said "the safe operation of our products is our number one priority".

The other 17 A380s in service - with Air France and Emirates - use another engine.

One area of investigation will be a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) airworthiness report in August that flagged up one potential problem with the engine. There is no evidence that this is linked to the latest incident.

'Big scare'

Qantas said flight QF32, with 433 passengers and 26 crew on board, experienced an "engine issue" over western Indonesia shortly after taking off from Singapore at about 1000 (0200 GMT).

Start Quote

When we got off and saw the engine itself and the back casing burnt off, that was pretty scary. I'm just happy to be alive and safe”

End Quote Lars Sandberg Passenger

"It's a significant engine failure," Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said at a news conference.

"We do take our safety reputation and our safety standards unbelievably seriously. And we're not going to take any risks with passenger safety - and as a precaution, we're suspending the flights of the A380 aircraft until we're comfortable that we understand the reasons for this."

No-one was injured during the incident, which ended at Singapore's Changi airport.

Smoke billowed from the aircraft, which aviation experts say is capable of flying on two engines. One of the engines was blackened and its rear casing was missing.

A team of air crash investigators is being sent to Singapore from France, where Airbus is based, to assist in the investigation.

"I was on the plane right next to engine two, which exploded with a loud bang within the first 10-15 minutes of take-off," Lars Sandberg, a DJ who was travelling to Sydney, told the BBC.

"I thought that something had fallen down in cargo underneath the plane, but the plane started shaking... I'm a little bit shaken up.


"The captain did a good job, though, in reassuring us, making announcements every few minutes."

Passengers said the pilot spent at least an hour and a half circling and discharging fuel ahead of the emergency landing.

Airbus A380

Airbus A380 (file image)
  • World's biggest passenger jet, with two full-length decks
  • Can carry up to 800 passengers
  • Can fly 15,200 km (9,424 miles)
  • First commercial flight October 2007
  • Length 73m (238ft)
  • Wingspan 80m (262ft)
  • Current operators (Rolls-Royce engine): Qantas (6 planes); Singapore (11); Lufthansa (3)
  • Current operators (Engine Alliance engine): Air France (4); Emirates (13)

"When we got off and saw the engine itself and the back casing burnt off, that was pretty scary," Mr Sandberg said.

The BBC's Nick Bryant in Sydney says aviation experts have identified debris that fell on the Indonesian island of Batam as part of a Qantas engine casing.

A teacher on Batam, Indra Kurniawan, told the BBC World Service: "We heard an explosion. Then I saw rubbish in the sky but after one of the pieces hit our school, we all knew it was debris from the plane."

The grounding will mean inconvenience for thousands of passengers scheduled to fly on the aircraft, correspondents say.

Those aboard the stricken aircraft may also have a significant wait ahead to get to their destinations as there are so many of them to re-route.

Singapore Airlines, which operates 11 A380s with Rolls-Royce engines, says it was advised by Rolls-Royce to carry out "precautionary technical checks" on its aircraft.

"Singapore Airlines will be delaying all flights operating our A380 aircraft," spokesman Nicholas Ionides said.

Rolls-Royce said it was unclear how long its checks would take but that they were "fairly basic". It is anticipated these will be one-off checks.

The EASA confirmed it had issued an airworthiness directive on 4 August requiring an inspection of certain conditions within the Trent 900 engine.

"Some of these conditions present a potential unsafe condition to the aeroplane," it said.

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Mobile footage captures the moment the plane lands at Singapore

EASA communications officer Jeremie Teahan told BBC World News that one of its experts was en route to Singapore to take part in the investigation.

Rolls-Royce said it was working with its customers and analysing the data, adding: "This is at a very early stage and it would be inappropriate to draw any conclusions at this time."

Air France and Emirates use the GP7200 engine built by a consortium called Engine Alliance. The airlines say they have no plans to ground their fleets.

Bad timing

This incident is a worrying development for Qantas, an airline which prides itself on an exemplary safety record.

For the European manufacturer Airbus, the timing of this incident could hardly have come at a worse time, reports the BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris, as the Chinese President Hu Jintao is in Paris to complete negotiations for a new order of Airbus A350 and A330 passenger planes.

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The closest the airliner has come to a similar incident was in September 2009, when a Singapore Airlines A380 turned around in mid-flight and returned to Paris after one of its four engines failed.

The A380, which made its maiden flight in 2007, is the flagship of the European aviation giant's fleet.

The result of a long and costly research programme, it made its first commercial flight in 2007. It is the world's largest passenger airliner, a double-decker which can carry up to 800 people - though Qantas A380s are set up to carry about 450.


洲航空公司(Qantas Airways Ltd.)一架空中客車A380客機的一個引擎在飛行中發生爆炸後﹐該公司已停飛其空客A380客機﹐其他使用該超大型飛機的航空公司也在做安全檢查。

AFP/Getty Images


引 擎故障及全球最大噴氣客機的頭銜吸引了媒體和業界的密切關注。A380客機在出現重大生產問題後﹐於2007年投入商業運營。目前說飛機所用的Trent 900引擎有什麼問題還為時尚早﹐該引擎由英國勞斯萊斯公司(Rolls-Royce PLC)生產。其他航空公司使用這一引擎的A380客機正在接受特別檢查﹐之後才會恢復飛行。

鑒於A380體積龐大﹐工程複雜﹐而且價格在3億美元左右﹐一些安全專家說﹐此次引擎爆炸使更多的人質疑﹐空中客車公司(Airbus)和波音公司(Boeing Co.)最新推出的這類寬體客機能否延續以往傳統﹐即新機型會比其取代的老機型更安全和可靠。




歐 洲航空防務航天公司(European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.)旗下空中客車公司的發言人說﹐公司將與澳洲航空和澳大利亞政府的調查人員緊密合作﹐以確定事故起因。勞斯萊斯的發言人說﹐正在協助調查﹐並依賴完 善的事故處理程序來收集和瞭解與此次事故相關的信息。


Andy Pasztor / Daniel Michaels

2010年11月4日 星期四



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  10月からは工業デザインや育児の専門家らによる協議会で、誤飲しにくい医薬品用容器の活用方法を検討している。欧米では、両脇を押しながら回さないと開 かないキャップなど、子どもが開けにくい容器が実用化されている。都は今年度中に対策内容をまとめ、国などに提言する。(岡雄一郎)



2010年11月1日 星期一

Cell-Phone Safety: What the FCC Didn't Test

Cell-Phone Safety: What the FCC Didn't Test

By Michael Scherer / Washington

FCC guidelines on the safety of cell phones assumed that there would be a buffer between the device and your body. Gulp

We are a nation grown numb to the seemingly endless fine print that accompanies our purchases. But every now and then a product is sold with a warning that should command attention. Consider the little-noticed bit of legalese that comes in the safety manual for Apple's iPhone 4: "When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 mm (5/8 inch) away from the body, and only use carrying cases, belt clips, or holders that do not have metal parts and that maintain at least 15 mm (5/8 inch) separation between iPhone and the body," the warning reads.

Similar warnings against carrying cellular and smart phones in a closely sewn pocket show up throughout the industry. The safety manual for Research in Motion's BlackBerry 9000 phone tells users that they may violate Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines for radio-frequency energy exposure by carrying the phone outside a holster and within 0.98 inches (2.5 cm) of their body. The safety manual of the Motorola W180 phone tells users to always keep the active device one full inch away from their body, if not using a company-approved "clip, holder, holster, case or body harness." (See the top 10 iPhone applications of 2009.)

Skeptics of the safety of cellular phones have seized upon these warnings as evidence that the ubiquitous devices may be exposing Americans to far more radiation than regulators measure. "Nobody is watching," says Devra Davis, the author of a new book called Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family. "Is the law broken if something is so complicated that nobody notices?" (See the all-time top 100 gadgets.)

The answer, like the fine-print warnings themselves, is complicated, and likely has as much to do with corporate concerns over legal compliance as it does with health, given the current body of scientific knowledge. "The companies want to legally protect themselves," says Robert Cleveland Jr., a former FCC official who worked on setting the current cellular-phone radio-frequency standard. (See a cell-phone radiation report card for several major phones.)

The warnings stem from an odd quirk in federal testing procedures designed to ensure the safety of cellular phones. In 2001, the FCC released a set of guidelines for manufacturers that required all cell phones sold in the U.S. to emit a specific absorption rate (SAR) of not more than 1.6 watts of radio-frequency energy per kilogram of body tissue, a standard deemed safe given the state of scientific knowledge about thermal harm from radio-frequency waves. The standard was considered a so-called worst-case scenario, accounting for the energy emitted when the phone was transmitting at full power all of its various signals — such as Bluetooth, wi-fi and cellular.

But the FCC testing regulations notably chose not to simulate a situation in which the phone was broadcasting at full power while inside a shirt or pants pocket flush against the body, an odd oversight given the known habits of many cellular-phone users. As a matter of physics, radio-frequency energy generally increases sharply as distance is reduced. "The exposure is definitely related to distance," says Cleveland. (Comment on this story.)

According to the 2001 FCC guidelines, testing of the device in a "body-worn" configuration should be done with the device in a belt clip or holster. If a belt clip or holster was not supplied with the phone, the FCC told testers to assume a separation distance of between 0.59 inches and 0.98 inches (1.5 cm to 2.5 cm) from the body during a test.

"Clearly if it's tested in a holster, it's only guaranteed to be compliant if it's used with a holster," says one current FCC official familiar with these issues, who asked not to be identified by name. "Clearly a lot of people weren't aware of this, and it probably does need to be addressed." Some phones come with a holster included, while others, including Apple's iPhone 4, are not sold with holsters.

A spokeswoman for Apple, Natalie Harrison, provided a statement in response to questions about the iPhone warning. "iPhone's radio-frequency energy is well within the limits set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S., Industry Canada of Canada and other countries," she said. Representatives for Motorola and Research in Motion did not respond to requests for comment.

John Walls, a spokesman for CTIA, a trade group representing the wireless industry, confirmed that the warnings arose from the FCC testing guidance. "Because they test at the waist in the holster, any reference to use guidelines or advice incorporates the buffer the holster provides," Wall wrote in an e-mail to TIME. (See cell phones and other products in TIME's 20 back-to-school gadgets.)

So should you be worried about putting your phone in your pocket? The answer depends largely on how much faith you put in the current state of scientific research about radio-frequency energy.

Both U.S. and international regulatory bodies like the World Health Organization have found that available scientific evidence does not demonstrate an increased health risk due to the radiation that is emitted by cellular phones. But these statements, which are based on large studies looking for increases in conditions like brain cancer, do not rule out the possibility that future studies might reach a different conclusion, as more data is collected over longer periods of time and the general use of cellular phones increases. (See photos from inside an X-ray studio.)

The FCC notes on its websites that studies linking radio-frequency exposure and cancer "have been inconclusive." The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has primary responsibility for monitoring the health science of cellular phones, has stated that it cannot rule out the possibility of a health risk from phones, but if such a risk exists, "it is probably small." One recent study found that people who used their phones most often and for the longest period of time — 30 minutes a day or more on average for at least 10 years — had a substantially higher risk of developing some form of brain cancer, but the study also found that those who rarely used cellular phones had a lower risk than those who used only corded phones. (Read about one study's muddled findings on cell phones and cancer.)

The FDA recommends that those concerned about these health risks can either reduce the amount of time spent using a cell phone or "use speaker mode or a headset to place more distance between your head and the cell phone." If using a hands-free headset, the FDA recommends keeping a distance between your phone and your body, either by holding the phone in your hand, where it is likely to be less of a hazard, or in an approved body-worn accessory like a holster.

Given the current testing guidelines, it is impossible to know if any phone currently sold in the U.S. would exceed 1.6 watts per kilogram if worn in a pocket flush with the skin, or by how much. But the fine-print warnings suggest manufacturers are aware of the possibility. The BlackBerry 9000 warning, for instance, states that users should "use only accessories equipped with an integrated belt clip that are supplied or approved by Research In Motion" to "maintain compliance" with FCC guidelines. (Comment on this story.)

In a recent update to its online advisory on cell-phone radiation, the FCC noted, "Many people mistakenly assume that using a cell phone with a lower reported SAR value necessarily decreases a user's exposure to RF emissions, or is somehow 'safer' than using a cell phone with a high SAR value."

The posting went on to explain that any given phone could have several different emissions levels in various configurations, and that FCC testing is only designed to ensure that the phone does not exceed 1.6 watts per kilogram of exposure in a "most severe, worst case (and highest power) operating conditions." The Web posting, however, did not explain why FCC testing fails to account for the worst-case (and quite common) scenario of a cell-phone user who wears a phone against the skin inside a pocket.

See how cancer threats are present in not-so-hidden places.

See the top 10 medical breakthroughs of 2009.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2027523-2,00.html#ixzz145NbXOLA

Read "How Safe Is Your Cell Phone?

See a photographic history of the cell phone.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2027523,00.html?xid=newsletter-weekly#ixzz145NUOiRY