2010年9月30日 星期四

國道6號工安意外 7死3輕重傷/ 工安檢查12次

工安檢查12次 國道6號還是出事










莊永和往生,留下二個小孩,大的唸國三,小的僅小四,潘清雲目前在清潔公司上班,生活很清苦。行政院長吳敦義上午在立法院無法分身,由行政院中部服務中心 執行長侯惠仙到殯儀館慰問潘清雲。侯惠仙說,政府會盡力協助罹難者家屬。國道新建工程局二區工程處上午已到殯儀館致送慰問金。




【2010/10/01 聯合晚報】






國道6號工安意外 7死3輕重傷
國道六號北山交流道工程昨下午發生崩塌意外,造成十人傷亡,現場調動大型機具進行緊急搜救。 (記者廖耀東攝)


〔記 者佟振國、陳信仁、陳鳳麗、鍾麗華、李文儀、陳賢義/綜合報導〕南投縣國姓鄉國道六號北山交流道西行線匝道工程,昨下午一時二十八分進行混凝土澆灌作業 時,多根鋼架突然傾斜倒塌,長八十公尺、重達兩千公噸的鋼筋混凝土節塊,瞬間從約五十五公尺高空墜落河床,造成七人死亡、三人輕重傷,是國道史上最慘重的 工安意外事故。


這場重大工安意外, 七名罹難者中有六名是印尼外勞、一名台籍工地領班莊永和;三名傷者包括兩名台籍工人張志誠、謝平順及越南籍的童中士。





昨 天中午工地領班莊永和(四十一歲、南投人)與綽號阿豆、阿力、阿七、阿九、阿偉、阿貴六名印尼籍勞工,在鋼架上方進行混凝土澆灌作業,兩名工人張志誠(四 十九歲、高雄人)、越南籍的童中士及水電工謝平順(五十二歲、彰化人)在下方施工,多根鋼架突然傾斜、倒塌,接著轟隆巨響,八十公尺跨距的混凝土塊如從天 而降,崩塌現場宛如人間煉獄。




台東大武也傳意外 一死二傷



漫畫來源: Ted Goff

不過 他會操作

2010年9月29日 星期三


社會新聞重視 "勇氣十足! 捷運正義妹揪色狼"

搭捷運遇到變態怎麼辦。台北縣一名女子,發現一名男子對他做出猥褻動作,沒有驚慌害怕,反而鼓起勇氣,立刻按下緊急通話按鈕,過了3個捷運站後,捷運警察 出現,上車抓色狼。留著捲髮外表清秀。相片裡頭笑得很開心。但是這位漂亮的陳小姐。萬萬沒想到。上班時間搭捷運。會遇到變態。當時就像這樣。走進捷運車 廂。正好門口有一個空位。於是就一屁股坐了下去。但沒想到坐在前面的男生。竟然在眾目睽睽下。行進的車廂中。作出猥褻的動作。看到這畫面讓陳小姐當下覺得 噁心。立刻採取行動。陳小姐起身走到對講機旁。按下按鈕。只是捷運車廂正在進行。對講機裡頭的捷運人員。說什麼根本聽不清楚。陳小姐只聽見唏哩呼嚕的聲 音。於是又再講了一次車廂號碼。有男子正在做猥褻動作。就這樣講了3次有人在猥褻。只是同時間旁邊也有很多搭車民眾。這讓陳小姐覺得好尷尬。把這段過程 PO在網路上。要網友搭捷運時特別小心。不過有網友對於陳小姐勇敢的行為。大大的讚揚稱他叫做。正義大嬸。其實當下也很害怕啦。不過陳小姐沒想那麼多。只 希望不要再有女性受到騷擾。至於台北捷運公司的緊急通話系統。會這麼的不清楚她也希望能夠好好改善。讓婦女搭捷運時。多一份保障。


素還真遭祝融 分身正常演出 【11:05】







BP's New Chief Puts Emphasis on Safety

BP's New Chief Puts Emphasis on Safety
BP incoming chief Robert Dudley unveiled big changes designed to improve safety and announced the departure of the senior executive who oversaw drilling operations.

2010年9月28日 星期二

PVC保鮮膜 2013年起擬禁用

PVC保鮮膜 2013年起擬禁用
長期鼓吹民眾勿用PVC的看守台灣協會秘書長謝和霖表示,PE可以完全取代PVC,禁用PVC對民眾生活完全不受影響。 (記者劉力仁攝)

〔記 者劉力仁、高嘉和/台北報導〕保鮮膜應用廣泛,家庭主婦都少不了它,但材質為PVC(Polyvinylchloride,聚氯乙烯)的保鮮膜含塑化劑, 黏性雖好,微波或包裝食物時卻容易溶出,焚化時可能產生戴奧辛。環保署預定自一○二年起禁止PVC及聚偏二氯乙烯(PVDC)保鮮膜製造、輸入,並禁止零 售販賣。



看 守台灣協會秘書長謝和霖表示,PVC是五大泛用塑膠(PE、PVC、PP、PS、ABS)中唯一的含氯塑膠。PVC如果沒有添加塑化劑,跟水管一樣是硬邦 邦,因此添加塑化劑改變柔軟度。另外PVC的熱安定性很差,為避免PVC產品在太陽高溫照射下裂解,還必須添加安定劑,通常為鉛、鎘、鋅等重金屬。


謝 和霖表示,PVC保鮮膜隨處可見,路旁的西瓜攤老闆將鮮紅欲滴的西瓜包上一層薄薄保鮮膜;餐廳服務生端來滿滿的一大碗雞湯,為怕溢出,雞湯上包上一層薄薄 的保鮮膜,幾乎都是PVC材質。大賣場各種生鮮蔬果、雞鴨魚肉幾乎也都用PVC包裝,環保署只禁家用保鮮膜不夠,連商用保鮮膜都應禁止,PVC有適當的替 代品PE(聚乙烯),對消費者不會產生影響。


塑 料公會總幹事王慶華反彈說,立法禁用PVC、PVDC保鮮膜製品,很沒有道理,全球只有台灣這樣做。環保團體質疑PVC加熱會產生有害人體物質,主因是 PVC內的氯乙烯單體VCM,但國際上對PVC內含VCM標準是十PPM以下,台灣是一PPM以下,非常嚴格。而台灣焚化爐溫度是攝氏一千度,PVC在八 百五十度就會完全燃燒,不會產生戴奧辛。





2010年9月25日 星期六

Mysterious computer worm infects Siemens-built control systems

Computers | 25.09.2010

Mysterious computer worm infects Siemens-built control systems

A sophisticated computer virus, called Stuxnet, has attacked widely used industrial control systems built by the German engineering giant Siemens. Experts warn that the virus could be used for sabotage.

One of the most sophisticated pieces of malware ever detected has infected tens of thousands of computers in Indonesia, India, the United States, Australia, Britain, Malaysia and Pakistan. The biggest target, however, has been Iran.

The computer virus, known as Stuxnet, is a "working and fearsome prototype of a cyber-weapon that could lead to the creation of a new arms race," Kaspersky Labs, an Internet security firm based in Moscow, warned in a statement.

The German engineering conglomerate Siemens, which developed the systems attacked by Stuxnet, said the malware spreads via infected USB thumb drive memory sticks, exploiting vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Windows operating system.

The super-virus attacks software programs that run on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, or SCADA, systems, a product developed by Siemens and sold around the world, including to Iran. SCADA is used to manage water supplies, oil rigs, power plants and other industrial facilities.

Once the worm infects a system, it quickly sets up communications with a remote server computer that can be used to steal proprietary information or take control of the SCADA system.

A nighttime view of Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor facilityBildunterschrift: Iran is suspected of secretly developing nuclear weapons using its Bushehr facility as a cover

Stuxnet source unknown

Computer security experts have said the attackers may have chosen to spread the malicious software via thumb drives because many SCADA systems control sensitive operations and are therefore not connected to the Internet, but do have USB ports.

Ralf Langner, a German cyber security specialist, said the attack was launched by an as yet unknown software expert, very possibly a nation state.

"This is not some hacker sitting in the basement of his parents' house," he said.

Stuxnet is able to recognize a specific facility's control network and then destroy it, said Langner. He said he suspects that the virus' target was the Bushehr nuclear reactor facility in Iran.

Since June, Tehran has blamed unspecified problems for a delay in getting the facility fully operational. Iran's ISNA news agency reported that the country's nuclear agency met to determine a way to combat the computer worm.

A Siemens spokesperson, however, said the Iranian nuclear power plant was built with help from a Russian contractor and that Siemens was not involved. The spokesperson added that the company would not speculation the virus' target.

A study of the Stuxnet virus conducted by the US technology company Symantec showed that the country most affected by the virus was Iran with nearly 63,000 infected computers or more than two-thirds of all cases worldwide.

So far, neither Siemens nor cyber security experts in Europe, Russia or the United States, have discovered who is behind the Stuxnet attacks, but Langner said investigations would eventually point to the attackers.

"The attackers must know this," he said. "My conclusion is they don't care. They don't fear going to jail."

Author: Gregg Benzow (dpa/AFP/Reuters)

2010年9月23日 星期四

Faber-Castell (pencils)

  1. Faber-Castell International

    - [ 翻譯此頁 ]
    AW Faber-Castell, Faber-Castell, Faber, Accessoires, Albrecht Duerer, Bleistift, Buero, Buerobedarf, Design, Drehbleistifte, Druckbleistifte, Faber, ...
    www.faber-castell.com/ - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容
  2. 臺灣Faber-Castell : 首頁

    Faber-Castell PITT藝術筆創作影片榮獲知名Silver Telly電視大獎. 2010-05-28, 6/1~6/30前報名師資速成, ... 林布蘭》2008 FABER-CASTELL盃全國繪畫比賽得獎作品欣賞 ...


作者:經濟學人  出處:Web Only 2010/09


Faber- Castell成立於1761年,是全球最大的品牌鉛筆製造商,它的任務讓人望而怯步:改良那個鉛筆愛好者認為已臻完美的產品。許多人認為,進入電腦時代 之後,鉛筆會逐漸被人遺忘,但鉛筆的銷售仍持續增加。Faber-Castell年產量約22億枝。它們便宜又耐用,在學校非常受歡迎。

不過,Faber-Castell在衰退中仍能繼續成長,上個財報年度銷售上升了近6%。Faber-Castell在新興市場表現不 錯,也經由改良鉛筆增加在富有世界的市佔率。Lothar von Faber是公司創立者的曾孫,於1839年接掌公司;他發明了六角形鉛筆,讓鉛筆不會一直在桌面上滾動。


但對用鉛筆的人來說,有三項創新特別重要。其一,Faber-Castell於90年代開始採用環保塗料。老師和家長擔心小孩咬鉛筆會吞下有毒物 質,但小孩喜歡彩色,所以Faber-Castell伯爵重整製程,改用不含有毒化學物質的新塗料。第二項創新則是推出符合人體工學的三角形鉛筆,小孩也 非常喜歡這種鉛筆。第三項則是為鉛筆加上橡膠點,讓鉛筆不會從流汗的小手中滑開。


An eight-generation family firm shows how innovation need never stop
Faber-Castell The future of the pencil

A wonderful tool with many uses.ULYSSES GRANT, an American general, jotted down battle plans with one. Otto von Bismarck, a Prussian chancellor, used his to tamp down the tobacco in his pipe. Vincent van Gogh used one to "draw a woman sewing" and found they "produce a marvellous black and are very agreeable to work with."

Craftsmen have made pencils in Stein, near Nuremberg, for nearly four centuries. Faber-Castell, the world's biggest branded pencil manufacturer, has done so since 1761. Its task is daunting: to improve a product that pencil-lovers insist has been perfect for well over a century. Among these is Count Anton Wolfgang von Faber-Castell, a dapper former investment banker and the eighth member of his family to run the firm. "At my home I have a Faber-Castell pencil I bought from an antique dealer that must be from 1890 or 1895," he says. "It writes perfectly, even after all these years. That's the fantastic thing with a pencil."

Many people thought that pencils would become obsolete in the computer age, yet sales continue to grow. Perhaps 15 billion-20 billion are made each year, roughly half of them in China. Faber-Castell produces about 2.2 billion. They are cheap, sturdy and popular in schools, especially in poor countries. As countries grow richer, children's pencil cases grow fatter, though only up to a point. Sales of pencils in most European countries are growing only slowly, if at all.

Faber-Castell, however, has kept growing despite the recession. In its past financial year sales increased by almost 6%. The firm does well in emerging markets with vast numbers of bright-eyed schoolchildren. It is also grabbing market share in the rich world by making its pencils better. This is nothing new for Faber-Castell. Lothar von Faber, the great-grandson of the company's founder, took over in 1839 and invented the hexagonal pencil. By cutting the edges off a cylindrical one, he stopped it from rolling off a table.

Faber-Castell's second big innovation was stolen. In 1875 America's Supreme Court ruled that Faber was entitled to put rubber erasers onto the back of its pencils, although another inventor had already patented the idea. The court felt that the idea was too obvious to patent.

Since then, years of research have gone into making leads firmer and finding the type of wood that best protects them from breaking when dropped. But for scribblers, three ideas stand out. First, Faber-Castell started using water-based, environmentally friendly paints in the 1990s. Teachers and parents, who used to worry that children would swallow toxins while chewing their pencils, would have preferred plain wooden ones. But children love bright colours. So Count Faber-Castell reworked his entire process to accommodate new paints without harmful chemicals. Teachers in Europe now urge parents to buy them by name.

The count's second innovation was to introduce an ergonomic triangular shape that is popular with children. His third was to add rubbery dots that keep the pencils from slipping out of sweaty little hands.

As for the future, Count Faber-Castell still sees scope for further refinement. Pencils could perhaps be made tougher, or easier on the eye. But the basic design—graphite encased in wood—is unlikely to change much in the next ten to 15 years, he says. Asked about the next 100, he laughs. That may be for another generation to decide.

Environment matters from around the world

Living Planet | 23.09.2010 | 16:30

Environment matters from around the world

'Stop the Loss' roundtable on the biodiversity crisis: A special show this week, we hear from a panel of alternative Nobel prize-winners discussing what needs to be done to reverse the world's current catastrophic rate of extinctions.

You can listen to the show online or subscribe to Living Planet as a podcast. Click on the links below for the individual items.

CPRE--The Campaign to Protect Rural England

CPRE--The Campaign to Protect Rural England




Chileans optimistic for early October miner rescue

Chileans optimistic for early October miner rescue

SANTIAGO, Chile – Chilean rescuers are growing increasingly optimistic about pulling the 33 trapped miners out far sooner than originally estimated, and with drilling quickly advancing on three narrow escape chutes, they raced Tuesday to decide on a design for the capsule that will lift the men to safety.

President Sebastian Pinera has staked his presidency on being able to show the world that his government has safely rescued the miners ahead of schedule. He promised the men after they were found to be alive Aug. 22 that they would be home by Christmas — a timeframe mining experts called far too conservative — and then put hundreds of rescuers to work on three simultaneous drilling operations to reach them more quickly.

The engineer in charge of the rescue effort, Andre Sougarret, said Tuesday that "it's still premature to talk about shorter timeframes. We're sticking with the first days of November as the final date of the rescue."

But the rescue team's own numbers suggest faster progress. The biggest drill, labeled "Plan C," is capable of much faster speed, and the deeper it gets, the faster engineers plan to drill.

Barring unforeseen complications, it could break through to the miners at a point nearly 2,000 feet (597 meters) underground in the second week of October. Sougarret has said it would then take 8 days to insert an iron sleeve in the 28-inch-wide (71-centimeter-wide) chute to prevent rock falls while miners are being pulled out.

There's also the matter of an Oct. 15-22 European trip scheduled by Pinera, who promised the miners in a video chat Sunday that he would be there to hug them as they emerged.

While his ministers have struggled to manage expectations, Pinera could hardly contain himself when asked by reporters at the mine to commit to a date, saying with his usual broad smile that "it will be sooner than what you expect."

In another indication of the rescue effort's progress, Sougarret said the rescue capsule — named Phoenix for the mythical bird that burns to ashes, only to rise again and live for hundreds of years — has to be ready within 10 to 12 days after they decide on a final design this week.

With that in mind, engineers were viewing prototypes of the capsules Tuesday at ASMAR, the Chilean navy's shipbuilding operation in Talcahuano, where three of the capsules will be built to provide backups in case anything goes wrong.

The specifications are elaborate: The capsules must come equipped with tanks to provide three hours of oxygen, wheels mounted on shock absorbers to maintain contact with the pipe's walls, an internal harness to prevent injury to the miners, and a wireless communication system so the men can remain in touch with people inside and outside the mine during the 15- to 20-minute journey to the surface.

It also must fit through a chute just 23 inches (58.4 centimeters) in diameter, while also providing just enough room to squeeze inside for the largest man trapped below, a miner whose shoulders measure 19 inches (48 centimeters) across.

"That's the critical dimension for the cage's design," Sougarret said in a briefing Tuesday at the San Jose mine.

ASMAR plans a cylinder with walls of steel 0.16 inch (4 millimeters) thick, with an escape hatch and interior harness system designed to enable the occupant to lower himself back down into the mine should the capsule get stuck.

"Everything is advancing OK, the technical team ... is already at ASMAR evaluating the rescue capsule design. It has been baptized Phoenix. This week we will decide" its final characteristics, Mining Minister Laurence Golborne said by Twitter on Tuesday.

The capsule designers have received some guidance from U.S. engineers involved in Pennsylvania's 2002 Quecreek coal mine disaster, said Tom Foy, one of nine men who were pulled to safety in an operation that has many similarities to the effort in Chile.

Foy, now 61, was stuck for three days about 270 feet underground, in a coal seam just four feet high, with groundwater rising and oxygen disappearing. By the time rescuers broke through with an air pipe and heard them bang nine times to signal their survival, Foy figures they had just an hour of air left.

The Quecreek rescuers didn't bother installing a metal sleeve inside their escape chute. Groundwater gushed through walls of the hole and drenched the rescue cage as they were pulled up.

"Who cares about the water — just get us the heck out of there! It was pouring like buckets, but who cares?" Foy recalled. "They could have pulled me up on a rope for all I cared."


Associated Press writers Vivian Sequera at the San Jose mine and Eva Vergara and Federico Quilodran in Santiago contributed to this report.

(This version CORRECTS Corrects target depth of Plan C drill to nearly 2,000 feet (597 meters).)


















2010年9月22日 星期三

唾腺常識 (陳寬仁)



陳寬仁 (2010/09/03)

早在三月中,左臉耳下有小小浮腫,略有壓痛感,附近診所醫生說是淋巴腺發炎,吃三天藥消腫。 不幾天又患。換看醫生, 吃三天藥消腫,不幾天又患。看過牙科,一般外科,都不靈。吃藥吃得整天昏昏欲睡。

有一次,路遇一不識之老者教我去中藥店買「風陣」(樹根一般)煎水喝,也不靈。 去健保門診看診。大夫因無法檢驗,開了轉診單。去榮總看耳科。 耳科大夫安排去作CT 電腦斷層。二週後榮總報告,是沒有長什麼怪東西。又吃藥消腫,不幾天又患。改去請教中醫,做了三次針灸,不靈。







Tony KJ Chen

Stress hormone heart death link 壓力荷爾蒙與心臟病死亡相關

《中英對照讀新聞》Stress hormone heart death link 壓力荷爾蒙與心臟病死亡相關


High levels of the stress hormone cortisol are closely linked to death from cardiovascular disease, a Dutch study suggests.


In a six-year study of 860 over-65s, those with the highest levels of cortisol had a five-fold risk of death from cardiovascular disease. No link was found between high cortisol levels and other causes of death.


Cortisol is produced in order to help the body recover from stress and regain its physiological stability. But very high levels have been linked to risk factors for cardiovascualr disease.


In this study, researchers measured urinary cortisol levels in each participant. During the six years covered by the study, 183 people died. Cause of death was ascertained from death certificates.


The third of the subjects with the highest urinary cortisol had a five-fold increased risk of dying of cardiovascular disease.



urinary:形容詞,尿的,泌尿系統的。如:urinary tract infections 泌尿道感染。

-fold: 字尾,……倍。例句:In the last 50 years, there has been a 33-fold increase in the amount of pesticide used in farming.(過去50年間,農耕使用殺蟲劑的量增加了33倍。)

ascertain:動詞,確定。例句:The police have so far been unable to ascertain the cause of the explosion.(警方目前還不能確定爆炸原因。)







Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers?

Why Do Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers?

Correction Appended: Aug. 31, 2010

One of the most contentious issues in the vast literature about alcohol consumption has been the consistent finding that those who don't drink tend to die sooner than those who do. The standard Alcoholics Anonymous explanation for this finding is that many of those who show up as abstainers in such research are actually former hard-core drunks who had already incurred health problems associated with drinking.

But a new paper in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research suggests that — for reasons that aren't entirely clear — abstaining from alcohol does tend to increase one's risk of dying, even when you exclude former problem drinkers. The most shocking part? Abstainers' mortality rates are higher than those of heavy drinkers. (See pictures of booze under a microscope.)

Moderate drinking, which is defined as one to three drinks per day, is associated with the lowest mortality rates in alcohol studies. Moderate alcohol use (especially when the beverage of choice is red wine) is thought to improve heart health, circulation and sociability, which can be important because people who are isolated don't have as many family members and friends who can notice and help treat health problems.

But why would abstaining from alcohol lead to a shorter life? It's true that those who abstain from alcohol tend to be from lower socioeconomic classes, since drinking can be expensive. And people of lower socioeconomic status have more life stressors — job and child-care worries that might not only keep them from the bottle but also cause stress-related illnesses over long periods. (They also don't get the stress-reducing benefits of a drink or two after work.)

But even after controlling for nearly all imaginable variables — socioeconomic status, level of physical activity, number of close friends, quality of social support and so on — the researchers (a six-member team led by psychologist Charles Holahan of the University of Texas at Austin) found that over a 20-year period, mortality rates were highest for those who were not current drinkers, regardless of whether they used to be alcoholics, second highest for heavy drinkers and lowest for moderate drinkers. (Watch TIME's Video "Taste Test: Beer with Extra Buzz.")

The sample of those who were studied included individuals between ages 55 and 65 who had had any kind of outpatient care in the previous three years. The 1,824 participants were followed for 20 years. One drawback of the sample: a disproportionate number, 63%, were men. Just over 69% of the abstainers died during the 20 years, 60% of the heavy drinkers died and only 41% of moderate drinkers died.

These are remarkable statistics. Even though heavy drinking is associated with higher risk for cirrhosis and several types of cancer (particularly cancers in the mouth and esophagus), heavy drinkers are less likely to die than people who don't drink, even if they never had a problem with alcohol. One important reason is that alcohol lubricates so many social interactions, and social interactions are vital for maintaining mental and physical health. As I pointed out last year, nondrinkers show greater signs of depression than those who allow themselves to join the party.

The authors of the new paper are careful to note that even if drinking is associated with longer life, it can be dangerous: it can impair your memory severely and it can lead to nonlethal falls and other mishaps (like, say, cheating on your spouse in a drunken haze) that can screw up your life. There's also the dependency issue: if you become addicted to alcohol, you may spend a long time trying to get off the bottle.

That said, the new study provides the strongest evidence yet that moderate drinking is not only fun but good for you. So make mine a double.

The original version of this article misidentified abstainers (people in the study who were not current drinkers, regardless of their past drinking status) as people who had never drunk. The article has been edited to reflect the correction.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2014332,00.html?xid=newsletter-weekly#ixzz10FF4SmSk

茄紅素 lycopene

ly·co·pene ('kə-pēn') pronunciation


A red carotenoid pigment, C40H56, found chiefly in blood, the reproductive organs, tomatoes, and palm oils.

[Alteration of earlier lycopin : New Latin Lycop(ersicon), tomato genus (Greek lukos, wolf + Greek persikon, peach , from persikē, peach tree; see peach1) + -IN.]



茄紅素最鍾愛生殖器官- 聰明吃蕃茄- 美容養生- udn健康醫藥2008年4月28日 ... 茄紅素(Lycopene)又稱作番茄紅素,分子式是C40H56,是很強的抗氧化物。許多疾病及老化都與自由基有關,許多研究證實茄紅素能掃除自由基、延緩老化的 ...

博客來書籍館>享受茄紅素的32種吃法-<讓全家都能提高免疫力的32道蕃茄 ...茄紅素(Lycopene)是一種天然的色素,蕃茄、西瓜及紅葡萄柚呈紅色,是因為含有茄紅素的關係,它是類胡蘿蔔素家族的一員,茄紅素不僅僅是色素,還是很強的抗氧化物,能 ...

茄紅素可改善攝護腺肥大排尿障礙2006年12月22日 ... 【大紀元12月22日訊】(大紀元訊)改善因攝護腺肥大造成的排尿障礙,每天吞一顆茄紅素膠囊有效!台灣台大醫院研究發現,每天給予攝護腺肥大患者30毫克的 ...

2010年9月18日 星期六

全身捲入機器 骨頭全斷慘死

全身捲入機器 骨頭全斷慘死


傳 出意外的是中山路一家製造農業用塑膠網的工廠,昨天上午8點,負責人王璽凱的弟媳黃淑芬到工廠作業,不料9點多,一名外勞經過廠內的整經機時,赫然發現黃 女卡在機器內,趕緊停住機器並通報其他員工,王璽凱趕到將黃婦拉出,同時呼叫119,清水消防分隊救護車緊急趕到先將黃婦送往童綜合醫院,再轉台中榮總。 案發現場可見黃婦遺落的1隻鞋還在機器內,被剪斷的塑膠線、地面、甚至機器外緣,還殘留血跡。




2010年9月17日 星期五

Rick Rescorla《當災難來臨》


使地球末日很遙遠,生活中也是充滿可能遇到的災禍,遭遇災難時要如何面對呢? 《當災難來臨》節目中將綜合各領域專家和倖存者的意見,提供緊急應變的最佳策略。

很多人在 危機狀況下,不如預期中機智,反而將失去逃生的機會。美國911時,世貿大樓中的員工,即使知道大樓已經著火,仍有許多人沒有立即疏散,反而繼續寫E- mail,有的打開電視看新聞、有的聚在一起討論或將電腦關機、鐵櫃鎖好。

這都是錯估了災難的 緊迫性和嚴重性,也有很多人受限於同儕的壓力,遇到危險時不好意思在第一時間做出反應,以致喪失寶貴的逃生時間。大難臨頭再考慮就來不及了,專家提醒最重 要的是要先思考應變對策,若是遇到緊急事故的對策,才不致於慌了手腳。

緊急狀況 中每一秒都是生死存亡的關鍵,逃生專家建議,投宿飯店最好住在六樓以下,因為雲梯搆不到六樓以上。此外,緊急狀況中極可能一片漆黑、煙霧瀰漫,要記住從房 間到逃生梯經過幾間房並且走一遍逃生梯。同樣地,坐飛機要熟悉到逃生門會經過幾排座位,在視線不清時也能摸索到出口。
譬如說 Morgan Stanley 3800人員工在911只陣亡18人 (有些資料說10人)

其中關鍵人物是 Rick Rescorla

2010年9月16日 星期四

UK watchdog  found safety lapses on BP installations in North Sea

2010 年09月15日 14:57 PM

UK watchdog  found safety lapses on BP installations in North Sea

All but one of BP’s five installations inspected in 2009 in the North Sea were cited for failure to comply with emergency regulations on oil spills, raising questions over the company’s ability to manage a disaster in the area.

英国石油公司(BP)在2009年接受检查的5处位于北海的装置中,只有1处符合针对 石油泄漏的应急管理规定。这一发现使得该公司处理北海地区灾难事件的能力受到质疑。

Offshore inspection records obtained by the Financial Times under the Freedom of Information Act fault BP for not complying with rules on regular training for offshore operators on responding to disasters.

英国《金融时报》依据《信息自由法》(Freedom of Information Act)获得的离岸检查记录显示,BP没有按照规定,定期对离岸操作人员进行应对灾难培训。

Inspectors from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the UK government body monitoring compliance with companies’ approved emergency plans, also cited BP for failing to conduct oil spill exercises adequately.

英国能源与气候变化部(Department of Energy and Climate Change)的检查人员也表示,BP未能开展足够的漏油演练。这个部门负责监督各企业是否遵守了它们经过核准的应急方案。

DECC’s concerns come at a time of heightened scrutiny of the offshore oil and gas industry in the wake of the explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

BP位于墨西哥湾的深水地平线(Deepwater Horizon)钻井平台爆炸后,海上油气产业受到了更为严密的审查。

Tony Hayward, BP’s outgoing chief executive, is due to testify this week before a UK parliamentary select committee as part of an inquiry into the risks of deepwater drilling in the UK.

BP即将离任的首席执行官唐熙华(Tony Hayward)定于本周在英国议会一个特别委员会上作证,这是对英国深水钻井风险所展开调查的一部分。

Since the Gulf of Mexico disaster, a number of politicians, including the European energy commissioner, have called for a moratorium on deepwater drilling in the North Sea. UK regulators have insisted there is no need, arguing that the UK’s safety regime is robust.

墨西哥湾漏油事件发生之后,包括欧盟能源专员在内的多位政界人士呼吁暂停在北海进行深 水钻井。英国监管机构坚持认为这没有必要,他们表示,英国的安全体系是健全的。

But the records of half of the 23 inspections carried out by the DECC during the five years until the end of 2009 contain criticism of BP’s training processes. Of those, eight inspection records on seven different rigs suggested that the necessary training had not taken place at all.

但在能源与气候变化部在截至2009年底的5年间开展的23次检查中,有半数都对BP 的培训程序提出了批评。其中,对7座不同钻井平台的8次检查记录显示,BP根本没有进行任何必要的培训。

BP says it has rectified the issues and now complies fully with the regulations.


“It was identified that at one point, a relatively small number of trained individuals had not attended a refresher course in the required time frame. This issue has since been addressed,” BP said.

BP称:“据发现,在一段时间,少数已受过培训的员工没有在规定的期限内参加进修课 程。这个问题已经解决。”

“The whole industry has gone through a process of updating their oil spill response plans since official guidance was issued by the government in February 2009; BP’s new format has been described by the government as best in class.”

“自政府2009年2月发布官方指导方针以来,整个行业都经历了一个更新石油泄漏应对 计划的过程。BP的新方案得到了政府‘同类最佳’的评价,”BP表示。

The training requirements for offshore personnel are to be reviewed by the joint industry and government group studying the UK’s ability to prevent and respond to oil spills following the US accident.

石油业与政府组成的一个联合小组将复核海上工作人员的培训要求。该联合小组是在美国漏 油事故发生后成立的,正在研究英国对石油泄漏的防范和应对能力。


2010年9月13日 星期一














阿茲海默症(Alzheimer's disease)患者的大腦萎縮速度更快,一年最多萎縮2.5%,患者出現嚴重的記憶喪失和思考緩慢。


















Regulation of DNA methylation of Rasgrf1 - Nature Genetics

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]由 BJ Yoon 著作 - 2001 - 被引用 93 次 - 相關文章
We have identified a DNA sequence that regulates establishment of DNA methylation in the male germ line at Rasgrf1. In mice, the imprinted Rasgrf1 locus is ...





由倫敦大學國王學院(King's College London)專家,帶領國際團隊所作的研究報告,發表在權威雜誌「自然遺傳學」(Nature Genetics)上。這個最新出爐的研究為數以百萬計的人帶來希望。




倫敦大學國王學院帶領此研究的海希醫師(DrPirro Hysi)表示:「多年以來,我們早就知道,罹患近視的最大風險是父母親患有近視,但這是第一次找出可能與近視遺傳有關的基因。」


2010年9月10日 星期五



NOWnews - ‎52分鐘之前‎
台西、麥寮兩鄉在9日發生多名學童吸入不明惡臭氣體的件,縣長蘇治芬10日趕赴出現狀況人數最多的台西崙豐國小關切,鑑於此事疑與六輕有關,除指示環保、衛生單位進行追查外,也強調提昇當地對空氣品質監測設備刻不容緩,否則,這種「聞得到臭味、查不到源頭」情事,將不斷 ...


聯合新聞網 - ‎16小時之前‎
行政院長吳敦義強調縱然做八輕,不再做九輕,彰化縣環保聯盟理事長蔡嘉陽說,國光石化二次環評報告還沒出來,吳敦義未審先判,擺明就是以行政權對環評委員施壓。 大城鄉台西村民許立儀不歡迎八輕,他說,很多人不知道,麥寮六輕與大城八輕直線距離只有八公里,大城鄉每年 ...


聯合新聞網 - ‎5小時之前‎
針對昨天台塑六輕附近五所學校師生聞到惡臭而頭暈窒息,環保署長沈世宏上午表示,昨天惡臭發生後雲林縣環保局立即啟動應變機制,與環保署毒災應變隊趕赴現場進行查核採樣;初步研判,當時風向係來自六輕方向,且受影響面廣泛,研判此事件與六輕難脫關係;且台塑在內部管理 ...

六輕出包?臭氣襲台西 百學童送醫

中時電子報 - ‎11小時之前‎
台西、麥寮兩鄉五所國小近百名學童,昨因聞到瓦斯味、酸味等異味,出現嘔吐、頭暈等現象,數名學童由家長接回就醫,幸均無大礙,家長破口大罵「這些學校附近除了六輕,還有誰會排放這麼大量的臭氣」。 昨天下午一點卅分,台西鄉崙豐國小上百名學生突然都聞到一股濃濃的臭 ...


公視新聞 - ‎2010年9月9日‎
台塑六輕因為七月份的兩次工安意外,引發當地居民不滿。 雖然台塑最後和麥寮居民達成共識,每年每個人有七千二百元的電費補助與健保費用,不過這樣的結果也引起鄰近鄉鎮的不滿,鄰近的四個鄉鎮在今天串聯向台塑六輕提出、賠償要求,如果台塑沒有答應,不排除進行抗爭。 ...

六輕影響 8月出口增速減緩

聯合新聞網 - ‎2010年9月7日‎
受台塑六輕公安事件影響,8月原油出口減少,導致台灣對東協六國出口較7月衰退9%。財政部官員指出,自6月起,台灣對大陸及香港、美國、日本與歐洲等主要貿易國的出口連續三個月成長,唯獨東協六國的出口值8月不增反減。 統計處表示,8月台灣對東協六國出口減少3.5億美元, ...

超抽地下水/六輕撇清 「沒用半滴地下水」

聯合新聞網 - ‎2010年9月9日‎
高鐵雲林段地層下陷嚴重,政府相關單位擬封井,造成農民反彈,將矛頭指向台塑六輕,認為工業用水截取了農業用水。對此,台塑集團總部主管澄清表示,六輕絕對沒有抽取半滴的地下水使用。而國光石化也表示,一旦國光石化在彰化大城建廠,其水源來自大肚攔河堰,並不會抽取 ...

分配怪 休耕賣水給六輕

中時電子報 - ‎2010年9月7日‎
針對中央要求高鐵雲林段附近封井,雲林縣府強烈回應,農漁民超抽地下水是因為沒水可用,農田水利會還以休耕輪灌方式賣水給六輕,農民當然憤怒。縣府已著手邀請專家學者進行雲林縣水資源環評,要封井,「先解決水資源分配問題!」 台灣生態學會雲林工作站主任陳清圳也 ...


中時電子報 - ‎4小時之前‎
六輕的兩把火,燒出台塑集團陷入經營管理及工安控管的風暴中,向來低調的台塑總裁王文淵接受時報周刊獨專訪,對7月底的六輕煉二廠火災事故,透露調查一個多月來的可能肇禍原因。 針對7月初的第一次火災事故,王文淵不諱言,的確是「沒做好變更管理」;至於第二回的火災, ...


中時電子報 - ‎4小時之前‎
10日中午,雲林縣長蘇治芬率環保局、教育處和衛生局人員,前往台西崙豐國小探視師生,並提出十大項因應作為,除要求環保局必需二個月內在六輕廠區周邊,增設二座自動空氣採樣機外,明年度也將再添購一輛移動式空氣品質監測車。同時,如有類似情況發生,衛生局也必需立即 ...

2010年9月8日 星期三

Backlash greets BP report

Backlash greets BP report

BP’s internal inquiry into the causes of the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico provoked an immediate backlash from its contractors on the rig and US politicians who dismissed it as “not BP’s mea culpa”.


The UK oil group’s report, presented in Washington DC on Wednesday, identified “a sequence of failures” that led to the accident on April 20 which killed 11 workers.


The company accepted its engineers should shoulder some of the blame but shifted much of the responsibility on to its contractors, Transocean, the owner of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig leased by BP, and Halliburton, the company responsible for cementing the well.

BP集团承认,其工程师应该承担部分责任,但将大部分责任推给了承包商Transocean公司以及哈里伯顿(Halliburton)公司。前者从BP公司租得“深水地平线”(Deepwater Horizon)钻井平台,负责运营,后者负责油井的水泥浇灌。

The report identified eight critical factors that led to the accident, including weaknesses in the cement, design and testing of the Macondo well; misreading of pressure tests even though the well was not completely sealed; and the failure of the blow-out preventer – the stack of valves on the seabed designed to stop gas and oil escaping – to operate.


Tony Hayward, BP’s outgoing chief executive, said in a statement that “it is evident that a series of complex events, rather than a single mistake or failure” led to the tragedy.

BP集团即将离任的首席执行官唐熙华(Tony Hayward)在一份声明中表示,“显然是一系列复杂事件,而不是单一错误或失误”导致了这场悲剧。

Transocean hit back in a strongly-worded statement, dismissing a “self-serving report ... that attempted to conceal the critical factor that set the stage for the Macondo [well] incident: BP’s fatally flawed well design. In both its design and construction, BP made a series of cost-saving decisions that increased risk – in some cases, severely.”

Transocean用一份措辞严厉的声明发起反击,称“这份为BP利 益服务的报告……试图掩盖使Macondo油井事故成为可能的一个关键因素,即BP存在致命缺陷的油井设计。在设计和建设过程中,BP为节约成本而作出的 一系列决定增加了风险——在某些情况下,风险大幅增加。”

Halliburton followed suit, saying it had noticed a number of “substantial omissions and inaccuracies”.


It said it “remains confident that all the work it performed with respect to the Macondo well was completed in accordance with BP’s specifications for its well construction plan and instructions, and that it is fully indemnified under its contract for any of the allegations contained in the report”.




健檢的程序與方法和一般醫院體檢差不多,只是完成各項體檢(包括抽血化驗)後,會有一位醫師根據檢查 的各項情況,進行說明並提供建議;再由一位營養師依據體檢表,建議如何從平時飲食著手,來改善體質及預防疾病,及盡量不要任意服用藥物或健康食品,以免無 意中帶來副作用。其次再有一位專業的健康運動教練,依檢查表逐項施教各種運動方法,以改善體質及避免不當運動或因老化所帶來的傷害。


2010年9月3日 星期五

唾腺常識 (陳寬仁)

早在三月中,左臉耳下有小小浮腫,略有壓痛感,附近診所醫生說是淋巴腺發炎,吃三天藥消腫。 不幾天又患。換看醫生, 吃三天藥消腫,不幾天又患。看過牙 科,一般外科,都不靈。吃藥吃得整天昏昏欲睡。有一次,路遇一不識之老者教我去中藥店買「風陣」(樹根一般)煎水喝,也不靈。 去健保門診看診。大夫因無法檢驗,開 了轉診單。去榮總看耳科。 耳科大夫安排去作CT 電腦斷層。二週後榮總報告,是沒有長什麼怪東西。又吃藥消腫,不幾天又患。 改去請教中醫,做了三次針灸,不靈。中醫師建議再去榮總看腫瘤科。腫瘤科大夫看了以後,要我去口腔部看顎面科。這才找對了門。主 治大夫吳政憲一手拿器具擠內臉頰,一手在外以絞毛巾的方式扭。然後他說,是唾液腺結石堵塞發炎。終於找對科了。先吃點藥。

第二週去,由一位住院醫師動手,先注射麻醉劑、再打顯影劑、照X光, 電腦畫面可見果然不通。通!通下水道的方式!醫師用一支比鉛筆心略粗的圓頭銀質桿子硬通。各位如有針炙經驗的,感覺過那種酸酸 麻麻。可能加強百倍。動手的住院醫師說,只通了一半。下週三再去看他師傅,主治大夫吳政憲

8/18下午第二次見吳政憲。臉頰上曾被徒弟泡製過,師傅的手勢果然不一樣,還是用圓頭銀質桿子硬通,力道更大,每 一動作都確實到位,酸麻痛又加幾倍。我是全身挺殭,眼淚自動噴流,下巴自動發抖。最後再去照X光,我根本站不起來,是一男一女把我架過去。照相結果出來了,上下牙齒間,可 見一道灰白色水平線,比芝麻粒略粗,六七公分長,尾端散開像河流的上游支流。吳大夫說,主流通了。他解釋說,口腔內粘膜上密佈著無限 多的極細微唾腺,分泌唾液維持口腔潮濕。吃東西或說話時,大量的唾液另有四個管道適時供應,唾液腺孔左右臉頰各一,舌頭下面有二處。 人身體內各種腺體的分泌量會隨年 齡高而減少。唾腺上游支流供應量少了,主幹腺管中流量少,壓力也低了,一方面唾液容易乾涸結石,再者口腔中細菌也可能侵入,造成發 炎。所以,年紀大了要吃點酸的,以及常常按摩兩頰,中間三指併攏,從耳下向嘴角用力擠壓掃過去,促進唾液流動。他看我累慘了,要我坐下至少休息四十分,才可下樓去領藥。9/1複診。大夫說算是痊癒了。最後又說,常吃點酸梅。

日本料理的便當,飯後吃一粒 酸梅。想來頗有道理啊!