2008年2月28日 星期四

宵夜大吃大喝 熱量多 當然會發胖 煙害~~密招 !

這篇紐約時報的問答是常識 宵夜大吃大喝 熱量多 當然會發胖
Q & A

Midnight Meals

Published: February 26, 2008

Q. Is there any truth to the idea that if you eat heavily late in the evening, you will gain weight?

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Victoria Roberts

A. The research is not conclusive on a clinical effect of late meals, but there are suggestions that there might be one.

“If the calories are exactly the same, it shouldn’t make a difference, but my clinical impression is that people who eat late at night eat more,” said Dr. Louis J. Aronne, director of the comprehensive weight control program at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. They may be eating “an extra meal, if you will, ‘the fourth meal,’ as one ad put it,” Dr. Aronne said. Studies of college students who eat late at night have found that they are more likely to put on weight.

“Eating a big meal just before going to bed has been found in studies to elevate triglyceride levels in the blood for a period of time,” Dr. Aronne said. A higher triglyceride level “has been associated with metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance,” both related to weight gain, he said.

Dr. Aronne suggested a theoretical framework for why late meals may stay with you. “If you ate 500 calories during the day but walked around afterward, your muscles would be competing with your fat cells for the calories and could burn them up as energy for physical activity,” he said. “But if you consume it at bedtime, with no physical activity, the body has no choice but to store the calories away as fat.”

我收到林公孚先生轉來的 覺得它可能是偽造的咖啡宣傳 躊躇是否轉登

今晚與日本友人在咖啡館吸煙室活受罪--不好意思溜溜之大吉--這位台灣電影史專家還舉最近過世的大導演大煙槍 市川活到九十幾....

所以決定轉登 一笑
萬芳醫師的~~密招 !

下次感冒初起,不妨試試 ! 無害...



趕緊先喝兩、三杯熱開水(不可以喝冰的) 等三、五分鐘,




而且,很神 奇的,流鼻水、打噴嚏、頭痛都慢慢不見了!






2008年2月25日 星期一






  目前該大學日本分校在新宿區共有約120名學生。其中1/5來自關東地區之外。1994年設立學校以來,共有約1500人畢業。畢業生可獲得中國國立大學黑龍江中醫藥大學(黑龍江省哈爾濱市)的學士學位。(2月15日 《日經產業新聞》)


  日本最大的醫藥品批發商麥迪西帕塔控股(Mediceo Paltac Holdings)將與三菱商事合作進軍中國市場。計劃在今年夏季之前與中國當地企業成立合資公司,從事大型醫院的醫藥品管理業務。大型廠商東邦藥品也將 於年內與中國大型藥品批發商合資,開始從事藥品銷售及物流支援業務。麥迪西帕塔將利用在日本累積起來的藥品物流等經驗,在比日本市場發展空間更大的中國市 場上立足。


  新公司的第一項業務是在北京市內綜合醫院從事醫藥品管理業務。將提供通過與日本國內醫院(批發商)的關係累積起來的醫藥品管理經驗,來滿足醫 院希望防止出現醫療事故、提高醫療服務水準的需求。該公司今後將面向中國各地的大醫院拓展業務。(2月21日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)


  日本光電將於4月在中國全額出資設立銷售子公司。將銷售可監測患者病情的生物資訊監護儀等醫療器械。該公司此前主要委託貿易公司在中國銷售,今後將轉 為本公司自行銷售。該公司還將擴大維修服務的範圍,計劃在2012年將在中國市場的銷售額提高至50億日元,達到07年的2.5倍。


  日本光電在上海擁有生產子公司。此前一直通過生產子公司和貿易公司這兩個通路來銷售產品,但沒有實現預期的銷售額。今後將把銷售功能統一到新公司以提高銷售能力,而生產子公司將專門致力於生產。(2月22日 《日經產業新聞》)



  厚勞省06年就已開始實施促進診療所(床位在19張以下的醫療機構)到府醫療的制度。但是在醫生缺乏的人口稀少地,居民老齡化使患者增加,而診療所卻數量不足,因此決定針對醫院制定同樣的制度。(2月22日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)



  河合樂器開發的是伴隨鋼琴演奏聲鍛鍊身體的項目。與普通運動相比可大幅度地活動肢體,除可輕鬆堅持外,還有望減少內臟脂肪。(2月23日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)

2008年2月19日 星期二

Gentlemen, 5 Easy Steps to Living Long and Well

Gentlemen, 5 Easy Steps to Living Long and Well

Mike Mergen for The New York Times

FRISBEE, ANYONE? Exercise is linked to living longer.

Published: February 19, 2008

Living past 90, and living well, may be more than a matter of good genes and good luck. Five behaviors in elderly men are associated not only with living into extreme old age, a new study has found, but also with good health and independent functioning.

The behaviors are abstaining from smoking, weight management, blood pressure control, regular exercise and avoiding diabetes. The study reports that all are significantly correlated with healthy survival after 90.

While it is hardly astonishing that choices like not smoking are associated with longer life, it is significant that these behaviors in the early elderly years — all of them modifiable — so strongly predict survival into extreme old age.

“The take-home message,” said Dr. Laurel B. Yates, a geriatric specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston who was the lead author of the study, “is that an individual does have some control over his destiny in terms of what he can do to improve the probability that not only might he live a long time, but also have good health and good function in those older years.”

The study followed more than 2,300 healthy men for as long as a quarter-century. When it began, in 1981, the subjects’ average age was 72. The men responded to yearly questionnaires about changes in health and lifestyle, and researchers tested their mental and physical functioning. At the end of the study, which was published Feb. 11 in The Archives of Internal Medicine, 970 men had survived into their 90s.

There was no less chronic illness among survivors than among those who died before 90. But after controlling for other variables, smokers had double the risk of death before 90 compared with nonsmokers, those with diabetes increased their risk of death by 86 percent, obese men by 44 percent, and those with high blood pressure by 28 percent. Compared with men who never exercised, those who did reduced their risk of death by 20 percent to 30 percent, depending on how often and how vigorously they worked out.

Even though each of these five behaviors was independently significant after controlling for age and other variables, studies have shown that many other factors may affect longevity, including level of education and degree of social isolation. They were not measured in this study.

Although some previous studies have found that high cholesterol is associated with earlier death, and moderate alcohol consumption with longer survival, this study confirmed neither of those findings.

A second study in the same issue of the journal suggests that some of the oldest of the old survive not because they avoid illness, but because they live well despite disease.

The study of 523 women and 216 men ranging in age from 97 to 119 showed that a large proportion of people who lived that long and lived with minimal or no assistance did so despite long-term chronic illness. In other words, instead of delaying disease, they delay disability.

Dr. Dellara F. Terry, the lead author and an assistant professor of medicine at Boston University, said the study showed that old age and chronic illness were no reason to stop providing thorough treatment. “We should look at the individual in making treatment decisions,” Dr. Terry said, “and not base our decisions solely on chronological age.”











2008年2月17日 星期日

醫療,健康與品質報 第32期

醫療,健康與品質報 32

2008/2/18 鍾漢清








金黃色葡萄球菌 超級病菌亂竄!乾淨醫院在哪裡? 【文/林芝安;攝影/陳德信】

医療の質用語事典 (2005)


医療の質用語事典編集委員会 編著

飯田修平・飯塚悦功・棟近雅彦 監修



ISBN 4-542-20310-7

定価 3,150円(本体 3,000円)












1章 基本概念質”,“医療の質”,“医療経営の質”,“質マネジメント”,“質保証”,“医療”,“診療”,“看護”,“薬剤関連業務”,“根拠に基づいた医療”,“後工程はお客様”,“指標”,“満足度”,“アウトプット・アウトカム”ほか,52

2章 質マネジメント質マネジメントシステム”,“TQM”,“医療連携”,“チーム医療”,“日常管理”,“方針管理”,“経営要素管理”,“診療計画”,“インフォームドコンセント”,“症例検討会”,“医療における標準化”,“クリニカルパス”ほか,45

3章 医療安全医療事故分析”,“医療安全推進”,“医療事故”,“リスクマネジメント(危機管理)”,“ヒューマンファクター・ヒューマンエラー”ほか,5

4章 運用・推進技術医療における教育・研修”,“5S”,“QCサークル”,“人材開発”,“臨床研修”,“第三者評価”ほか,12

5章 手法・技法QC手法”,“QCストーリー”,“QC七つ道具”,“新QC七つ道具”,“FMEA・FTA”,“品質機能展開”ほか,8


索  引









翻開國內醫院評鑑,林林總總幾十個項目令人眼花撩亂,獨漏清潔指標,難怪醫院這麼髒,因為評鑑沒要求。這情形不只台灣,連「美國醫院評鑑(JC)或美國疾 病控制與預防中心(CDC)也沒將清潔指標列入,」美國降低感染死亡委員會(RID)主席貝希麥考基(Betsy McCaughey)提出抨擊。


相關的研究在2007年4月美國健康照護流行病學會年會紛紛登台。波士頓大學研究者檢查49個開刀房發現,半數以上應該消毒完全的器械竟然 被忽略了。另項研究針對康乃狄克州、麻塞諸塞州與華盛頓特區20家醫院的住院病房,迎接新病人時竟然有超過半數以上的病房沒有打掃消毒完全,留下髒污。馬 里蘭大學研究指出,65%的醫師與醫事人員坦言,即使知道白袍髒了該洗了,也沒有力行至少一個星期送洗一次的基本清潔。








「廣義來說,只要在醫院內得到的感染就算院內感染,」台大醫院感染科主任張上淳表示。但唯恐民眾將院內感染與醫療疏失直接畫上等號,最新修 訂的院內感染定義是,病患入院後72小時發病才算院內感染。因為感染有潛伏期,如果病患一入院就發病,應算社區感染(感染源來自社區)。


2003年SARS狠狠教訓了全台灣之後,各醫院開始曉得要重視院內感控(因為感染科不賺錢,以前不受重視),組織院內感染委員會、撥預 算。但成果還不顯著,2004年全台灣院內感染病例數79342,但2006年全台灣的院內感染病例數為78886,進步才466例,非常有限。



造成院內感染的原因非常複雜,進行侵入性醫療行為是其一,例如有些住院病人接受靜脈注射,原本皮膚好端端的,因為插靜脈導管讓皮膚表皮產生 破洞,細菌透過洞口進入體內;或者像是氣管插管,空氣經過管子進入肺部,如果再加上抽痰,管子需往很深的地方抽痰,等於將細菌帶入原本不易到達的身體深 處;導尿管也如此,細菌可堂而皇之深入膀胱內,「這些管子破壞了我們正常的抵抗力,身體既有的防衛機轉沒了,」張上淳解釋,這些都是住院病人容易感染的原 因。

外科手術過程中也可能慘遭感染,美國麻醉醫師學會(ASA)將手術麻醉風險分五級,國外有項大規模研究顯示,1~2級手術(如單純性闌尾 炎)的感染率為1.9%,3~5級(例如本身有高血壓、糖尿病或心臟衰竭的患者腹部血管瘤破裂)則高達4.3%。整體來說,監控手術部位(SSI)的感染 率平均為10%,林口長庚一般外科主任趙子傑說。

甚至還曾發生麻醉師將麻醉劑放入自己口袋,因為沒用完,順手將剩餘的留給下個病人,結果原本單純做隆乳手術的女性嚴重感染,緊急轉送醫學中 心加護病房救治一個多月才逐漸康復。當時負責救治的唐高駿醫師指出,那位麻醉師使用的麻醉劑(propofol)運用廣泛,但因為製作過程沒有防腐劑,開 封後沒用完須丟棄,顯然那位闖禍的麻醉師沒有依標準作業流程,孳生出革蘭氏陰性菌,注入病人體內。

病人本身抵抗力差,如果治療過程又需要特殊處置或工作人員大意,的確容易引發院內感染,也因此許多感染科專家共同指出,院內感染不可能完全 被控制。根據國外研究,有些院內感染來自病人本身體內的病菌,有些是因必要的治療方式無可避免會感染,有些菌很自然就會出現在生理食鹽水、溫度計、導尿 管,「就算很努力做感控,也只能減少三分之一的病人發生,」張上淳表示。





一向謹守洗手規定的萬芳醫院外科部主任謝茂志屈指一算,他光是一個上午的門診洗手就超過50次,用掉一包半擦手紙。在病床與病床之間送藥、換藥、更換針 頭……的護理人員更可觀了,如果依照標準,每執行一項工作就必須洗手,台北市立聯合醫院和平院區內科加護病房護理長黃露萩算了一下,她一天洗手超過百次。

雖然不忍,卻仍得持續要求,消基會曾經調查過,進出醫院後的雙手最多可驗出八萬多個細菌,比馬桶髒600倍,相當嚇人。為了便利醫護人員及民眾洗手,各醫 院應該廣設洗手乳或酒精乾洗液、擦手紙,像北部某家醫學中心別說門診區、一般病房沒設,連急診室內的廁所也看不見洗手液蹤跡,這麼基本的要求,如果能列為 醫院評鑑項目直接督促各醫院認真執行,才是全民之福。



根據疾管局的「台灣院內監視系統」,目前國內醫學中心與區域醫院的全院院內感染密度約千分之4.2(國外可容忍的標準是千分之3~4),加 護病房每月平均院內感染密度千分之11.6~16。疾管局副局長林頂指出,這套監視系統採「鼓勵通報」,鼓勵各醫院主動透過電腦上傳,提供疾管局整合、分 析全國的院感狀況。



從數字顯示,加護病房是院內感染的高風險區,國立陽明大學生物醫學資訊研究所所長李友專引述國內外的臨床經驗數據:如果住進加護病房一星 期,運氣好,沒死,有50%的機會得到院內感染;如果兩個星期還沒死,得到的機率為80%;如果三個星期還沒死,則有100%的機率得到院內感染。

更且,加護病房的病菌相當頑強,抗藥性較高,如果採用後線或最後一線的抗生素,即使擊退病菌,也可能損壞肝腎功能。尤其很多老年人住進加護 病房,最後往往感染肺炎而死,「可能是院內感染所致,」李友專不諱言,這是全球醫界共同的問題,只能勸民眾別以為加護病房可得到更好的照顧而要求住進去, 真正有必要才住進加護病房。

孫小姐的父親住進南部某地區醫院加護病房,未料,醫院竟然沒有認真執行感染管控,護士在加護病房與普通病房之間奔走(極易造成交叉感染), 更荒唐的是,醫師沒有穿隔離衣就進入加護病房,「完全不符合加護病房該有的標準流程,」從事醫療相關工作的孫小姐難過地說,父親後來因肺炎過世,她高度懷 疑與院內感染有關,因為父親曾被檢測出身上有鮑氏不動桿菌(俗稱AB菌,有「院內感染頭號殺手」之稱)。


運用科技全面偵測院內感染是當前趨勢,至少不亂槍打鳥,過去,感控醫師耗費很多資源,結果「偵測五個病人中只有一個是院內感染,在這過程中 還會miss(錯失)其他已感染的病人,引發交互感染,」李友專認為,醫療資源有限,應該運用科技監控,提高打擊率(快速揪出受感染者)。



【康健雜誌111期 解悶救健康】


金黃色葡萄球菌 社區感染攀升至7成





中研院與美國研究團隊歷經兩年研究發現,一種原用於降膽固醇的藥物,可能可以對抗目前全球都束手無策的「超級金黃色葡萄 球菌」(MRSA)。該研究論文已於台灣時間昨天(十五日)凌晨刊登在知名國際期刊《科學》(Science),惟用於臨床治療至少仍須三到 五年。

這項整合了化學、微生物學及結構生物學等跨領域的跨國性研究,國內是由中研院生物化學研究所特聘研究員兼副院長王惠鈞領軍;他帶領中研院生化所及台灣大學 生化科學研究研究團隊,成功應用X-光繞射方法,解開金黃色葡萄球菌形成色素的第一步關鍵酵素的蛋白質結構,終於將金黃色葡萄球菌一舉擊潰。





2008年2月10日 星期日

FDA:肉毒桿菌除皺 可能致命

FDA:肉毒桿菌除皺 可能致命

美 國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)八日警告,保妥適(Botox)以及和它一起競爭市場的Myobloc兩種以肉毒桿菌素為主要成分的除皺藥物,在有些使用者 身上,可能出現危險的肉毒桿菌中毒症狀,有些情況可能致命,例如有幾名兒童在使用這兩種藥物治療肌肉痙孿後死亡,而成人也有人出現嚴重反應與住院病例。




消費者維權組織Public Citizen兩周前呼籲食藥局,對使用保妥適和Myobloc的消費者多加告誡,稱全國有一百八十名病患肺部充水,呼吸困難或是患上肺炎,其中十六人死亡。




某些醫療管理學術雜誌 隨筆

The rule is simple: be careful what you measure
這是英國專欄作者 他經常提到Deming博士這一主題在去年的一次研習會中 署立醫院的最高主管表示過類似的意見

榮總護理 vgh

2008年2月9日 星期六


February 5, 2008, 11:07 am
No Answers for Men With Prostate Cancer
Last year, 218,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, but nobody can tell them what type of treatment is most likely to save their life.

Those are the findings of a troubling new report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, which analyzed hundreds of studies in an effort to advise men about the best treatments for prostate cancer. The report compared the effectiveness and risks of eight prostate cancer treatments, ranging from prostate removal to radioactive implants to no treatment at all. None of the studies provided definitive answers. Surprisingly, no single treatment emerged as superior to doing nothing at all.

“When it comes to prostate cancer, we have much to learn about which treatments work best,'’ said agency director Carolyn M. Clancy. “Patients should be informed about the benefits and harms of treatment options.”

But the study, published online in the Annals of Internal Medicine, gives men very little guidance. Prostate cancer is typically a slow-growing cancer, and many men can live with it for years, often dying of another cause. But some men have aggressive prostate cancers, and last year 27,050 men died from the disease. The lifetime risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer has nearly doubled to 20 percent since the late 1980s, due mostly to expanded use of the prostate-specific antigen, or P.S.A., blood test. But the risk of dying of prostate cancer remains about 3 percent. “Considerable overdetection and overtreatment may exist,'’ an agency press release stated.

The agency review is based on analysis of 592 published articles of various treatment strategies. The studies looked at treatments that use rapid freezing and thawing (cryotherapy); minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic or robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy); testicle removal or hormone therapy (androgen deprivation therapy); and high-intensity ultrasound or radiation therapy. The study also evaluated research on “watchful waiting,'’ which means monitoring the cancer and initiating treatment only if it appears the disease is progressing.

No one treatment emerged as the best option for prolonging life. And it was impossible to determine whether one treatment had fewer or less severe side effects.

Many of the treatments now in widespread use have never been evaluated in randomized controlled trials. In the research that is available, the characteristics of the men studied varied widely. And investigators used different definitions and methods, making reliable comparisons across studies impossible.
“Investigators’ definitions of adverse events and criteria to define event severity varied widely,'’ the report notes. “We could not derive precise estimates of specific adverse events for each treatment.'’
The report findings highlighted by the agency include:

All active treatments cause health problems, primarily urinary incontinence, bowel problems and erectile dysfunction. The chances of bowel problems or sexual dysfunction are similar for surgery and external radiation. Leaking of urine is at least six times more likely among surgery patients than those treated by external radiation.

Urinary leakage that occurs daily or more often was more common in men undergoing radical prostatectomy (35 percent) than external-beam radiation therapy (12 percent) or androgen deprivation (11 percent). Those were the findings of the 2003 Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study, a large, nationally representative survey of men with early prostate cancer.

External-beam radiation therapy and androgen deprivation were each associated with a higher frequency of bowel urgency (3 percent) compared with radical prostatectomy (1 percent), according to the 2003 report.

Inability to attain an erection was higher in men undergoing active intervention, especially androgen deprivation (86 percent) or radical prostatectomy (58 percent) than in men receiving watchful waiting (33 percent), according to the 2003 report.

One study showed that men who choose surgery over watchful waiting are less likely to die or have their cancer spread, but another study found no difference in survival between surgery and watchful waiting. The benefit, if any, appears to be limited to men under 65. However, few patients in the study had cancer detected through P.S.A. tests. As a result, it’s not clear if the results are applicable to the majority of men diagnosed with the disease.

Adding hormone therapy prior to prostate removal does not improve survival or decrease recurrence rates, but it does increase the chance of adverse events.

Combining radiation with hormone therapy may decrease mortality. But compared with radiation treatment alone, the combination increases the chances of impotence and abnormal breast development.

The most obvious trend identified in the complicated report is how little quality research exists for prostate cancer, despite the fact that it is the most diagnosed cancer in the country.
Studies comparing brachytherapy, radical prostatectomy, external-beam radiation therapy or cryotherapy were discontinued because of poor recruitment. Two ongoing trials, one in the United States and one in Britain, are evaluating surgery and radiation treatments compared with watchful waiting in men with early cancer. Other studies in progress or development include cryotherapy versus external-beam radiation and a trial evaluating radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting.

“Successful completion of these studies is needed to provide accurate assessment of the comparative effectiveness and harms of therapies for localized prostate cancers,” the study authors said.


無糖汽水天天喝 代謝易出問題

紐約時報報導,研究人員發現,一天喝一罐低糖或無糖汽水(diet soda),罹患新陳代謝症候群的機率比不喝的人提高百分之卅四。

明尼蘇達大學流行病學副教授史泰芬說:「研究結果令人深感興趣,為什麼會如此?是無糖蘇打飲料內的某種化學物,或是喝的人的某種行為造成,目前仍不得而知。 」




Symptoms: Metabolic Syndrome Is Tied to Diet Soda

Published: February 5, 2008

Researchers have found a correlation between drinking diet soda and metabolic syndrome — the collection of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes that include abdominal obesity, high cholesterol and blood glucose levels, and elevated blood pressure.

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Dietary Intake and the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (Circulation)

The scientists gathered dietary information on more than 9,500 men and women ages 45 to 64 and tracked their health for nine years.

Over all, a Western dietary pattern — high intakes of refined grains, fried foods and red meat — was associated with an 18 percent increased risk for metabolic syndrome, while a “prudent” diet dominated by fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry correlated with neither an increased nor a decreased risk.

But the one-third who ate the most fried food increased their risk by 25 percent compared with the one-third who ate the least, and surprisingly, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome was 34 percent higher among those who drank one can of diet soda a day compared with those who drank none.

“This is interesting,” said Lyn M. Steffen, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota and a co-author of the paper, which was posted online in the journal Circulation on Jan. 22. “Why is it happening? Is it some kind of chemical in the diet soda, or something about the behavior of diet soda drinkers?”

2008年2月7日 星期四

Diabetes Study Partially Halted After Deaths

這是一份重要的報告 應該有組織將此全文翻譯


降低血糖 反而提高死亡機率


研究結果 顛覆傳統治療方式


醫師主張 仍應努力控制血糖


2008.02.08 08:02 am










Diabetes Study Partially Halted After Deaths

Published: February 7, 2008

For decades, researchers believed that if people with diabetes lowered their blood sugar to normal levels, they would no longer be at high risk of dying from heart disease. But a major federal study of more than 10,000 middle-aged and older people with Type 2 diabetes has found that lowering blood sugar actually increased their risk of death, researchers reported Wednesday.

Times Health Guide: Diabetes »

The researchers announced that they were abruptly halting that part of the study, whose surprising results call into question how the disease, which affects 21 million Americans, should be managed.

The study’s investigators emphasized that patients should still consult with their doctors before considering changing their medications.

Among the study participants who were randomly assigned to get their blood sugar levels to nearly normal, there were 54 more deaths than in the group whose levels were less rigidly controlled. The patients were in the study for an average of four years when investigators called a halt to the intensive blood sugar lowering and put all of them on the less intense regimen.

The results do not mean blood sugar is meaningless. Lowered blood sugar can protect against kidney disease, blindness and amputations, but the findings inject an element of uncertainty into what has been dogma — that the lower the blood sugar the better and that lowering blood sugar levels to normal saves lives.

Medical experts were stunned.

“It’s confusing and disturbing that this happened,” said Dr. James Dove, president of the American College of Cardiology. “For 50 years, we’ve talked about getting blood sugar very low. Everything in the literature would suggest this is the right thing to do,” he added.

Dr. Irl Hirsch, a diabetes researcher at the University of Washington, said the study’s results would be hard to explain to some patients who have spent years and made an enormous effort, through diet and medication, getting and keeping their blood sugar down. They will not want to relax their vigilance, he said.

“It will be similar to what many women felt when they heard the news about estrogen,” Dr. Hirsch said. “Telling these patients to get their blood sugar up will be very difficult.”
Dr. Hirsch added that organizations like the American Diabetes Association would be in a quandary. Its guidelines call for blood sugar targets as close to normal as possible.
And some insurance companies pay doctors extra if their diabetic patients get their levels very low.

The low-blood sugar hypothesis was so entrenched that when the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases proposed the study in the 1990s, they explained that it would be ethical. Even though most people assumed that lower blood sugar was better, no one had rigorously tested the idea. So the study would ask if very low blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes — the form that affects 95 percent of people with the disease — would protect against heart disease and save lives.

Some said that the study, even if ethical, would be impossible. They doubted that participants — whose average age was 62, who had had diabetes for about 10 years, who had higher than average blood sugar levels, and who also had heart disease or had other conditions, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol, that placed them at additional risk of heart disease — would ever achieve such low blood sugar levels.

Study patients were randomly assigned to one of three types of treatments: one comparing intensity of blood sugar control; another comparing intensity of cholesterol control; and the third comparing intensity of blood pressure control. The cholesterol and blood pressure parts of the study are continuing.

Dr. John Buse, the vice-chairman of the study’s steering committee and the president of medicine and science at the American Diabetes Association, described what was required to get blood sugar levels low, as measured by a protein, hemoglobin A1C, which was supposed to be at 6 percent or less.

“Many were taking four or five shots of insulin a day,” he said. “Some were using insulin pumps. Some were monitoring their blood sugar seven or eight times a day.”

They also took pills to lower their blood sugar, in addition to the pills they took for other medical conditions and to lower their blood pressure and cholesterol. They also came to a medical clinic every two months and had frequent telephone conversations with clinic staff.

Those assigned to the less stringent blood sugar control, an A1C level of 7.0 to 7.9 percent, had an easier time of it. They measured their blood sugar once or twice a day, went to the clinic every four months and took fewer drugs or lower doses.

So it was quite a surprise when the patients who had worked so hard to get their blood sugar low had a significantly higher death rate, the study investigators said.

The researchers asked whether there were any drugs or drug combinations that might have been to blame. They found none, said Dr. Denise G. Simons-Morton, a project officer for the study at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Even the drug Avandia, suspected of increasing the risk of heart attacks in diabetes, did not appear to contribute to the increased death rate.

Nor was there an unusual cause of death in the intensively treated group, Dr. Simons-Morton said. Most of the deaths in both groups were from heart attacks, she added.
For now, the reasons for the higher death rate are up for speculation. Clearly, people without diabetes are different from people who have diabetes and get their blood sugar low.

It might be that patients suffered unintended consequences from taking so many drugs, which might interact in unexpected ways, said Dr. Steven E. Nissen, chairman of the department of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

Or it may be that participants reduced their blood sugar too fast, Dr. Hirsch said. Years ago, researchers discovered that lowering blood sugar very quickly in diabetes could actually worsen blood vessel disease in the eyes, he said. But reducing levels more slowly protected those blood vessels.

And there are troubling questions about what the study means for people who are younger and who do not have cardiovascular disease. Should they forgo the low blood sugar targets?
No one knows.

Other medical experts say that they will be discussing and debating the results for some time.

“It is a great study and very well run,” Dr. Dove said. “And it certainly had the right principles behind it.”

But maybe, he said, “there may be some scientific principles that don’t hold water in a diabetic population.”

2008年2月5日 星期二


科学 2008.02.04

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 1895年夏,德国物理学家W.C.Roentgen在实验室里发现了X光射线


波鸿大学附属医院放射科大夫Christoph Heyer表示:“每一次拍片都意味着会有放射发生,而且也没有杜绝危害的最低放射量。”因此,我们的格言是:除非万不得已,否则越少越好。每次拍片之前都应权衡利弊一番。




总体说来,德国人照X光太多。德国射线保护联邦局局长Wolfram Koenig提醒道。德国人对X光的青睐程度仅次于日本人,全球排名第二。 在谈到原因时,科隆放射科医生Markus Wingen认为:“医生们害怕受到索赔。”尽管明知没有太大的妨碍,为了避免遭到“玩忽职守”的起诉,还是做透视的好。



莱茵本斯堡的放射科助理医师Birgit Flemming深知X光护照的重要性,这本护照一下就能让人看到以前的透视情况,而且还能形成新旧对照。而放射科主治医师Wingen却认为,“护照的用处并不太大,因为它里面既不含照片,又无鉴定结果。”在医院里,尤其是在施行手术之前,主治医生亟需这些资料。


特别令人担忧的是CT摄影的广泛应用。据射线保护联邦局统计, 从1996年到2004年,这种具有超强放射性的诊断手法的使用次数增加了65%。一次计算机体层摄影产生的放射量是X光照相的100倍。专业人士因此拒绝将预检阶段的病人“推向透视室”。然而,CT依然经常是“健康检查”的一项内容。


然而,统计是统计,乳腺X线摄影也可能会救一位三、四十岁妇女的命。尤其是那些已有家族病史的女性。德国射线保护联邦局局长Wolfram Koenig建议说,患者在接受X光检查之前,应该详细聆听医生的意见,孕妇和小孩尤其要慎防放射。

Ulrike Roll / 福音新教新闻社

2008年2月3日 星期日

一些醫學"英文" 字根-rrhea/-rrhoea


-rrhea (-rrhoea 英國拼法)

Main Entry:
noun combining form
Middle English -ria, from Late Latin -rrhoea, from Greek -rrhoia, from rhoia, from rhein to flow — more at stream
: flow : discharge 都表非自願流出/射出


<leukorrhea 白帶 >

Main Entry:
leu·kor·rhea Listen to the pronunciation of leukorrhea
New Latin
circa 1797
: a whitish viscid discharge from the vagina resulting from inflammation or congestion of the mucous membrane

gonorrhea 淋病
Main Entry:
gon·or·rhea Listen to the pronunciation of gonorrhea
New Latin, from Late Latin, morbid loss of semen, from Greek gonorrhoia, from gon- + -rrhoia -rrhea
circa 1526
: a contagious inflammation of the genital mucous membrane caused by the gonococcus —called also clap
gon·or·rhe·al Listen to the pronunciation of gonorrheal \-ˈrē-əl\ adjective

Main Entry:
di·ar·rhea Listen to the pronunciation of diarrhea
noun 腹瀉
Middle English diaria, from Late Latin diarrhoea, from Greek diarrhoia, from diarrhein to flow through, from dia- + rhein to flow — more at stream
14th century
1 : abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations with more or less fluid stools 2 : excessive flow diarrhe>>
di·ar·rhe·al Listen to the pronunciation of diarrheal \-ˈrē-əl\ adjective

logorrhea 多語症
: excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness

spermatorrhea 遺精

2008年2月2日 星期六

請特別注意安全 Staying a Step Ahead of Aging


Personal Best

Staying a Step Ahead of Aging

Filip Kwiatkowski for The New York Times

Published: January 31, 2008

YOU know what is supposed to happen when you grow old. You will slow down, you will grow weak, your steps will become short and mincing, and you will lose your sense of balance. That’s what aging researchers consistently find, and it’s no surprise to most of us.

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But it is worth remembering that the people in those studies were sedentary, said Dr. Vonda Wright, a professor of orthopedics at the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Wright, a 40-year-old runner, decided to study people who kept training as they got older or began competing in middle age. She wanted to know what happens to them and at what age does performance start to decline.

Their results are surprising, even to many of the researchers themselves. The investigators find that while you will slow down as you age, you may be able to stave off more of the deterioration than you thought. Researchers also report that people can start later in life — one man took up running at 62 and ran his first marathon, a year later, in 3 hours 25 minutes.

It’s a testament to how adaptable the human body is, researchers said, that people can start serious training at an older age and become highly competitive. It also is testament to their findings that some physiological factors needed for a good performance are not much affected by age.

Researchers say that you should be able to maintain your muscles as you age, including the muscle enzymes needed for good athletic performance, and you should be able to maintain your ability to exercise for long periods near your so-called lactic threshold, meaning you are near maximum effort.

But you have to know how to train, doing the right sort of exercise, and you must keep it up.

“Train hard and train often,” said Hirofumi Tanaka, a 41-year-old soccer player and exercise physiologist at the University of Texas.

Dr. Tanaka said he means doing things like regular interval training, repeatedly going all out, easing up, then going all out again. These workouts train your body to increase its oxygen consumption by allowing you to maintain an intense effort.

“One of the major determinants of endurance performance is oxygen consumption,” Dr. Tanaka said. “You have to make training as intense as you can.”

When you have to choose between hard and often, choose hard, said Steven Hawkins, an exercise physiologist at the University of Southern California.

“High performance is really determined more by intensity than volume,” he added. “Sometimes, when you’re older, something has to give. You can’t have both so you have to cut back on the volume. You need more rest days.”

Dr. Hawkins, who says he no longer runs competitively, adds that he tries to put his findings into practice. “I run a couple of times a week and I try to make it as fast as I can,” he said. “I’m not plodding along.”

He also has been amazed by some people who seem to defy the rules of aging, people he describes as “those rare birds who get faster.” Some subjects in Dr. Hawkins’s research study, which followed runners for nearly two decades, actually had better times when they were 60 than when they were 50.

“We really don’t know why,” Dr. Hawkins confessed. “Maybe they were training harder.”

Then there are people like the 62-year-old man who suddenly took up running and began running fast marathons. That man’s inspiration to become a runner, said James Hagberg, an exercise physiologist at the University of Maryland, was watching a lakefront marathon in Milwaukee. “He got all fired up,” Dr. Hagberg recalled.

And there are people like Imme Dyson, a 71-year-old runner who lives in Princeton, N.J. She took up running when she was 48 and loved it, she says, from the moment she put on a pair of running shoes. Her daughter, who had been a college triathlete, told her how to train.

“She said, ‘Mom, if your workout didn’t hurt, you didn’t work hard enough,’ ” Ms. Dyson said.

“Working consistently really is the recipe,” she said. And it has made a difference for her, allowing her to run races, from 5K to marathons, so fast that she is consistently among the best in the nation in her age group. She has run a 15K cross-country race in 1:19:08, a pace of 8:29 a mile. And she ran a 10K race in 51 minutes 50 seconds, a pace of 8:20 a mile.

Not every aging athlete does so well. But Dr. Hagberg found that studies of aging athletes sometimes were distorted because they included people who had cut back on or stopped training. That’s understandable; there is no reason, researchers say, to exhort everyone to maintain an intense effort decade after decade.

Athletes would tell Dr. Hagberg that they had just lost their motivation. “Some of them would say: ‘Competition just doesn’t motivate me as much at 75. I’ve been doing it for 50 years,’ ” he said. “Others would say, ‘I just can’t keep it up any more.’ ”

But for those who still have the drive, the news that muscle mass and lactic threshold can be maintained is encouraging.

The reason people become slower, though, is that oxygen consumption declines with age.

In large part that is because, as has long been known, the maximum heart rate steadily falls by about seven to eight beats per minute per decade. It happens with or without training, in sedentary and in active people, Dr. Tanaka said, and no one knows why. But as a result, the heart cannot pump as much blood at maximum effort.

Dr. Michael Joyner, a 49-year-old exercise researcher at the Mayo Clinic who also is a competitive swimmer and a runner, added another factor: the lungs of older athletes cannot take in quite as much air.

With a slower heart rate and less oxygen in the lungs, less oxygen-rich blood gets to the muscles. In one study, Dr. Joyner found that highly trained athletes age 55 to 68 had 10 to 20 percent less blood flow to their legs than athletes in their 20s.

The older athletes in his group, though, were edging toward an age that often is a transition time in athletic performances, researchers are finding. For example, Dr. Wright and her colleague Dr. Brett Perricelli found that the performances of track athletes declined almost imperceptibly from year to year until their mid-60s, when the rate of decline picked up. At age 75, though, the athletes’ times fell, on average, by 7 percent.

The study, the results of which will appear in the March issue of the American Journal of Sports Medicine, involved track and field athletes age 50 to 85 who were participants in the 2001 Senior Olympics and also examined the times for American record holders in track events.

But older athletes still can have spectacular performances, Dr. Tanaka notes.

For example, the world best marathon time for men 70 or older (2:54:05) was set by a 74-year-old. That is more than four minutes faster than the winning marathon time at the first modern Olympics, the 1896 Games in Athens.

Of course, such statistics are of little comfort to athletes who do not want to slow down at all. Dr. Hawkins said he and Robert A. Wiswell, the senior author on his nearly 20-year study of athletes, used to joke that they needed a sports psychologist rather than a sports physiologist on their study. The athletes, he explained, could not bear to think that they would stop setting personal records.

That’s an issue for Don Truex, a 70-year-old dentist in Santa Barbara, Calif, who can’t understand why he has slowed down in the last year. He just ran a 5K race in 23:45. It was an average pace of 7:38 a mile, 90 seconds slower than he wanted to run.

“I’ve consulted with my doctor and we think I may be overtraining,” Dr. Truex said. He’s going to continue running five days a week but cut back on his five days a week of cycling.

Slower times are even more of a concern for Dr. Truex’s friend Barry Erbsen, a 67-year-old dentist in Los Angeles.

Dr. Erbsen started running seriously around 40. His best time in a 10K race was 38 minutes, a pace of 6 minutes a mile. Next he started running marathons, going faster each time until he had completed several, including the Boston Marathon, in 3:07:00.

Then, Dr. Erbsen started to slow down. He ran a marathon a few years ago in 3:45:00. He completed his next one in 3:58:00.

That nearly four-hour marathon was his last, he said. Instead, Dr. Erbsen took up mountain biking. So far so good, he said. He’s having a lot of fun. And, he added, “I’m not getting too much slower.”