2008年1月22日 星期二


pancreas : n. (名詞 noun) 【解】胰腺


A long, irregularly shaped gland in vertebrates, lying behind the stomach, that secretes pancreatic juice into the duodenum 十二指腸 and insulin, glucagon高(增)血糖素, and somatostatin( 抑制劑?) into the bloodstream.

[Greek pankreas : pan-, pan- + kreas, flesh.]


A gland in the abdomen with two functions: the endocrine pancreas (the islets of Langerhans) secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon; the exocrine pancreas secretes the pancreatic juice. Known by the butcher as sweetbread or gut sweetbread, as distinct from chest sweetbread which is thymus.

すいぞう 膵臓

【解】the pancreas.
膵臓炎 pancreatitis.

南里 征典さん(なんり・せいてん=作家、本名南里勝典=な んり・かつのり)が18 日、膵臓(すいぞう)がんで死去、68歳。通夜は20 日午後6時30分、葬儀は21日 午前11時30分から静岡県伊東市吉田10
