2011年1月19日 星期三


(舊譯作)(Radon)是一種化學元素,它的化學符號Rn,它的原子序數是86,是一種無色的惰性氣體,它是一種 放射性,無色,無嗅,無味的惰性氣體,具放射性,被認為是致癌物質流行病學明確表明吸入高濃度氡與肺癌的發病率有聯繫,因此,氡被認為是一種影響全球室內空氣質量的污染物。據美國環境保護局資料顯示,氡會增加患肺癌機會,每年在美國造成21000人因肺癌死亡。名稱由來是依據拉丁文「nitens」,意為「閃光的」。


What's so dangerous about radon? Radon is a colorless, tasteless, odorless chemical element that seeps into the air and often accumulates in closed spaces near the ground, such as the basement in your home or in your child's school. A gaseous emission from the radioactive decay of radium, radon is itself highly radioactive and is considered a chief cause of lung cancer. Since radon is water-soluble, it is not uncommon to find the element in public water supplies. January is National Radon Action Month in America, aiming to increase public awareness of radon and its dangers. The only way to discover if your home has high levels of the element is to have the house tested. In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency will send you a kit with instructions on how to test your home's radon level. They also have suggestions on how to make your home radon-resistant.


"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Henry de Bracton
