2015年5月31日 星期日

a criminal complaint against Nestlé's India's most-popular instant noodle brand, Maggi

Food safety inspectors have filed a criminal complaint against Nestlé after finding dangerous levels of lead in a batch of one of India's most-popular instant noodle brands, Maggi.

Indian food-safety inspectors said Sunday they had filed a criminal...

2015年5月28日 星期四

人類對地球的過份索求Humans’ staggering effect on Earth;印度的熱浪為什麼可致命的

In the two weeks ending May 27th, according to press reports, a total of over 1,100 people died in India as a result of intense and prolonged high temperatures. In Delhi road surfaces were shown melting. Every year at least hundreds are said to die from the heat. This year seems especially bad. Why are heatwaves in India so deadly?http://econ.st/1ez9Lke

The Economist explains

Washington Post 分享了 1 條連結

Images of consumption are the theme of the book, “Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot.” It addresses environmental deterioration through subjects including materialism, consumption, pollution, fossil fuels...

Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain

"Our data shows changes in the brain after just eight weeks."

Some people practiced 40 minutes pretty much every day. Some people...

2015年5月27日 星期三

中國核電發展幾近瘋 狂 安全措施不足應暫停 (中國科學院院士何祚庥)


The Guardian
Proposals to build nuclear plants inland are particularly risky, the physicist He Zuoxiu says, because an accident could contaminate rivers that hundreds of millions of people rely on for water and farms.

He Zuoxiu, a leading Chinese scientist, says the country is not investing...


狂 安全措施不足應暫停 (10:39)


河南魯山養老院火災 當局稱將嚴懲責任人


China Brand im Altersheim

膽固醇除罪化。少甜。Why years of cholesterol advice was a lot of nonsense

Why years of cholesterol advice was a lot of nonsense

Flawed science triggers U-turn on cholesterol fears

Nutrition Panel Calls for Less Sugar and Eases Cholesterol and Fat Restrictions

美:非心臟病元兇 不必為膽固醇忌口



現行的2010年版《美國民眾膳食指南》(Dietary Guidelines for Americans)建議民眾每天攝取最多300毫克膽固醇,只要吃2顆雞蛋或1塊10盎斯(約300公克)牛排就可能超標。但全美14位營養學、醫學與公共衛生權威專家組成的委員會建議取消膽固醇攝取上限。此建議非最後定案,將開放公眾評論45天,並於下月開會討論。
紐約預防心臟病學專家史坦包姆(Suzanne Steinbaum)指出,多年來醫界對膽固醇攝取一直有爭議,「尤其是雞蛋,雖含高膽固醇但營養豐富」,專家委員會顯然是要「消除民眾對膽固醇的疑慮」。但該委員會仍反對攝取過量飽和脂肪,建議飽和脂肪佔每日攝取熱量不超過8%,較現行10%的上限更低。



GHP茶飲工廠不合格率高達6成 悅氏八種產品勒令停工、統一、光泉等不合格



Two recent studies show blood-sugar levels can affect the brain—adding new evidence that diabetes might be a significant risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

University of Pittsburgh researchers found negative effects on cognition...

Deep roots

In recent years the sight of historic neighbourhoods, their houses often a century or more old, reduced to rubble to make way for grim new structures has been tragically common in Chinese cities. Officials have often appeared to care little about the architecture they destroy and the communities they scatter. Oddly, however, they have just as often made strenuous efforts to preserve one beloved feature of the urban landscape: ancient trees http://econ.st/1c7X9yX

RECENT years the sight of historic neighbourhoods, their houses often a century or more old, reduced to rubble to make way for grim new...

2015年5月26日 星期二


病因揭曉 日前急診 柯自爆攝護腺肥大血尿





新SARS 逼近台灣

致死率4成 韓暴增4例



主要在沙烏地阿拉伯等中東國家流行的MERS-CoV(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus),目前已知碰觸或吸入染病駱駝、病患的飛沫和分泌物會被傳染,其致死率約40.7%,遠高於SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)的9.6%,現已在全球造成1142人感染、465人死亡。 











Hudson River PCB Dredging Project

  • Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site | US Environmental ...

    Protecting Public Health During the Hudson River PCB Dredging Project · Exit EPA ...with GE to Further Investigate Upper Hudson River Floodplain (10/01/14).
  • Hudson River PCB Dredging Project

    General Electric provides information about PCB contamination and environmental clean-up of the Hudson River. Page includes the status of the project to ...

  • In this clip, former GE CEO Jack Welch talks to Bill Moyers in 2002 about why he believes cleaning up PCBs from the Hudson River "is just nuts." GE, which legally dumped PCBs into the Hudson over many years, claimed that the dredging would take decades. But, as of 2015, GE is about to complete its sixth and last year of removing PCBs, although environmental advocacy groups say the corporation should expand its work and more thoroughly cleanup the river.

    2015年5月25日 星期一

    Is Asiana Undermining Its Own Safety Chief? By IN-SOO NAM

    Is Asiana Undermining Its Own Safety Chief?

    String of incidents at South Korean airline prompts worries safety czar doesn’t have enough power

    The damaged wheel of Asiana’s Airbus A320 after the plane skidded off the runway while landing in Hiroshima, Japan, on April 14.ENLARGE
    The damaged wheel of Asiana’s Airbus A320 after the plane skidded off the runway while landing in Hiroshima, Japan, on April 14.PHOTO: JAPAN TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD
    SEOUL—Two years ago, in the wake of a fatal accident in San Francisco, Asiana AirlinesInc. brought in a high-profile expert to revamp safety procedures at the South Korean carrier.
    But after a number of new safety concerns,—including one last month where a jet skidded off a runway in Japan, some Asiana pilots and independent experts are questioning whether the company could be inadvertently undermining its safety czar’s effectiveness.
    Asiana’s safety chief, Akiyoshi Yamamura, doesn’t have power over hiring and firing pilots, and can only propose measures that must be approved by a safety panel he doesn’t lead. That challenges his ability to effect meaningful change in safety policy, experts say.
    For example, an Asiana pilots union leader said members aren’t using a hotline Mr. Yamamura established to anonymously propose safety improvements because they don’t think he has the authority to make changes.
    The union, which counts more than 900 pilots, prefers to raise such matters through management-labor meetings, the leader said.
    “There’s not much [Mr. Yamamura] can do alone in his capacity as chief safety officer. Although he is an executive, his reach is quite limited. He’s an outsider,” said Kim Byung-soo, an Asiana pilot.
    Mr. Yamamura declined to comment. Asiana declined to comment on whether his effectiveness is undermined by the company’s corporate structure.
    Aviation safety and pilot training have come under scrutiny in Asia as traffic rises in the region and investigations continue following a series of tragedies over the past year, including the Dec. 28 crash of AirAsia Bhd. Flight 8501 in the Java Sea and thedisappearance in March 2014 of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which still hasn’t been found.
    Seoul-based Asiana has had two recent safety incidents. On April 14, an Asiana plane skidded off a runway in Hiroshima, Japan, after hitting an approach light and a six-meter-tall communications tower just before touchdown, leaving 25 passengers injured.
    Last year, Asiana was ordered to suspend its Incheon-Saipan route for a week after the airline found that pilots on a flight to the Pacific Island ignored an engine problem and continued the journey, in violation of safety rules; the captain lost his job over the incident.
    Asiana, South Korea’s second-biggest airline behind Korean Air Lines Co., brought in Mr. Yamamura, now 67 years old, in December 2013 as executive vice president and chief safety officer, a newly created post. The Japanese aviation veteran had spent more than 40 years at Japan’s All Nippon Airways Co. as a pilot, safety officer and auditor, and had worked as a safety inspector at the International Air Transport Association.
    There’s not much [Mr. Yamamura] can do alone in his capacity as chief safety officer. Although he is an executive, his reach is quite limited. He’s an outsider.
    —Asiana pilot Kim Byung-soo
    Since joining Asiana, Mr. Yamamura, who leads a staff of 49 people, has increased training hours for pilots based on experience levels and tweaked lessons using feedback on difficult takeoffs and landings. For some pilots, training on new routes rose to 90 hours from 60 hours. He also set up the safety hotline.
    But an Asiana spokesman said Mr. Yamamura isn’t responsible for detecting and punishing violators—a role experts say most safety czars have.
    Mr. Yamamura’s role is limited to proposing measures, the spokesman said. His remit covers the entire company, but his department sits apart from the flight business division, which manages pilot personnel matters, the spokesman said.
    Safety infractions are reported to a disciplinary division, which doesn’t report to Mr. Yamamura.
    An Asiana spokesman said the roles of safety chiefs and the division between disciplinary and safety units are the prerogative of individual airlines, adding that structures vary across the industry.
    Park Jun-soo, a director at Seoul’s transport ministry who worked as a safety inspector at the International Civil Aviation Organization, said there are no international rules on safety chiefs, but it is the industry’s best practice for them to have nearly full control over safety issues, including monitoring, detection and punishment of violations.
    Tom Haueter, a former aviation safety officer at the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board who Asiana hired as its representative during the San Francisco crash probe, said that while Asiana has been proactive in introducing safety programs that meet global standards, the limits on its safety chief are problematic.
    “Like in other airlines, Asiana’s safety officer can’t make drastic changes alone. But he may need to have greater power to raise issues, investigate violations and direct changes,” said Mr. Haueter, whose term with the carrier ended once the NTSB report was completed. He met Mr. Yamamura, he said, but didn’t work with him.
    Airlines that lack a strong chief safety officer also tend to have difficulties persuading pilots and mechanics to voluntarily report incipient hazards before they turn into incidents or accidents, since they are more likely to be punished for doing so. There is widespread agreement among experts, however, that such reports are essential to improving safety.
    In contrast, experts point to Korean Air Lines, which hired an American, retired Delta Air Lines Inc. executive David Greenberg, as safety chief in 2000 after accidents in the late 1980s and 1990s tarnished its brand.
    As Korean Air’s executive vice president for operations, Mr. Greenberg wasn’t directly involved in hiring and firing, but he was responsible for monitoring and discipline of safety infractions, as well as promotions and transfers, a Korean Air spokesman said, putting him on equal footing with other executives at the airline.
    Mr. Greenberg, who left the airline in 2005, chaired safety-committee meetings and reported to the CEO what was discussed and adopted, a protocol that continues under Korean Air’s current safety chief, Michel Gaudreau. Mr. Gaudreau declined to comment.
    In contrast, the safety panel Asiana set up in the wake of the San Francisco accident is chaired by Chief Executive Officer Kim Soo-cheon, a spokesman said. At monthly meetings, Mr. Yamamura can propose safety measures, which the body discusses and may adopt—giving him less autonomy than Korean Air’s safety czar.
    Korean Air hasn’t had a major accident in years, which Jung Yun-sik, an aeronautical science professor at Kyungwoon University, attributed in part to Mr. Greenberg’s efforts and his power over discipline and personnel.
    The cause of Asiana’s Hiroshima accident is still under investigation. Japan’s Transportation Safety Board said May 13 that the plane’s digital flight data recorder showed the captain appeared to try to turn the plane around and reattempt the landing two seconds before it hit the structure.