2013年4月26日 星期五


2013年04月26日 06:18 AM


“對BP和美國來說,對風能的巨大投資都將繼續。” 美國風能協會發言人艾倫·卡利說。

2013年4月25日 星期四



更新時間 2013年 4月 25日, 星期四 - 格林尼治標準時間11:30

來自英國南安普敦大學(University of Southampton)的一個研究小組呼籲有關方面就長期乘坐地鐵和在地鐵系統工作可能給人體帶來的健康隱患做出更多研究。
研究小組成員,南安普敦大學博士生洛克山姆(Matt Loxham)介紹說,他們主要研究了在歐洲大都市地鐵系統空氣中存在的超細微顆粒粉塵。
倫敦交通局(Transport for London)對上述研究結果提出了異議。

倫敦地鐵系統運營主管考林斯(Howard Collins)說:「為了讓員工和乘客放心,我們常年監測地鐵內部的粉塵水平。我們的研究一貫顯示倫敦地鐵空氣中的礦物質粉塵和塵土水平不但符合安全標凖,而且粉塵水平一般只有法定安全標凖臨界點的三分之一。」

倫敦地鐵當局還補充說,除了他們自己的研究外,職業病研究所(Institute of Occupational Medicine)的研究也得出結論認為倫敦地鐵的空氣質量威脅健康的可能性「非常小」。

2013年4月23日 星期二

日本核災須的善後不能便宜行事 to make the plant safer, there is a need for more permanent systems.

TEPCO rejects ministry's demand to pay 10.5 billion ...

Radioactive mud in Fukushima school pools tops...
FUKUSHIMA—Radioactive cesium levels exceeding 100,000 becquerels per kilogram were measured in mud accumulated at the bottom of swimming pools at two high schools in and around Fukushima city.
Radioactive water leaked from the No. 2 and No. 3 underground tanks, shown with dotted lines, at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. The photo was taken on April 7. (Yosuke Fukudome)
Fukushima workers treated water leaks without...
Fourteen workers treated radioactive water leaking at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant without wearing personal dosimeters as required, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said April 19.
 IAEA inspects Japan's crippled nuclear plant
 IAEA reviewing cleanup at damaged Fukushima nuke...


東京——聯合國(United Nations)核監管機構周一稱,日本曾發生過事故的福島核電站的運營商不應該再依賴臨時措施,應當為突髮狀況做好準備。與此同時,該核電站的一個冷卻系統再次因為一隻死老鼠而被關閉。
國際原子能機構(International Atomic Energy Agency)的工作組讚揚核電站的運營商東京電力公司(Tokyo Electric Power Company,簡稱東電)維持住了福島第一核電站(Fukushima Daiichi)的穩定,並且在拆除核電站三個受損核反應堆的複雜工作上取得了進展。兩年前的大地震和海嘯使反應堆的冷卻系統陷入癱瘓,導致反應堆的堆芯 熔毀;該事故使日本東北地區全境受到了輻射影響。
國際原子能機構核燃料再生與廢棄技術部長、工作組組長鬍安·卡洛斯·蘭蒂赫(Juan Carlos Lentijo)說,東電公司已經完成了最緊急的任務,在非常困難的高輻射條件下完成了冷卻受損反應堆的工作。他還說,儘管如此,“還有改善的空間。”


蘭蒂赫表示,該公司目前面臨的最大挑戰是處理核電站內不斷增加的大量含輻射水。每天約有10萬加侖(約37.9萬升)的地下水流進損毀的反應堆建 築,隨即受到污染。蘭蒂赫稱,他的小組已經給東電公司提出建議,指導他們如何安全地將水儲入水罐和業已佔據該核電站大部分地下空間的地下蓄水池。

Fukushima Plant Operator Should Prepare Better, U.N. Watchdog Says

TOKYO — The operator of Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear plant should stop relying on stopgap measures and better prepare for the unexpected, the United Nations nuclear watchdog agency said Monday, even as a cooling system at the plant was once again shut down because of a dead rat.
A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency praised the operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, for stabilizing the Fukushima Daiichi plant and making progress in the complex task of dismantling its three damaged nuclear reactors. A huge earthquake and tsunami two years ago knocked out the reactors’ cooling systems, causing their cores to melt down; the accident spewed radiation across northeastern Japan

Juan Carlos Lentijo, the director of the nuclear fuel cycle and waste technology division at the agency and the team’s leader, said that the company had accomplished the most urgent job, cooling the damaged reactors, in very difficult conditions of high radiation. However, he said, “there is still room for improvement.”

He said that while the company, called Tepco for short, has been working to make the plant safer, it was often doing so “with temporary systems or mobile systems — there is a need for more permanent systems.”

The makeshift nature of some of those cooling systems was exposed again on Monday when Tepco said it had temporarily switched off one of them after a dead rat was found nearby. The system was off for four hours while workers made sure there was no damage to electrical circuits.
Last month, a short circuit caused by a dead rat shut down a similar cooling system for more than a day.
Tepco said that neither shutdown created any danger, because the systems were cooling pools containing spent fuel, which give off relatively low levels of heat and would remain safe even if left uncooled for a week.
There have also been a number of leaks of highly contaminated water from underground storage pools at the plant. Though the leaks have generally been small, they have raised public concerns about whether Tepco was doing enough to stabilize the plant.
Mr. Lentijo of the U.N. agency said that Tepco needed to upgrade sensors and other mechanisms for identifying problems so that it could respond more promptly. He said it was essential for Tepco to strengthen its ability to cope with unexpected events as it continues to clean up the damaged reactors, a complex job that may take 40 years.
Mr. Lentijo said the company’s biggest immediate challenge was managing the huge and growing amount of radioactive water at the plant. Some 100,000 gallons of groundwater a day enters the damaged reactor buildings and becomes contaminated. Mr. Lentijo said his group gave Tepco advice on how to safely store the water in tanks and underground pools that now occupy much of the grounds of the plant.

An Adult Day Care Center, also commonly known as adult day services,

Money and Policy
Zhang Di Hua, 69, playing table tennis at Centre Street Adult Day Care in Chinatown, which receives money for serving impaired or disabled Medicaid recipients.

Day Centers Sprout Up, Luring Fit Elders and Costing Medicaid

In New York, the institutions, intended to save the state money, have undergone a vast expansion and are serving many older people who are not impaired.
美國發展中的制度 值得觀察 :

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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An Adult Day Care Center, also commonly known as adult day services, is a non-residential facility that supports the health, nutritional, social support, and daily living needs of adults in professionally staffed, group settings.[1] Adult day services centers serve as an emerging provider of transitional care and short-term rehabilitation following hospital discharge. Most centers operate 10 – 12 hours per day and provide meals, meaningful activities, and general supervision. Operations in adult daycare centers are often referred to as social models (focusing on socialization and prevention services) and/or a medical model (including skilled assessment, treatment and rehabilitation goals).

Day care centers may focus on providing care only for persons with a specific chronic condition such as Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, or their services may be available for any adult with disabilities. Many centers maintain a nurse on-site and devote a room for participants to have vital signs checked, and receive other health services from a medical assistant/nurse when needed. They may also provide transportation and personal care as well as support groups for caregivers.

According to the 2010 MetLife National Study of Adult Day Services, there is one direct care worker for every six participants, facilitating individualized, person-centered care and enabling staff to care for increasingly complex needs.[2] Nearly 80% of adult day centers have a nurse on staff, nearly 50% have a social worker on staff, and approzimately 60% offer case management services.[3]

Participation in adult day centers may prevent re-hospitalizations and may delay admission to residential long-term care. For participants who would otherwise stay at home alone, the social stimulation and recreational activities may improve or maintain physical and cognitive function. For caregivers, adult day centers provide respite care, enabling caregivers to work or to have a break from their caregiving responsibilities.[4]

More than 5,000 adult day centers are operating in the United States providing care for more than 260,000 older Americans each day.[5] Almost three-quarters of all adult day centers (71%) are operated as nonprofit organizations, and 16% are affiliated with the public sector.[6] Daily fees for services are almost always less than a home health visit and about half the cost of a skilled nursing facility. Daily fees for adult day services vary depending upon the services provided. Average daily fees across the country are approximately $62.[7] Funding for adult day services comes from participant fees, third party insurance, and public and philanthropic sources.
See also



移動: 案内検索
デイケアセンター (Day care center) とは、デイケアを行うために設けられた専門の施設で、在宅の高齢者や精神障害者などの療養者が、昼間の通所で治療、リハビリテーションを受けることのできる場である。

概要 [編集]


参考文献 [編集]

  • 『精神科デイケアQ&A』日本デイケア学会編著 中央法規出版 ISBN 978-4805826270

関連項目 [編集]

2013年4月17日 星期三

嬰兒奶粉,中國夢的新國恥 (江春男)

司馬觀點:中國夢的新國恥 (江春男)






2013年4月12日 星期五

日本Takata 牌安全氣囊有缺失.回收三百四十萬台汽車

Japan carmakers recall 3.4 million vehicles for Takata airbag flaw



TOKYO/DETROIT | Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:14pm EDT
(Reuters) - Four Japanese automakers, including Toyota Motor Corp and Nissan Motor Co, are recalling 3.4 million vehicles sold around the world because airbags supplied by Takata Corp are at risk of catching fire or injuring passengers.
The move announced on Thursday is the largest recall ever for airbags made by Takata, the world's second-largest supplier of airbags and seatbelts. Shares of Takata, which first learned of the issue in October 2011, tumbled almost 10 percent in Tokyo trading.
The recall, also including vehicles from Honda Motor Co Ltd and Mazda Motor Corp, is the largest since Toyota pulled back more than 7 million vehicles in October to repair faulty power window switches. The scale of the recent safety actions underscores the risk of huge global supply chain problems as automakers increasingly rely on a handful of suppliers for common or similar parts to cut costs, analysts have said.
Toyota, Honda and Nissan said there were no reports of injuries or deaths because of the defective airbags, which affect more than 1.3 million vehicles in the United States.
Airbags are flexible fabric envelopes that inflate rapidly to cushion occupants in an accident. They were rolled out broadly in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, and are now required in most developed countries, with many vehicles offering multiple airbags.
However, U.S. requirements were changed in the late 1990s to lower the explosive force of airbag deployment after injuries caused by early generations of the technology.
In the current Takata recall, the airbag for the front passenger seat may not inflate correctly because of a manufacturing defect in the propellant used in the airbag inflator, the companies said. As a result, there is a risk of fires starting or of passengers being injured by metal fragments shooting up toward the windshield or down into the passenger foot well.
The recall covers some of the top-selling Japanese cars, including Toyota's Camry and Corolla, and rivals like the Nissan Maxima and Honda Civic. All of the vehicles in question were manufactured in or after 2000. None of the affected Camrys were sold in the United States.
The recall is not welcome news for Toyota, which took a hit to its reputation after it recalled nearly 19 million vehicles globally from late 2009 to early 2011 due to unintended acceleration claims.
"The huge recall is expected to generate a good deal of unwelcome attention, particularly for Toyota, as it strives to rebuild its reputation for quality in North America," IHS Automotive analyst Paul Newton said in a report.
Takata said it learned of the problem from an automaker it did not identify in October 2011 after an airbag deployment in Japan. It learned of a Honda accident in Puerto Rico the following month, according to documents filed with U.S. safety regulators.
From February 2012 through June last year, Takata could not reproduce the problem in testing, but that autumn the supplier was alerted to three additional incidents - two in Puerto Rico and one in Maryland - according to documents filed with the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
By October 2012, Takata concluded it was possible that the propellant in certain wafers made at its plant in Moses Lake, Washington, might be inadequately compressed, which could lead to the rupture, according to NHTSA documents.
By March this year, it also discovered that some wafers used in inflators made at a plant in Monclova, Mexico, for a year ending in late October 2002 may have been exposed to excess moisture, which could lead to a rupture, according to the NHTSA documents.
Takata is aware of only six cases where an inflator ruptured in vehicles in the field - four in the United States and two in Japan - as well as six cases in salvage yards in Japan, according to NHTSA documents.

In July and August 2012 in Japan, at scrap yards where airbags were being recycled, officials noted that airbags in some Honda vehicles deployed "strangely," adding to the probe, a U.S. spokesman for Honda said.

Industry officials said the elapsed time between the first report of a problem and the announcement of the recall was not unusual because companies typically search for patterns and possible causes of problems before launching a recall.

Toyota said in NHTSA documents that it also received a report in October 2011 about an accident in Japan related to the issue. The automaker then asked Takata to investigate, but through August 2011 no abnormalities were found with 66 recovered inflators.
In September 2012, Toyota said it received reports of three vehicles in the U.S. market with fractured inflators, and the automaker asked Takata to study 144 parts that were recovered.

In February 2013, Takata said the inflators were cracked, possibly because of lower material density increasing pressure on the part, so Toyota asked the supplier to determine if a trend was developing, according to NHTSA documents. On April 5, Toyota decided to conduct its recall, three days after Takata said certain inflators could be faulty.
Tokyo-based Takata said it supplies airbags and seatbelts to major automakers including Daimler AG and Ford Motor Co as well as the Japanese brands.
Some non-Japanese automakers were also supplied with the faulty airbags, Takata spokesman Toyohiro Hishikawa said. He declined to name those automakers.
General Motors Co said Takata is a supplier, but that the problem affected only about 55,000 Pontiac Vibe cars from model year 2003 built for the U.S. and Canadian markets. The cars were assembled at the Fremont, California, plant GM previously ran in a joint venture with Toyota and were included in Toyota's total recall number, a GM spokesman said. GM dealers will service its cars.
BMW has an undetermined number of vehicles affected by the recall, a U.S. spokesman for Takata said.
Officials with Chrysler, Daimler, Ford, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault SA and Volkswagen AG said they were not affected because they did not use the airbags covered by the recall. India's Tata Motors Ltd and its Jaguar Land Rover unit said they are not affected.
A Takata spokesman in the United States said no other customers were affected. Italy's Fiat SpA and India's Maruti Suzuki said Takata is not a supplier.

Between 2008 and 2011, Honda was forced to recall about 2.8 million vehicles after finding a defect with driver-side airbags supplied by Takata.
"When the last recall took place, we inspected everything such as the site of manufacturing, but we were not able to identify this problem," said Hideyuki Matsumoto, another spokesman for Takata.
The present recall, announced during Japanese trading hours, hit Takata's shares harder than stock prices of automakers, who typically carry reserves for recalls and warranty costs.
It is the largest recall for Takata since 1995 when the company was involved in a recall of more than 8 million vehicles because of defective seatbelts.
Shares in Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mazda, which continue to be supported by a weakening yen, were up between 3.1 and 5.8 percent, outpacing a 2 percent rise in the benchmark Nikkei. ($1 = 99.5050 Japanese yen)
(Reporting by Yoko Kubota and Mari Saito; Additional reporting by staff in Washington, Europe, Mexico, India and China; editing by Daniel Magnowski and Matthew Lewis)

福島核電廠廢水儲存槽不足Japan scrambles to build more safety tanks

Another leak at Fukushima, Japan scrambles to build more safety tanks
Tokyo: Tokyo Electric Power, the utility that operates the Japanese nuclear plant devastated two years ago by an earthquake and tsunami, is scrambling to build more tanks to safely store radioactive water after leaks were found at makeshift pits ...
See all stories on this topic »


2013年4月11日 星期四

電源線受損應速換: a bent, cracked or broken laptop power cable should be replaced as quickly as possible.

Replacing a Damaged Power Cord

For safety's sake, a bent, cracked or broken laptop power cable should be replaced as quickly as possible.

2013年4月9日 星期二

日本監督 福島核電站太鬆散/泄漏上百噸放射性污水 Damaged Nuclear Plant in Japan Leaks Toxic Water

 Japan experts say new nuclear safety plan too lax
Lincoln Journal Star
Experts who investigated Japan's nuclear crisis said Monday that a watchdog's oversight of the crippled plant's operator is still too lax, amid renewed public fear over a recent spate of safety problems. The Fukushima Dai-ichi plant has been plagued ...

 Accident investigators say Japan nuclear safety plans too lax for crowded ...
Washington Post
TOKYO — Experts who investigated Japan's nuclear crisis said Monday that government oversight of the crippled plant's operator is still too lax, as public concern has grown over recent safety problems. A power failure last month caused by a rat that ...


Damaged Nuclear Plant in Japan Leaks Toxic Water

TOKYO — Tens of thousands of gallons of radioactive water leaked from a large underground storage pool at Japan’s crippled nuclear plant, and thousands more gallons could seep out before the faulty pool can be emptied, the plant’s operator said Saturday.
The disclosure came a day after workers at the stricken Fukushima plant who were installing wire nets to keep rats away from a vital cooling system instead tripped that system, causing it to fail for the second time in weeks.
About 120 tons, or almost 32,000 gallons, of highly contaminated water appeared to have breached the inner protective lining of the pool at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, said the operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company. It was unclear how much of the water had made it through two additional layers of lining to reach soil, but radiation levels outside the pool have risen, a sign that some water is getting out, said the company, known as Tepco.
The leak highlights the daunting challenge of what to do with the huge amounts of contaminated water created by makeshift cooling systems at the plant, after a huge earthquake and tsunami knocked out its regular cooling systems two years ago in the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. Since then, Tepco has essentially been pouring water onto the damaged reactor cores and storage ponds to keep them from overheating.
As it is used for cooling, the water becomes so contaminated that it must be safely stored at the plant. Tepco said it was already storing more than a quarter-million tons of radioactive water in hundreds of tanks that seem to fill every available space at the plant, or in underground pools like the leaking one. With the decommissioning of the Fukushima plant likely to take decades, Tepco has said it expects the amount of radioactive water to keep growing, and possibly more than double within three years. The company has said it is building more storage space and new filtering facilities to clean the water.
The company said the leak appeared to be the biggest since the early months after the March 2011 disaster, when leaks allowed contaminated water to flow into the nearby Pacific Ocean. Tepco said that this time, it did not expect any of the toxic water to reach the sea, since the pool is half a mile from the coast.
Still, Tepco said it had begun pumping the remaining 13,000 tons of water out of the faulty pool and into a similar pool. The pools are like large ponds dug into the ground, protected by multiple layers of plastic sheets and covered with dirt.
Emptying the damaged pool could take five more days, the company said, during which time an additional 47 tons, or about 12,000 gallons, could leak.
The debris-strewn plant still relies on makeshift cooling systems, some of which were hastily put together in the accident’s frantic aftermath.
A blackout disabled cooling at four fuel pools last month, an event the company traced to a rat that might have gnawed on power cables and caused a short circuit. Engineers found its scorched body in a damaged switchboard.
Tepco has since installed mousetraps at the site and promised to plug holes through which rats and other rodents might enter buildings and gnaw on important equipment. It has also promised to speed up work to install backup power cables to the fuel pools.
But Friday afternoon, four workers using wire meshing to seal a space around electric cables caused a ground fault, or the accidental flow of current to the ground. No one was injured, but the ground fault shut off electricity to the cooling system at the No. 3 reactor fuel pool.
The spent-fuel pool went without fresh cooling water for almost three hours before cooling was restored late Friday. There was no imminent danger to the 566 nuclear fuel rods stored in the pool, according to the company. It would have taken at least two weeks for the pool to have risen above the safe level of 149 degrees Fahrenheit, Tepco said.


運營商東京電力公司(Tokyo Electric Power Company,簡稱東電)表示,大約有120噸,也就是近3.2萬加侖高度污染的污水似乎已經衝破福島第一核電站(Fukushima Daiichi plant)蓄水池的內部保護層。東電說,目前還不清楚,有多少污水已經衝破其餘兩道保護層,滲入土壤,不過,水池外的放射性濃度已經升高,這個跡象表 明,一些污水正在滲出。
污水泄露事件突顯了核電站在處理臨時冷卻系統產生的大量污水方面所遭遇的嚴峻挑戰。兩年前發生的福島核事故是切爾諾貝利核事故之後最嚴重的核事故, 當時,一場大地震和海嘯破壞了核電站的常規冷卻系統。自此之後,東電實際上一直把水傾倒進受損的反應堆堆芯和存儲池,以防止堆芯和存儲池過熱。
由於被用於冷卻反應堆,這些水受到了嚴重的污染,因此必須把它們安全地存儲在核電站內部。東電說,他們已把逾25萬噸的放射性污水存儲在數百個蓄水 罐內,這些裝置似乎佔據了核電站里所有能利用的空間,還有一些污水則貯存在地下蓄水池內,比如發生泄露的那一個。由於福島核電站可能需要幾十年才能完全拆 除,東電錶示,預計放射性污水水量將繼續上升,而且可能會在三年之內翻一番還多。東電已經表示,正在建造更多的存儲設施,以及新的過濾設施來凈化污水。

2013年4月8日 星期一

New Health Culprit Carnitine 肉鹼 Found in Red Meat

New Health Culprit Carnitine Found in Red Meat
 Doctors have long assumed that saturated fat and cholesterol in red meat are what raise the risk of heart disease. But a study in the journal Nature Medicine fingers another culprit: carnitine, a compound abundant in red meat that also is sold as a dietary supplement and found in some energy drinks.

Carnitine typically helps the body transport fatty acids into cells to be used as energy. But researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that in both humans and mice, certain bacteria in the digestive tract convert carnitine to another metabolite, called TMAO, that promotes atherosclerosis, or a thickening of the arteries.

The researchers, led by Stanley Hazen, chief of cellular and molecular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute, tested the carnitine and TMAO levels of omnivores, vegans and vegetarians, and examined records of 2,595 patients undergoing cardiac evaluations. In patients with high TMAO levels, the more carnitine in their blood, the more likely they were to develop cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, stroke and death.

Many studies have linked consumption of red and processed meat to cardiovascular disease and some cancers. The Harvard School of Public Health reported last year that among 83,000 nurses and 37,000 male health professionals followed since the 1980s, those who consumed the highest levels of red meat had the highest risk of death during study, and that one additional serving a day of red meat raised the risk of death by 13%.

The new findings don't mean that red meat is more hazardous than previously thought, but may help explain the underlying risk, which some researchers have long thought was higher than the saturated fat and cholesterol content alone could explain.

Dr. Hazen speculated that carnitine could be compounding the danger. 'Cholesterol is still needed to clog the arteries, but TMAO changes how cholesterol is metabolized─like the dimmer on a light switch,' he said. 'It may explain why two people can have the same LDL level [a measure of one type of cholesterol], but one develops cardiovascular disease and the other doesn't.'

One surprising finding, Dr. Hazen said, was how a long-term diet that includes meat affected the amount of TMAO-producing bacteria in the gut and thus magnified the risk. In the study, when longtime meat-eaters consumed an eight-ounce steak and a carnitine supplement, their bacteria and TMAO levels rose considerably. But when a vegan ate the same combination, he showed no increase in TMAO or bacterial change.

'Vegans basically lose their ability to digest carnitine,' said Dr. Hazen.

The study, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, didn't assess how little red meat people could consume and still have elevated TMAO. Nor did it look at how long someone had to abstain from red meat to end the process. 'We know it will be longer than one week, but shorter than one year,' Dr. Hazen said.

He and his colleagues have been exploring how altering gut bacteria might influence the risk of heart disease. 'In the future, maybe there will be a heart-healthy yogurt, or a drug to block the formation of TMAO,' he said.

Consumption of red meat─primarily beef, veal, lamb and pork─has been falling gradually since 1970.

Trade groups for meat producers have questioned the link between red meat and cardiovascular disease on the grounds that studies that ask people to recall what they ate over long periods are imprecise.

As a dietary supplement, carnitine is designated as 'generally regarded as safe' by the Food and Drug Administration, but few studies have looked at its long-term safety. A 2006 risk assessment found no adverse effects when subjects consumed 2,000 milligrams a day for six months. (An eight-ounce steak has roughly 200 mg of carnitine.)

Ads for supplements promote carnitine as helping boost energy levels, particularly in endurance sports, and assisting in recovery after intense exercise; some also claim that it helps shed pounds and improve brain function.


Bloomberg News

期以來﹐醫生們一直認為紅肉中能夠增加心臟病風險的就是飽和脂肪和膽固醇。不過﹐《自然-醫學》(Nature Medicine)雜志的一項研究發現了另一個罪魁禍首:肉鹼。肉鹼在紅肉中含量豐富﹐同時也作為膳食補充劑出售﹐有些能量飲料中也含有肉鹼。

肉鹼一般能夠幫助人體將脂肪酸運送到細胞內以產生能量。但是克里夫蘭醫學中心(Cleveland Clinic)的研究人員發現﹐在人體和小鼠體內﹐某些細菌在消化道可以將肉鹼轉化成另一種代謝物氧化三甲胺(TMAO)﹐而TMAO能夠誘發動脈粥樣硬化。

在 克里夫蘭醫學中心勒納研究所的細胞和分子醫學主任黑曾(Stanley Hazen)領導下﹐研究員人員們測試了雜食者、嚴格素食主義者和素食者體內肉鹼和TMAO的水平﹐研究了2,595名接受心臟評估的病人的記錄。在擁有 較高TMAO水平的病人中﹐血液中的肉鹼水平越高﹐他們越有可能罹患心血管疾病、心臟病、中風等疾病﹐也越有可能死亡。

許多研究證明﹐食 用紅肉和加工肉類會誘發心血管病和一些癌症。哈佛大學公共衛生學院(Harvard School of Public Health)去年發佈報告說﹐上世紀80年代開始追蹤的8.3萬名護士和3.7萬名男性健康專家中﹐食用紅肉水平最高的人死亡風險最高﹐每天多吃一份紅 肉﹐死亡的風險增加13%。



黑 曾說﹐一個驚人的發現是﹐長期食肉的飲食習慣會影響消化道內產生TMAO的細菌的數量﹐並因此增大患病風險。在研究中﹐當長期的食肉者吃掉八盎司的牛排和 一種肉鹼補充劑時﹐他們體內的細菌和TMAO水平均大幅上升。但是當一個嚴格素食者吃掉同樣的東西之後﹐他的TMAO水平沒有上升﹐細菌水平也沒有發生變 化。


這項由美國國立衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health)資助的研究沒有評估增加TMAO水平至少需要食用多少紅肉。研究也沒有發現一些人戒掉紅肉多長時間後才能阻止TMAO的上升。黑曾說﹐我們知道這會長於一個星期﹐但是短於一年。




作 為一種飲食補充劑﹐肉鹼被美國食品藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)認可為“一般公認安全物質”﹐但是幾乎沒有人研究過肉鹼的長期安全性。2006年的風險評估發現﹐受試者連續六個月每天攝 入2,000毫克肉鹼不會產生負面影響(八盎司的牛排大約含有200毫克肉鹼)。



Culprit in Heart Disease Goes Beyond Meat’s Fat


正值早餐時間,參與一項對紅肉及其影響研究的人們吃了擺在面前冒着熱氣、滋滋作響的西冷牛排。研究員為了這自己買了一台喬治·福爾曼(George Foreman)牌烤架,協助他工作的護士負責烹調。

It was breakfast time and the people participating in a study of red meat and its consequences had hot, sizzling sirloin steaks plopped down in front of them. The researcher himself bought a George Foreman grill for the occasion, and the nurse assisting him did the cooking.
For the sake of science, these six men and women ate every last juicy bite of the 8-ounce steaks. Then they waited to have their blood drawn.

主持這項研究的克利夫蘭醫學中心(Cleveland Clinic)的斯坦利·黑曾(Stanley Hazen)醫生和他的同事們已經積累了證據,為紅肉可能引發心臟病提出一個令人驚訝的新解釋。他們正以這次早餐實驗來驗證其結論。
Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic, who led the study, and his colleagues had accumulated evidence for a surprising new explanation of why red meat may contribute to heart disease. And they were testing it with this early morning experiment.
The researchers had come to believe that what damaged hearts was not just the thick edge of fat on steaks, or the delectable marbling of their tender interiors. In fact, these scientists suspected that saturated fat and cholesterol made only a minor contribution to the increased amount of heart disease seen in red-meat eaters. The real culprit, they proposed, was a little-studied chemical that is burped out by bacteria in the intestines after people eat red meat. It is quickly converted by the liver into yet another little-studied chemical called TMAO that gets into the blood and increases the risk of heart disease.
研究人員逐漸認識到,對心臟有害的不僅是牛排邊角上厚厚的肥肉,或中間幼嫩美味的大理石狀肉。事實上,這些科學家懷疑,飽和脂肪和膽固醇只是喜食紅 肉者心臟疾病多發的一小部分誘因。他們提出,真正的罪魁禍首卻是一種在人們吃了紅肉以後由腸道內細菌釋放出來的化學物質,此前甚少有人研究。這種物質會很 快被肝臟轉化成另一種少有研究的化學物質,稱為氧化三甲胺(TMAO),進入血液後增加心臟病的風險。

That, at least, was the theory. So the question that morning was: Would a burst of TMAO show up in people’s blood after they ate steak? And would the same thing happen to a vegan who had not eaten meat for at least a year and who consumed the same meal?
The answers were: yes, there was a TMAO burst in the five meat eaters; and no, the vegan did not have it. And TMAO levels turned out to predict heart attack risk in humans, the researchers found. The researchers also found that TMAO actually caused heart disease in mice. Additional studies with 23 vegetarians and vegans and 51 meat eaters showed that meat eaters normally had more TMAO in their blood and that they, unlike those who spurned meat, readily made TMAO after swallowing pills with carnitine.
“It’s really a beautiful combination of mouse studies and human studies to tell a story I find quite plausible,” said Dr. Daniel J. Rader, a heart disease researcher at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, who was not involved in the research.
Researchers say the work could lead to new treatments for heart disease — perhaps even an antibiotic to specifically wipe out the bacterial culprit — and also to a new way to assess heart disease risk by looking for TMAO in the blood.
Of course, critical questions remain. Would people reduce their heart attack risk if they lowered their blood TMAO levels? An association between TMAO levels in the blood and heart disease risk does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. And which gut bacteria in particular are the culprits?
There also are questions about the safety of supplements, like energy drinks and those used in body building. Such supplements often contain carnitine, a substance found mostly in red meat.
But the investigators’ extensive experiments in both humans and animals, published Sunday in Nature Medicine, have persuaded scientists not connected with the study to seriously consider this new theory of why red meat eaten too often might be bad for people.
Dr. Hazen began his research five years ago with a scientific fishing expedition. He directs a study of patients who come to the Cleveland Clinic for evaluations. Over the years, there have been 10,000. All were at risk for heart disease and agreed to provide blood samples and to be followed so the researchers would know if any patient had a heart attack or died of heart disease in the three years after the first visit. Those samples enabled him to look for small molecules in the blood to see whether any were associated with heart attacks or deaths.
That study and a series of additional experiments led to the discovery that a red meat substance no one had suspected — carnitine — seemed to be a culprit. Carnitine is found in red meat and gets its name from the Latin word carnis, the root of carnivore, Dr. Hazen said. It is also found in other foods, he noted, including fish and chicken and even dairy products, but in smaller amounts. Red meat, he said, is the major source, and for many people who eat a lot of red meat, it may be a concern.
The researchers found that carnitine was not dangerous by itself. Instead, the problem arose when it was metabolized by bacteria in the intestines and ended up as TMAO in the blood.
That led to the steak-eating study. It turned out that within a couple of hours of a regular meat-eater having a steak, TMAO levels in the blood soared.
The researchers’ theory, based on their laboratory studies, is that TMAO enables cholesterol to get into artery walls and also prevents the body from excreting excess cholesterol.
But what is it about carnitine that bacteria like? The answer, Dr. Hazen said, is that bacteria use it as a fuel.
He said he worries about carnitine-containing energy drinks. Carnitine often is added to the drinks on the assumption that is will speed fat metabolism and increase a person’s energy level, Dr. Hazen said.
Dr. Robert H. Eckel, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado and a past president of the American Heart Association, worried about how carnitine might be affecting body builders and athletes who often take it because they believe it builds muscle.
Those supplements, Dr. Hazen said, “are scary, especially for our kids.”
答案是:會,在五位食肉者身上的確出現了氧化三甲胺的激增;不會,純素食者沒有出現這樣的情況。經研究證明,氧化三甲胺的水平是能夠預測人類心肌梗 死風險的。研究人員還發現,氧化三甲胺的確會讓小鼠得心臟病。另外對23位素食者和純素食者以及51位肉食者的研究顯示,肉食者的血液中通常含有更多氧化 三甲胺,和拒絕吃肉的人不同,他們在服用了含有肉鹼的葯後就會立刻產生出氧化三甲胺。
賓西法尼亞大學醫學院(University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine)心臟病研究員丹尼爾·J·雷德(Daniel J. Rader)醫生稱,“通過小鼠和人體研究來共同闡述一個理論,這真的是一種完美結合,我覺得這一結論很可信。”雷德醫生沒有參與這項研究。
然而這項周日發表在《自然醫學》(Nature Medicine)雜誌上的研究所進行的大量人類和實驗,對和此次研究無關的科學家們來說已經足夠有說服力,在為何經常吃紅肉會對人有害的問題上,這項新理論引起了他們的重視。
黑曾醫生的研究始於五年前的一次科學調查。他主持了一項對克利夫蘭醫學中心患者的研究。幾年下來研究對象達到了1萬人。所有患者都有罹患心臟病的風 險,他們同意提供血液樣本並接受跟蹤調查,這樣研究人員就能夠了解,是否有患者在初次就診後三年內出現心肌梗死或死於心臟疾病。這些樣本使黑曾醫生能夠尋 找血液內的小分子,來看看其中是否有與心肌梗死或死亡相關的。
這項研究及一系列附加的實驗發現,紅肉中的一種從未成為懷疑對象的物質——肉鹼——似乎是罪魁禍首。黑曾醫生說“肉鹼”(carnitine)存在 於紅肉中,這個名稱來自於拉丁詞carnis,也就是食肉動物(carnivore)一詞的詞根。他指出,其他食物中也有肉鹼,包括魚肉和雞肉,甚至乳製 品,不過量都很小。他說紅肉是肉鹼的主要來源,對那些大量食用紅肉的人來說,它可能是一種隱患。
令科羅拉多大學(University of Colorado)醫學教授、美國心臟病協會(American Heart Association)前會長羅伯特·H·埃克爾博士(Robert H. Eckel)擔心的是,肉鹼會對健美人士及運動員有影響,這些人認為肉鹼有增肌作用,因此經常飲用。

2013年4月5日 星期五

Easing Brain Fatigue With a Walk in the Park 頭昏腦脹?到公園走走吧!


Brick House Pictures/Getty Images

走進綠地——比如公園或種有很多樹的廣場——可以減壓和提高注意力,這並不算是新奇發現。研究者早已論述過綠地具有鎮定效果;比起忙碌的城市街道, 綠地不要求人們有太多的“定向注意力”。自然環境激發出的“軟引力” (soft fascination,一個形容靜思冥想的迷人詞語)幾乎不需要人腦產生任何定向注意,從而大腦可重置被過度使用的精力,緩解腦疲勞。
新研究發表於2013年3月《英國運動醫學雜誌》(The British Journal of Sports Medicine)上。英國愛丁堡的赫瑞瓦特大學(Heriot-Watt University)和愛丁堡大學(University of Edinburgh)的科學家們把這種新型便攜式腦電波儀(EEG, electroencephalo-graph)貼在了12名健康年輕的成年人的頭皮上。電極不露痕迹地藏在一頂貌似普通的針織帽下面,通過無線網絡將腦 波數據傳遞到每個志願者背包里的手提電腦上。
然後,研究者對輸出信號進行比較,尋找認為與沮喪、定向注意力(他們稱之為“投入度”)、精神喚醒(mental arousal)以及沉靜和鎮定相關的波形。
此研究的負責人、赫瑞瓦特大學建築學院教授珍妮·羅伊(Jenney Roe)說,這並不是說他們不關注周圍情況。她解釋道,自然環境仍然會“吸引大腦注意”,不過此類吸引力是“無需花費精力的”,心理學稱之為“無意注意” (involuntary attention)。它佔有一定的注意,但同時也為精神反應留有餘地;可作為由典型市區街道誘發的不停歇注意力的緩和劑。
儘管如此,羅伊教授說,他們的發現還是具有一致性並強有力的。而且,從我們這些生活在城市裡、注意力被迫高度集中的人的角度來說,是很有價值的。羅 伊說,研究結果意味着,現在,你就應當考慮“放下工作休息一會。到綠地走一走,坐一坐;甚至僅僅從你的辦公室窗戶向外眺望綠地也可以。”這可不是什麼沒有效率地浪費時間,羅伊教授適時地讓我們放心:“這樣做很有可能幫你恢復精力,解決腦疲勞,減輕壓力。”

Easing Brain Fatigue With a Walk in the Park

Brick House Pictures/Getty Images

Scientists have known for some time that the human brain’s ability to stay calm and focused is limited and can be overwhelmed by the constant noise and hectic, jangling demands of city living, sometimes resulting in a condition informally known as brain fatigue.
With brain fatigue, you are easily distracted, forgetful and mentally flighty — or, in other words, me.
But an innovative new study from Scotland suggests that you can ease brain fatigue simply by strolling through a leafy park.
The idea that visiting green spaces like parks or tree-filled plazas lessens stress and improves concentration is not new. Researchers have long theorized that green spaces are calming, requiring less of our so-called directed mental attention than busy, urban streets do. Instead, natural settings invoke “soft fascination,” a beguiling term for quiet contemplation, during which directed attention is barely called upon and the brain can reset those overstretched resources and reduce mental fatigue.
But this theory, while agreeable, has been difficult to put to the test. Previous studies have found that people who live near trees and parks have lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in their saliva than those who live primarily amid concrete, and that children with attention deficits tend to concentrate and perform better on cognitive tests after walking through parks or arboretums. More directly, scientists have brought volunteers into a lab, attached electrodes to their heads and shown them photographs of natural or urban scenes, and found that the brain wave readouts show that the volunteers are more calm and meditative when they view the natural scenes.
But it had not been possible to study the brains of people while they were actually outside, moving through the city and the parks. Or it wasn’t, until the recent development of a lightweight, portable version of the electroencephalogram, a technology that studies brain wave patterns.
For the new study, published this month in The British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh attached these new, portable EEGs to the scalps of 12 healthy young adults. The electrodes, hidden unobtrusively beneath an ordinary looking fabric cap, sent brain wave readings wirelessly to a laptop carried in a backpack by each volunteer.
The researchers, who had been studying the cognitive impacts of green spaces for some time, then sent each volunteer out on a short walk of about a mile and half that wound through three different sections of Edinburgh.
The first half mile or so took walkers through an older, historic shopping district, with fine, old buildings and plenty of pedestrians on the sidewalk, but only light vehicle traffic.
The walkers then moved onto a path that led through a park-like setting for another half mile.
Finally, they ended their walk strolling through a busy, commercial district, with heavy automobile traffic and concrete buildings.
The walkers had been told to move at their own speed, not to rush or dawdle. Most finished the walk in about 25 minutes.
Throughout that time, the portable EEGs on their heads continued to feed information about brain wave patterns to the laptops they carried.
Afterward, the researchers compared the read-outs, looking for wave patterns that they felt were related to measures of frustration, directed attention (which they called “engagement”), mental arousal and meditativeness or calm.
What they found confirmed the idea that green spaces lessen brain fatigue.
When the volunteers made their way through the urbanized, busy areas, particularly the heavily trafficked commercial district at the end of their walk, their brain wave patterns consistently showed that they were more aroused, attentive and frustrated than when they walked through the parkland, where brain-wave readings became more meditative.
While traveling through the park, the walkers were mentally quieter.
Which is not to say that they weren’t paying attention, said Jenny Roe, a professor in the School of the Built Environment at Heriot-Watt University, who oversaw the study. “Natural environments still engage” the brain, she said, but the attention demanded “is effortless. It’s called involuntary attention in psychology. It holds our attention while at the same time allowing scope for reflection,” and providing a palliative to the nonstop attentional demands of typical, city streets.
Of course, her study was small, more of a pilot study of the nifty new, portable EEG technology than a definitive examination of the cognitive effects of seeing green.
But even so, she said, the findings were consistent and strong and, from the viewpoint of those of us over-engaged in attention-hogging urban lives, valuable. The study suggests that, right about now, you should consider “taking a break from work,” Dr. Roe said, and “going for a walk in a green space or just sitting, or even viewing green spaces from your office window.” This is not unproductive lollygagging, Dr. Roe helpfully assured us. “It is likely to have a restorative effect and help with attention fatigue and stress recovery.”

2013年4月3日 星期三



       從臺十七線進入台南市七股鹽山,就可見七股氣象雷達站巨大的白色球體,矗立在波光粼粼的瀉湖上。11年來,這雷達站為台灣掌握西南海的降水、風場,但七 股區鹽埕裏這緊臨雷達的小漁村,卻疑似受到雷達電磁波影響,村民罹患疾病,甚至失去生命,寧靜村落無端起波瀾。






       依當時規定,設置雷達不須做環境影響評估,氣象局沒有舉辦說明會,也沒有評估電磁波對人體可能的影響。村民認為,以氣象局的專業,不會不知 道雷達電磁波有可能影響人體健康,把雷達設在距離村落這麼近的地方,無論有沒有法律規定都應該辦說明會,這樣對村民很不公平。



       村落陷入不平靜的氛圍,反七股氣象雷達自救會長總幹事李勝良懷疑這一切是否與雷達有關?2006年向環保聯盟陳情,當時的會長陳椒華調查後 發現,1996年到2001年間,村裏只有4名癌症死亡,2002年雷達設置後到2007年間新增14個癌症病例,約比設置前增加3倍。



       2007年7月,村民首度北上中央氣象局陳情,張黃阿冊帶著兩個殘障兒子也來到台北,在氣象局大門外聲淚俱下。時任氣象局副局長、現任局長 辛在勤承諾,如果證實村民受害是因雷達而起,一定會遷移雷達。不過公害的因果關係難以認定,何況還要村民自己舉證,最後這場抗議也不了了之。



       當時鹽埕村民並非唯一的電磁波抗議者,同一時間許多因鄰近基地臺、高壓電塔的電磁波受害者也四處陳情,有關係的都私下請托遷走基地臺或高壓 電塔,但多數的陳情案件,包括氣象局在內的機關、業者都拿出「環境建議值」做為擋箭牌,只要量測值未超過環境建議值,就認為絕不會影響人民健康。













       例如環保署2012年11月訂定「限制時變電場、磁場及電磁場暴露指引」,將「環境建議值」改稱「參考位準值」,明確定義這個值是「短期暴 露效應」,並不是「長期暴露的安全值」。並強調有關長期暴露的影響,依國際研究截至目前為止並無足夠證據顯示電磁波有因果關係,因此各部會都應訂定電磁波 預防措施。




       電磁波強弱與距離有正相關,即使無法證明與疾病相關,不過也無法排除,只要在設置時選擇距離民眾住家,或工作場所較遠的地方,既不會影響天氣觀測,又能讓民眾遠離電磁波風險,政府任何施政如果都能多一點考量,才能真正共創雙贏。 (撰文:朱淑娟,商業週刊)




       生活中處處有電磁波,若想增進電磁波防護知識,可參考「台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會」網站 http://tepca.org.tw/。

2013年4月1日 星期一


日媒︰中國銷日食品 連中國人也不敢吃



死豬補助 進貪官口袋
楊 姓養豬戶坦承,往河裡扔死豬的人就是他,因為當地養豬戶也這麼做,而且是「不得不這麼做」。雖然透過村長向地方政府相關單位通報,一頭豬可領到八十元人民 幣(約三百八十四台幣)補助,但那些補助款全都落入官員口袋,養豬戶已沒錢挖洞消毒、掩埋死豬,而且就算想挖坑掩埋也埋不完。


中 國和香港網路新聞一日也大量轉載中國死豬流入上海餐飲店的新聞。一名餐飲業者透露,養豬戶通常不會隨意丟棄死豬,而是以賤價賣出,商人以小貨車載往上海, 因為比較容易偽裝,一車能載個七、八頭,如果碰到檢驗檢疫人員,乾脆把車一扔落跑。這位業者還說,上海人以前不知道吃過多少死豬,只是自己不知道而已。

大 量死豬不是只有扔進河裡,也流入食品加工廠。「週刊文春」還列舉一份「連中國人也不敢吃的銷日食品名單」,其中包括小香腸、雞肉、蕎麥及蕎麥粉、黑輪(魚漿製 品)、肉包、葡萄乾、油條、烏龍茶、紅茶、韭菜、果汁、草莓及大閘蟹等。這些中國農漁產品或加工食品,有些在飼養或栽種過程中就被動了手腳,例如添加成長 促進劑、抗生素、劇毒農藥、殺蟲劑,或是水質本身已遭重金屬污染,有些在加工過程中添加有害健康的防腐劑,甚至為了讓病死豬肉吃起來口感較軟,還加了軟化 劑。

Cost of Environmental Damage in China Growing Rapidly Amid Industrialization


Sim Chi Yin for The New York Times

“這觸及中國面臨的經濟挑戰的核心:如何從過去30年的爆炸式增長轉變到未來30年的可持續增長,”研究公司環球通視(IHS Global Insight)關注中國的經濟學家阿利斯泰爾·桑頓(Alistair Thornton)說。“先挖個大坑,再把坑填平就會產生GDP的增長,但這樣做並不會帶來經濟價值。過去幾年,中國的大量經濟活動都是挖坑再填坑,從救助岌岌可危的太陽能企業,到無視經濟增長的‘外部性’,概莫能外。”





公眾對水污染和土壤污染也一直存在憂慮。在為上海提供飲用水的河流中,發現至少1.6萬頭死豬,這給上海敲響了警鐘。上周,中國中央電視台報道,河 南省某村農民使用造紙廠的廢水灌溉小麥。但是一位農民說,他們自己不敢吃這些小麥。這些小麥被賣到村外,最終可能流向城裡,而農民們種植自己吃的小麥時用 的是井水。


2006年,環境部稱,2004年的環境退化成本超過620億美元,佔GDP總量的3.05%。2010年,環境部公布了2008年環境退化成本的 部分結果,總計約為1850億美元,佔GDP的3.9%。一些外國學者對中國研究人員的計算方法提出了批評,稱他們在計算中沒有包含一些關鍵的環境退化指 標。

現在人們一致認為,中國近幾十年來兩位數的經濟增長造成了巨大的環境代價。但是增長仍然是首要目標,共產黨執政的合法性很大程度上依賴於經濟的迅速 增長,而且中國官方預計,今年的GDP增長將為7.5%,在截止於2015年的五年計劃里,年均經濟增長率為7%。2012年,中國GDP總量約為8.3 萬億美元。德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)上個月發佈的一份報告稱,當前的增長政策,將使環境在未來十年中繼續急劇惡化,特別是考慮到預期煤炭消耗量,以及預計汽車銷量會激增的情況下。

黃安偉(Edward Wong)是《紐約時報》駐京記者。Patrick Zuo對本文有研究貢獻。

Cost of Environmental Damage in China Growing Rapidly Amid Industrialization

BEIJING — The cost of environmental degradation in China was about $230 billion in 2010, or 3.5 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product — three times that in 2004, in local currency terms, an official Chinese news report said this week.
The statistic came from a study by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, which is part of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
The figure of $230 billion, or 1.54 trillion renminbi, is based on costs arising from pollution and damage to the ecosystem, the price that China is paying for its rapid industrialization.
“This cuts to the heart of China’s economic challenge: how to transform from the explosive growth of the past 30 years to the sustainable growth of the next 30 years,” said Alistair Thornton, a China economist at the research firm IHS Global Insight. “Digging a hole and filling it back in again gives you G.D.P. growth. It doesn’t give you economic value. A lot of the activity in China over the last few years has been digging holes to fill them back in again — anything from bailing out failing solar companies to ignoring the ‘externalities’ of economic growth.”

And the costs could be even higher than the ministry’s estimate, he said. The $230 billion figure is incomplete because the researchers did not have a full set of data. Making such calculations is “notoriously difficult,” Mr. Thornton said.

The 2010 figure was reported on Monday by a newspaper associated with the ministry, and so far only partial results of the study are available. In 2006, the ministry began releasing an estimate of the cost of environmental degradation. The ministry has issued statistics only intermittently, though its original goal was to do the calculation — what it called “green G.D.P.” — annually.

The rapidly eroding environment across the country has become an issue of paramount concern to many Chinese. In January, outrage boiled over as air pollution in north China reached record levels, well beyond what Western environmental agencies consider hazardous. The public fury forced propaganda officials to allow official Chinese news organizations to report more candidly on the pollution.

Chinese state-owned enterprises in the oil and power industries have consistently blocked efforts by pro-environment government officials to impose policies that would alleviate the pollution.

There have also been constant concerns over water and soil pollution. The discovery of at least 16,000 dead pigs in rivers that supply drinking water to Shanghai has ignited alarm there. This week, China Central Television reported that farmers in a village in Henan Province were using wastewater from a paper mill to grow wheat. But one farmer said they would not dare to eat the wheat themselves. It is sold outside the village, perhaps ending up in cities, while the farmers grow their own wheat with well water.

The Beijing government on Thursday released details of a three-year plan that is aimed at curbing various forms of pollution, according to a report on Friday in China Daily, an official English-language newspaper. The report quoted Wang Anshun, Beijing’s mayor, as saying that sewage treatment, garbage incineration and forestry development would cost at least $16 billion.

In 2006, the environmental ministry said the cost of environmental degradation in 2004 was more than $62 billion, or 3.05 percent of G.D.P. In 2010, it released partial results for 2008 that totaled about $185 billion, or 3.9 percent of G.D.P. Several foreign scholars have criticized the methods by which Chinese researchers have reached those numbers, saying some crucial measures of environmental degradation are not included in the calculations.
There is consensus now that China’s decades of double-digit economic growth exacted an enormous environmental cost. But growth remains the priority; the Communist Party’s legitimacy is based largely on rapidly expanding the economy, and China officially estimates that its G.D.P., which was $8.3 trillion in 2012, will grow at a rate of 7.5 percent this year and at an average of 7 percent in the five-year plan that runs to 2015. A Deutsche Bank report released last month said the current growth policies would lead to a continuing steep decline of the environment for the next decade, especially given the expected coal consumption and boom in automobile sales.

Patrick Zuo contributed research.