2023年11月6日 星期一

Portfolio diet 組合飲食


Portfolio diet may decrease risk of heart disease and stroke

October 30, 2023—The portfolio diet—a plant-based diet designed to lower unhealthy cholesterol, emphasizing plant proteins (legumes), phytosterols (nuts and seeds), viscous fiber (oats, barley, berries, apples), and plant-based monounsaturated fatty acids (avocado)—may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to a new study co-authored by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The study was published on October 25 in Circulation.

While previous studies have pointed to the portfolio diet’s potential to lower unhealthy cholesterol, no research had been conducted on the diet’s long-term effects, particularly on the risk of heart disease. Additionally, according to Andrea Glenn, postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Nutrition and one of the study’s authors, the portfolio diet is relatively unknown compared to the DASH and Mediterranean diets. While the three are similar, the portfolio diet places more emphasis on plant-based foods and excluding meat.

2023 年10 月30 日-組合飲食-一種旨在降低不健康膽固醇的植物性飲食,強調植物性蛋白質(豆類)、植物固醇(堅果和種子)、黏性纖維(燕麥、大麥、莓果、蘋果)和植物性飲食哈佛大學 T.H.陳公共衛生學院。

該研究於 10 月 25 日發表在《Circulation》雜誌上。

雖然先前的研究指出組合飲食有降低不健康膽固醇的潛力,但尚未對飲食的長期影響進行研究,特別是對心臟病風險的影響。此外,研究的作者之一、營養系博士後研究員 Andrea Glenn 表示,與 DASH 飲食和地中海飲食相比,組合飲食相對不為人所知。雖然三者相似,但組合飲食更注重植物性食品,不包括肉類。
