2020年4月29日 星期三

‘We are not learning lessons’: Taking stock after a South Korean fire南韓利川市物流倉庫惡火 至少38人罹難,10人受傷。a blaze at a construction site, Icheon, southeast of Seoul, killed 38 people and injured 10 others


•韓國一建築工地發生火災 ,造成38人死亡,10人受傷。這是韓國近年來最致命的火災之一,事故發生地為首爾東南部一處正在建設的四層倉庫。目前仍有八人傷勢嚴重,事故原因正在調查中。

‘We are not learning lessons’: Taking stock after a South Korean fire

South Korea is mourning the 38 people who died on Wednesday in a fire at an Icheon warehouse, a disaster that many say could have been avoided.
What angered many South Koreans was that the apparent causes of the fire were so familiar: vapors from a chemical solution filling a room where workers may have been generating sparks, with the ensuing fire fed by extremely combustible insulation.
Situations like that, all too familiar in South Korea, along with lax regulatory enforcement and corruption, have repeatedly led to deadly workplace disasters in the country.
“I am sorry that similar accidents are repeating themselves,” President Moon Jae-in said. “We are not learning lessons from the past accidents.”
History: Hundreds have died from fires with similar causes. In 2008, also in Icheon, 40 workers died in a ​fire in another warehouse ​that started almost exactly the same way.

Ambulances at a construction site in Icheon, South Korea, where a fire broke out on Wednesday. Lee Jong-Hoon/Yonhap, via Associated Press

South Korea fire is the deadliest in years

Officials are investigating a blaze at a construction site southeast of Seoul that killed 38 people and injured 10 others on Wednesday afternoon. It is one of the deadliest fires to hit South Korea in recent years.

Eight people remained in serious condition from the blaze at a four-story warehouse under construction in Icheon.

President Moon Jae-in has struggled to deliver on his promise to improve safety since a 2014 ferry sinking killed more than 300 people. Many South Koreans grew cold toward Mr. Moon’s predecessor, Park Geun-hye, over her handling of the Sewol ferry disaster.

Details: Investigators suspect the blaze was caused by an explosion in an underground level of the building, where some workers used urethane, a combustible chemical used for insulation work.

2020年4月26日 星期日


錢櫃大火》林森錢櫃大火釀5死疑電梯施工大樓消防警報系統全 ...
news.ltn.com.tw › breakingnews

18 時間前 - 台北市林森北路錢櫃KTV發生大火,截至目前為止已經有54人送醫,其中5死2命危,另有7人意識不清送醫治療中,有民眾逃出後指稱,火警當時警報完全沒響,灑水系統也沒反應,台北市消防局派員進入火場初步檢視發現,整棟樓的灑 ...
「... 消防局第三大隊長王證雄勘查現場發現,因電梯有施工,相關設備因施工關閉,導致火災時,現場火災警報、廣播、灑水設備都沒有運作,整棟樓的設備都被關閉,所以無法提醒發生火警 ...」

2020年4月21日 星期二

口罩類別:材料、生產及檢驗方式;Beyond N95: Industrial filters create particle-capturing masks口罩防護力之標準 Dust Mask and Filter Cartridge Ratings: ASTM F2100-11.瑞士每天需要消耗100萬-200萬支FFP2口罩

Beyond N95: Industrial filters create particle-capturing masks

Japan's Yamashin-Filter utilizes material used in construction machinery
ANNU NISHIOKA, Nikkei staff writerAPRIL 21, 2020 07:30 JST
Yamashin-Filter supplies filter parts for use in construction machinery, including Komatsu’s hydraulic shovels. It has now developed a replaceable insert for face masks and also plans to manufacture its own mask.

TOKYO -- Yamashin-Filter, a Japanese manufacturer of filters for construction machinery, has developed a high performance replaceable face mask insert boasting extended particle-blocking performance and plans to ramp up mass production of its own mask next month as demand for protection soars with the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Yamashin has adapted its manufacturing technology for filters in construction machinery to applications in clothing and farming, but now is aiming to expand its consumer-oriented business amid a critical shortage of face masks.

The company is already selling its Nano Filter, which it says can efficiently trap airborne particles, as a replacement insert for face masks. The product takes advantage of technology used in the construction-machinery hydraulic filters it sells to Japan's major construction machinery makers, including Komatsu and Hitachi Construction Machinery. The technology sprays melted resin on to fibers to create a filter mesh with hard-to-penetrate gaps measured at nanometer levels.

Yamashin also plans to use the same technology to manufacture an actual face mask. A mask using the company's filter blocks out 98% of particles measuring 0.3 micrometer, exceeding the percentage figure for N95 masks used by health care workers. The figure drops only to 90% even after 24 hours of use -- exceeding N95 masks by over 10 percentage points -- and makes for longer-lasting performance. Cheaper surgical masks, meanwhile, block just 43% of particles, with the figure dropping to 15% after 24 hours.

Widely available disposable face masks block particles and viruses using static electricity, but performance declines due to the effect of humidity in human breath as well as the passage of time. By contrast, Yamashin's filter uses fibers with a thickness less than one-tenth that of average chemical ones. It is formed in a three-dimensional structure to trap particles and can maintain a high capture ratio for an extended period of time as it does not rely on static, according to the company.

While the diameter of fibers used in typical face masks is about 3 micrometers, those in Yamashin's measure between 0.2 micrometer to 0.8 micrometer. The diameter of one novel coronavirus is 0.1 micrometer, but the mesh formed by the filter has sufficiently fine gaps to block particles bearing the virus, the company said.

About 80% of face masks available in Japan are imports, but Yamashin manufacturers domestically to ensure stable supply to the local market. It has already started production of the replacement insert at its plant in the southwestern Japanese prefecture of Saga. Mass production of its full mask will start in May, with a plan to increase output to 5 million per month by the end of July.

Yamashin plans to make about 360,000 replaceable inserts per month and aims to spend about 50 million yen ($463,000) on production lines and other equipment. The inserts are already on sale at the Yuzawaya chain of craft supply stores operated by Tokyo's Yuzawaya Shoji. Yamashin plans to supply the inserts to face mask makers while selling its own masks through major drugstore chains.

Construction machinery makers represent some 90% of Yamashin's filter sales. Yamashin's revenue suffered after Japanese construction machinery manufacturers lost share to local rivals in a price-cutting competition in the Chinese market, while the company's domestic product shipments remain low. It forecasts revenue to total 12.7 billion yen for the year ended March, down 8%from a year earlier.

For the current year ending March 2021, Yamashin aims to bolster sales of construction machinery filters targeting Chinese construction machinery makers and develop use of its nano filters for purposes other than face masks. The company's filters, for example, are already used in linings for coats manufactured by a men's clothing manufacturer for their insulating quality. Yamashin is also seeking ways to use the filters in home electronics products and automobiles for their sound-absorbing quality.

Yamashin also expects the creation of a mask division will help boost annual sales of its Nano Filter to several billion yen and aims to roll out other consumer-oriented products as well.



2020年3月29日 星期日

snorkel masks, hazmat suit and respirator/ inhalator, face shields, gowns, chemically modified medical face mask

最容易瞭解的方式:台灣最廣泛發放的,乃稱外科用口罩 surgeon mask或 surgical mask
N95 型口罩,英文稱為 N95 respirator。

10. 台灣捐了口罩給歐美,博得美名,但這只有象徵意義,因為西班牙已跟中國大陸買了三十億個口罩。全世界口罩荒還是要靠中國大陸來幫忙,這是政治現實。~沈政男 2020.4.2

----比surgeon mask或 surgical mask更高級的過濾型口罩

2020.4.3 讀到瑞士資訊中文網 swissinfo.ch

聯邦衛生局的Daniel Koch在4月2日的新聞發布會上說,瑞士感染人數又有所增多,雖然不再是直線上升,但是每天感染的人數依然相當可觀,死亡人數在還在增長。 “現在還沒有達到拐點,”他說,目前做任何預測都為時尚早,更不能放寬政策。

This document is only intended to help clarify some key similarities between such references, specifically to the following FFR performance standards:
• N95 (United States NIOSH-42CFR84)

• FFP2 (Europe EN 149-2001)
• KN95 (China GB2626-2006)
• P2 (Australia/New Zealand AS/NZA 1716:2012)
• Korea 1st class (Korea KMOEL - 2017-64)
• DS (Japan JMHLW-Notification 214, 2018)

Comparison of FFP2, KN95, and N95 Filtering Facepiece ... - 3Mmultimedia.3m.com › mws › media › comparison-f...PDFこのページを訳すComparison of FFP2, KN95, and N95 and Other Filtering Facepiece. Respirator Classes. Description. Filtering facepiece respirators (FFR), which are sometimes called disposable respirators, are subject to various regulatory standards around ...

不織布同業公會今發文表示,N95口罩的發明者鮮為人知,但卻是一位優秀而低調的台灣工程師蔡秉燚(Peter Tsai)博士。
但熔噴布的製造卻需要兩大核心技術支撐。第一,熔噴布需要用穩定又精確的熔噴不織布工藝生產,必須拉出平均直徑小於5μm的超細纖維。 第二,拉出的熔噴布還得經過靜電處理,讓纖維表面帶上大量靜電電荷,借助吸附作用來捕捉細微顆粒物,是過濾防護的關鍵。
而蔡秉燚(Peter Tsai)博士在材料方面涉獵廣泛,同時研究熔噴不織布工藝,及靜電處理,使目前能以成熟技術在高壓、高熱空氣下將聚合物牽伸成超細纖維。而在靜電處理技術方面更是有革命性貢獻,蔡秉燚利用電場使中性的空氣發生電離,產生帶相反電荷的離子和電子,然後通過電場和感應使不織布纖維帶電,便可以吸附各種穿過口罩的微小物體。



前線醫護批醫管局提供較低防護力口罩 未達世衛建議標準
2020/1/29 — 16:26

武漢肺炎疫情不斷蔓延,由於病徵不明顯及部份病人隱瞞近期外遊紀錄等,增加前線醫護人員受感染機會,而世衛早前已建議醫護接觸一般病人時,應使用防水及過濾細菌能力較高的ASTM F2100-11第二及第三級別口罩,惟有醫生及前線醫護人員向《立場新聞》表示,現時除隔離病房以外,大部分醫管局醫護人員只獲提供屬低防護的第一級別口罩,令不少醫護擔憂口罩防護力不足,隨時受到感染。

根據美國材料和試驗協會(American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM)F2100-11標準,口罩可根據其防護力分為三級,分別為低防護的第一級別、中等防護的第二級別及高防護的第三級別,當中第一級別的口罩細菌過濾率須大於或等於95%,第二及第三級別口罩的細菌過濾率須大於或等於98%,第三級別口罩阻擋液體的能力則較高。



Dust Mask and Filter Cartridge Ratings

Respiratory Filters come in a variety of ratings that relate to how the respirator performs (how much it filters) and what environment type it is designed to be used in. When choosing a respirator it's important to understand that as the letter rating and number rating increase, breathing fatigue will increase. While you certainly don't want to choose a rating that is too low, you don't necessarily always want to pick a P100 filter for every application - particularly if you're just looking for a simple dust mask to do home improvement work. Typically, an end user will find an N95 respirator cooler, and easier to breath through than a P99 or P95 dust mask.

Respirator Rating Letter Class

  • N - Not oil resistant
  • R - Resistant to oil
  • P - Oil Proof

Respirator Rating Number Class

  • 95 - Removes 95% of all particles that are at least 0.3 microns in diameter
  • 99 - Removes 99% of particles that are at least 0.3 microns in diameter
  • 100 - Removes 99.97% of all particles that are 0.3 microns in diameter or larger. HE or HEPA quality filter.

Respirator Ratings & Considerations

Quite simply, a respirator with a rating of P100, has been tested to be proof against oil, and tested to filter 99.97% of all particles 0.3 microns in diameter or larger. To the right you can see various examples of the size (in microns) of various substances for comparison.
N95 Dusk Mask for Avian and/or swine Flu

N95 Masks

Most commonly used for Flu or Influenza prevention, these masks are effective according to the CDC in helping to prevent the spread of Flu, swine flu and avian flu transmission from person to person. N95 masks are designed to fit over the nose and mouth of the wearer, and properly fitted can provide excellent protection. Our most popular N95 mask is the 3M 8210 Dust Mask.

P95 Masks

Most commonly used for working in environments exposed to oil-based particles, P95 respirators are approved by NIOSH for 95% filtration efficiency against oil-based and non-pil-based particulates. I deally suited in the petrochemical and pharmaceutical sectors. Our most popular P95 mask is the 3M 8271 Dust Mask.

Full Face Respirators

Filters & Cartridges

Used in conjunction with full face respirators or half face respirators, filters and cartridges are used where a more secure fit is desired for the user. Unlike disposable masks which only filter out air-based particulates, cartridges are capable of filtering out non-particulate hazards ranging from organic vaporsr to chlorine and tear gas. Cartridges and filters are sold in pairs typically, and are attached to the masks and discarded when they are worn out. You can explore our full selection of filters & cartridges here. Full masks are typically used in environments where contaminates will irritate mucus membranes and a users eyes.
Flu Virus

Are N95 Masks Really Effective against the flu?

A little online research will reveal that the flu virus is .17 microns in size. Clearly smaller than even N100 masks can filter out. However, it is critical to understand that the flu virus does not float in the air by itself. The flu virus is transported from patient to patient on droplets of excretions from sneezing and coughing. These particles are typically 5 microns or larger. When a sick patient wears a respirator, the respirator can be very effective at preventing infectious material from leaving the patients body, and when worn by healthy individuals, it prevents inhalation of said material. More importantly, wearing a mask is a excellent way of preventing the user from rubbing or touching their mouth or nose, which is a very high risk factor. At the end of the day will an N95 mask guarantee to protect you from the Flu? No. But it can substantially reduce your risk or receiving or transmitting the disease.

When do Dust Masks/Filters wear out?

In general, dust masks and filters should be discarded after each "encounter" or "procedure". The risk of contamination can also be heightened by removing and applying the mask multiple times. In general, once removed, the Dust Mask should be disposed of. Additionally, proper hand hygiene should be observed when touching a potentially contaminated mask. Further concern should be given to cross-contamination when wearing masks into different rooms or areas. Regardless of usage, masks should be discarded when used beyond 8 hours, and careful review and testing should be performed in regards to hazardous chemicals/particles.

Example Particle Sizes

ParticleParticle Size
Anthrax1 - 5
Asbestos0.7 - 90
Atmospheric Dust0.001 - 40
Bacteria0.3 - 60
Beach Sand100 - 10000
Bone Dust3 - 300
Bromine0.1 - 0.7
Carbon Dioxide0.00065
Copier Toner0.5 - 15
Corn Starch0.1 - 0.8
Fiberglass Insulation1 - 1000
Lead0.1 - 0.7
Metallurgical Dust0.1 - 1000
Mold Spores10 - 30
Oil Smoke0.03 - 1
One inch25400
Pesticides & Herbicides0.001
Radioactive Fallout0.1 - 10
Red Blood Cells5 - 10
Saw Dust30 - 600
Smoke from Natural Materials0.01 - 0.1
Smoke from Synthetic Materials1 - 50
Spores3 - 40
Sugars0.0008 - 0.005
Tobacco Smoke0.01 - 4
Typical Atmospheric Dust0.001 to 30
Items 1 to 20 of 26 total
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