2011年8月30日 星期二

Benefits of Chocolate

August 29, 2011, 7:00 pm

Tallying the Benefits of Chocolate

dark chocolateTony Cenicola/The New York Times

Chocaholics may have more reason to indulge in a chocolate truffle or two today. New research from scientists at the University of Cambridge suggests that the heart-healthy benefits chalked up to regularly indulging in chocolate treats may not be all hype. The research involved more than 100,000 subjects and included data from a half dozen studies.

By many measures, consumption of chocolate was linked to lower rates of stroke, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions. But there was no beneficial effect on the risk for heart failure or diabetes.

The report did mention some caveats, but it provides another boost to the increasingly popular view that chocolate — especially the dark variety — can be beneficial in moderation. Read the full report, “Evidence of Heart Benefits From Chocolate,” and then please join the discussion below.

2011年8月27日 星期六



台大醫院的查核表根本沒"愛滋病"這條 雖然他們到政府網路登記有此項
換句話說 這是一家只知效率 不知品質的著名的台大醫院



【アジア発!Breaking News】「陽性」と「陰性」を聞き間違え。HIVに感染した臓器を5人に移植。(台湾
Techinsight japan
台湾のトップ医療を誇る台湾大学付設病院(以下台大病院)で、HIVに感染した臓器を誤って移植するという信じられない事件が起きた。移植前の検査結果を報告する電話を受けた台大病院の移植チームスタッフが、「reactive」(陽性)と「non-reactive」(陰性)を聞き間違え ...

2011年8月22日 星期一

肉毒桿菌?毒米酒? 案情變複雜/波音北極空難

肉毒桿菌?毒米酒? 案情變複雜

上個月發生在南投縣信義鄉的四人離奇中毒案、今天又出現令人驚奇的發展。一名朱姓男子 向檢察官坦承、他因為不滿前女友__王美永移情別戀、嫁給林敬儀、就把葡萄催芽劑添加在米酒裡面送給王美永,沒想到會造成兩對夫妻同時中毒死亡。不過、先 前疾管局和法醫研究所卻判斷、他們的死亡原因是肉毒桿菌中毒,現在又冒出了情殺案、讓案情變得更加複雜。



涉有重嫌的朱姓嫌犯,落網後坦承,事發前他在工作地點巧遇前女友王美永,兩人喝酒談天,趁對方不注意,在六罐米酒中其中一罐,摻了10cc的葡萄催芽劑, 像要報復前女友移情別戀,另嫁林敬儀。沒想到這六罐米酒被王美永帶回家後,又邀請朋友田姓夫妻共同用餐,一起喝下了朱姓嫌犯的摻毒米酒!

檢警及衛生單位,原本是鎖定肉毒桿菌食物中毒的方向,最近又在死者林敬儀、王美永,田福榮嘔吐物以及其它檢體,驗出微量的葡萄催芽劑二氯乙醇,再加上有朱 姓嫌犯自白,案情轉為他殺,但是下毒的量是不是足以致死,還有同樣共餐的另一位死者伍曉珍,並沒有驗出相同毒物,卻也接續死亡,這些疑點都有待釐清。

目前檢方握有的證據,只有兇嫌自白書和毒米酒;葡萄催芽劑的成份是二氯乙醇,接觸到皮膚後會產生氯甲醛與氯甲酸的神經毒性,臨床上超過5cc就會致命,之 前法醫研究所驗出低劑量毒性,認為是誤觸或攝食,排除它殺的可能性;雖然現在有嫌犯及合理的犯案動機,但是疾管局和法醫研究所,目前還是認定四死命案,主 要是因為群聚A型肉毒桿菌毒素導致死亡。
黃千容 賴世杰 南投報導

波音北極空難 加12死3傷

〔本報駐加特派記者張伶銖/溫哥華20日報導〕加拿大第一航空公司(First Air)一架波音737-200型包機,當地時間20日下午在北極失事墜毀,造成機上12人喪生、包括一名兒童在內的3人輕重傷。失事地點在北極省份努拿 烏特(Nunavut)的雷索盧特灣(Resolute Bay)附近,非常接近加拿大軍隊北極演習地點所在。加國部隊現場目睹飛機墜毀,暫停一切演習,緊急加入救援工作。

加軍年度北極演習從8月 5日開始,一連持續3週。第一航空是總部設在渥太華的加拿大國內航班,專飛北極省份,失事班機預定從黃刀市(Yellowknife)飛往雷索盧特灣。目 擊者表示,這架包機斷成多截,前艙和後艙分離,機身嚴重燒焦,但機翼仍完好無缺。警方已在失事現場找到黑盒子,並將根據其中的飛行紀錄,調查事故原因。



2011年8月17日 星期三

Tree produces 'nutty' ecological cleaner for laundry

Tree produces 'nutty' ecological cleaner for laundry



photoFrom left to right: Hideaki Satoh, Kazumi Hosoya and Koichi Okano of Bitwin, with their "Laundry nuts" and "Eco nuts" products (Sophie Knight)photoThe exclusive "Laundry nuts" brand sold by Satoh's company photoStudents at a horticultural school in Toyama Prefecture grind "mukuroji," or soap nuts, as part of an experiment in 2003 to create natural pesticides. (Asahi Shimbun file photo)

If someone told you that you could clean your clothes with nuts, you'd probably think they were ... well, nuts.

Yet although a packet of salty peanuts probably won't get your whites spanking clean, the saponin-containing husks of "Soapnuts," can be an eco-friendly substitute for laundry detergent.

Looking at the waxy, lychee-like shells, it's hard to believe that they'll get sweat, dirt and stains out of clothes. But Hideaki Satoh, who sells the nuts through a Tokyo-based company, is effusive about their benefits.

"Not only are they kind to both your skin and the environment, they also rival any artificial detergent in terms of cleaning power," he says.

Satoh's company, Bitwin, sells an exclusive brand called "laundry nuts," which are grown in India, as well as the American "Eco-nuts" brand grown in Nepal that is becoming increasing popular overseas.

Both kinds can be used either inside a canvas bag in the washing machine, or else left to soak in a cup to produce a bubbly liquid to be poured on top of laundry.

Grown organically in India and Nepal, they produce no chemical effluent and therefore don't pollute the water supply like most chemical detergents. They're also hypoallergenic, making them highly suitable for sensitive skin and eczema sufferers. Satoh says that mothers who use cloth diapers are enthusiastic buyers.

"There's a growing interest in natural, nonchemical products in Japan, where many people are seeking ways to lead more ecological lifestyles, and conserve energy after the nuclear crisis in Fukushima," says Satoh, who launched the company last year after becoming interested in organic shampoos and skin-care products.

Although relatively unknown today, the soapnut tree, or "sapindus mukurossi," is actually native to Japan, and records indicate that it came into use in the Heian Period (794-1185) as a soap and disinfectant.

Many trees can still be found along riverbanks and in the grounds of temples and shrines, since they were places where communities could gather to share the harvest and use them for medical and sanitary use. As an added bonus, the seed inside can be roasted and eaten.

Although the tree is now known by the transliteration of its Latin name, "mukuroji," it used to be known as "enmeihi," or "long life skin." This is because the husk has antifungal and hygienic properties. It's also a natural insect repellent: you can keep the summer mosquitoes at bay by popping a few shells in the tub when you take a bath.

Sadly, their use declined in the 1800s as Japan opened up and began to import soap from abroad. They came back into use for a brief period following World War II, when the defeated country was destitute. Yet from the 1960s, imported chemical detergents became more popular, and consumers have never looked back.

"People have become convinced that a strong artificial smell and lots of bubbles are signs of cleaning power, which is not true," says Satoh. "It can be hard to convince people that these odd-looking husks can work."

He thinks this is a shame, as an environmentally friendly and freely available zero-carbon resource was swapped for harsh chemical compounds that can damage the skin and pollute groundwater.

"In the future I'd really like to encourage the planting and harvesting of soapnut trees throughout Japan, so that our carbon footprint is decreased and we don't have to import them from the Himalayas," he says.

While the existing trees in Japan could effectively provide free detergent, the few that are left are mostly on private property. Fortunately, Satoh's products are still easy on the pocket.

A small handful of husks inside a canvas bag can be used for up to 13 washes, meaning that a larger 250g bag, priced at 1,000 yen ($13), is good for more than 100. Cheap, little carbon footprint, and ecological-- what's the catch?

According to Satoh, there isn't one.

"Sometimes, finding solutions to modern problems requires a look back into the past," he explains. "Tradition can teach you a lot."

To buy soapnuts, visit http://item.rakuten.co.jp/venustokyo/c/0000000231#top

2011年8月13日 星期六

Oil giant Shell fights to stop leak off Scottish coast

Oil giant Shell fights to stop leak off Scottish coast

The oil firm Shell has been battling to stop the flow of oil leaking from a platform in the North Sea, off the coast of Scotland. The company is being urged to take swift action as the size of the spill is investigated.

Europe to press oil giants on disaster clean-up responsibilities

Researchers learn lessons from Deepwater Horizon spill

Clean-up after oil spill off Norway

Fuji Xerox: Zero-Landfill Goal

Fuji Xerox: Zero-Landfill Goal Achieved at Recycling Facility in China


- Recycled 1,500 Tons of Resources and Reached 99.8% of Recycling Rate -

TOKYO, August 12, 2011 -- Fuji Xerox Eco-Manufacturing (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.,(Note 1) which is the center of Fuji Xerox's Resource Recycling System in China, has accomplished the Zero Landfill(Note 2) goal by achieving recycling 99.8 percent of collected used products and consumables in FY2010.

Fuji Xerox Eco-Manufacturing (Suzhou), established in January 2008, disassembles used Fuji Xerox products such as copiers, printers and cartridges that Fuji Xerox (China) Limited, Fuji Xerox's sales company in China, collects from all over China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)(Note 3), and sorts them into 70 categories including steel, aluminum, lenses, glass and copper for recycling. Over the period from the operation launch to March 2011, the company generated 1,500 tons of recycled resources.

Further, Fuji Xerox Eco-Manufacturing (Suzhou) has been actively reusing used parts, and was certified as one of 35 pilot remanufacturing enterprises of electric products by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China (MIIT).

Fuji Xerox was the first company in the industry to introduce products containing recycled parts to the Japanese market in 1995, launching a full-fledged Integrated Recycling System. In August 2000, the company became the first in Japan to achieve Zero Landfill from collected used products. In addition, Fuji Xerox introduced the recycling system of the quality equivalent to the one in Japan, in Thailand in December 2004 as the center of Fuji Xerox's International Resource Recycling System for nine countries and regions of Asia Pacific(Note 4), where it directly provides sales and services. The recycling site accomplished the Zero Landfill goal by achieving recycling 99.8 percent of used products and consumables in FY2009.

Fuji Xerox continues to implement its 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiatives to achieve the goals of Zero Landfill, No Pollution and Zero Illegal Disposal, perceiving them as its responsibility as a manufacturer. It is committed to further reinforcing the Integrated Recycling System, which is an advanced model for achieving business growth and environmental conservation at the same time.

(Note 1) A recycling site wholly owned by Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., located in Suzhou, China.


(Note 2) Fuji Xerox defines Zero Landfill as recycling rate of more than 99.5 percent.

(Note 3) The collection and recycling of used products in Hong Kong and Macao are covered by Fuji Xerox's International Resource Recycling System in Thailand. Fuji Xerox Taiwan Corporation constructs and operates its individual recycling system due to the cross-boundary movement regulation on used electrical and electronic equipment.

(Note 4) Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand. For details, please access:


For more information, please visit http://www.fujixerox.co.jp/eng/company/headline/2011/0812_recycle.html

(press release)

2011年8月7日 星期日


Exercise should be 'standard part of cancer care'

Woman doing aqua aerobics Regular exercise can help reduce the side effects of treatment, the report says

Related Stories

All patients getting cancer treatment should be told to do two and a half hours of physical exercise every week, says a report by Macmillan Cancer Support.

Being advised to rest and take it easy after treatment is an outdated view, the charity says.

Research shows that exercise can reduce the risk of dying from cancer and minimise the side effects of treatment.

The Department of Health says local initiatives can get people moving.

Macmillan's report, Move More, says that of the two million cancer survivors in the UK, around 1.6 million are not physically active enough.

Adult cancer patients and cancer survivors should undertake 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week, the reports says, which is what the Department of Health guidelines recommend.

In the report, the American College of Sports Medicine also recommends that exercise is safe during and after most types of cancer treatment and says survivors should avoid inactivity.

Start Quote

It doesn't need to be anything too strenuous, doing the gardening, going for a brisk walk or a swim, all count”

Ciaran Devane Macmillan Cancer Support

Getting active, the report says, can help people overcome the effects of cancer and its treatments, such as fatigue and weight gain.

"The evidence review shows that physical exercise does not increase fatigue during treatment, and can in fact boost energy after treatment."

"It can also lower their chances of getting heart disease and osteoporosis.

"Also, doing recommended levels of physical activity may reduce the chance of dying from the disease. It may also help reduce the risk of the cancer coming back."

Previous research shows that exercising to the recommended levels can reduce the risk of breast cancer recurring by 40%. For prostate cancer the risk of dying from the disease is reduced by up to 30%.

Bowel cancer patients' risk of dying from the disease can be cut by around 50% by doing around six hours of moderate physical activity a week.

Ciaran Devane, chief executive of Macmillan Cancer Support, said physical activity was very important to the survival and recovery process.

Woman jogging Keeping active after treatment for cancer is now recommended by cancer experts

"Cancer patients would be shocked if they knew just how much of a benefit physical activity could have on their recovery and long term health, in some cases reducing their chances of having to go through the gruelling ordeal of treatment all over again.

"It doesn't need to be anything too strenuous, doing the gardening, going for a brisk walk or a swim, all count."

Traditionally cancer patients were told to rest after their cancer treatment, but the report says this approach could put cancer patients at risk.

Jane Maher, chief medical officer of Macmillan Cancer Support and a leading clinical oncologist said: "The advice that I would have previously given to one of my patients would have been to 'take it easy'.

"This has now changed significantly because of the recognition that if physical exercise were a drug, it would be hitting the headlines."

Martin Ledwick, head information nurse at Cancer Research UK, was a little more cautious.

"Anything that improves wellbeing and reduces treatment side effects for cancer survivors has to be a good thing.

"But the evidence that exercise has a bearing on survival is not conclusive. It is important to remember that no two cancer patients are the same, so rehabilitation programmes that include physical activity will need to be tailored to the individual."

A spokesperson from the Department of Health said it was vital that people with cancer are given the support to lead an active life.

"Physical activity and a healthy lifestyle can impact very positively on cancer outcomes and, as part of the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative, we are working with Macmillan to integrate physical activity services into cancer care pilot sites.

"Locally led initiatives such as Let's Get Moving are also well placed to signpost cancer patients to community-based physical activity opportunities."

2011年8月3日 星期三

北捷電扶梯塌陷 副站長跌落機坑喪命


北捷電扶梯塌陷 副站長跌落機坑喪命 【2011/8/3 20:10】


〔本報訊〕台北捷運永和頂溪站傳出副站長郭政杰今天凌晨獨自搬運防洪器材,卻摔落手扶梯導致身亡的不幸意外。意外消息傳出後,外界對為何郭政杰於凌晨2時 43分跌落手扶梯,卻直到凌晨5時許才被人發現,充滿質疑。新北市勞工局表示目前已對整起意外展開進一步調查,將追究北捷是否有勞安疏失。

郭政杰受困近6小時 失血過多


 由於郭政杰跌落時無人知曉,因此直到鄰近的永安市場捷運站保全聯繫不上郭政杰後,才趕赴頂溪站協尋,並至凌晨5時許才發現郭政杰竟跌落在手電扶梯坑道 內,此時趕緊找人來拆手卸電扶梯踏板等,耗了2、3個小時,才將受困的郭政杰拉出,但此時傷者已無心跳,經緊急送醫後仍宣告不治。

捷運公司強調無延誤救援 勞工局將究責

