2014年6月29日 星期日
多虧了有關這個水果和果汁的電子郵件,它告訴了一個治癒癌症的戰略。我的成功率為 80%。 癌症病人死不了了,不管你信還是不信,治療方法終於找到了。
對那些用常規療法治療癌症而死亡的患者,我深表遺憾。他們中沒幾個存活5年, 大多數用常規療法的人僅活兩三年而已。常規療法沒有任何作用,因為不用常規療法治,病人也活兩三年。
一說到吃水果,我們就想到把水果 切成塊,大快朵頤。其實,沒那麼簡單。要講究吃水果的方法和時間。
鮮果是重要食物。試想,你在吃兩片麵包後,又吃了一片水果。本來水果是要透過胃壁進入腸子的,但被食物擋住了。與此同時,胃發酵,變酸,水果一接觸到它們, 配著胃酸,整個食物就壞了。
你會聽到有人抱怨:我一吃西瓜就愛打嗝兒,我一吃榴槤就脹肚, 我一吃香蕉愛拉稀,等等。那是因為水果與胃中腐敗的食物混合後產生的氣體造成的。但是你空腹吃水果,就不會出像上述情況。
當你想喝果汁,就喝鮮果汁,別喝罐裝果汁。也不要將水果或果汁加熱,否則除了味道尚存,其他所有營養全部流失。 吃完整的水果比喝果汁好。如果非要喝果汁,那就慢慢地一口一口地喝。讓果汁與唾液充分混合後再咽下。
一天一個蘋果,醫生找不到我。蘋果雖含維C低, 但它富含抗氧化劑並可提高維C的活性,從而有利於降低結腸癌,心臟病和中風的發病率。
西瓜:含水92%,是解渴最佳食品。所含大量的穀胱甘?能強化免疫系統。還含有關鍵的番茄紅素,抗癌氧化劑,維C, 以及鉀。
飯後喝涼水等於得癌症 。相信嗎?涼水能將剛吸收的油質立刻變成固態,從而影響消化。
2014年6月25日 星期三
上化公司負責管理觀音污水廠 管控廠商污水
依據「水污染防治法」與合約規範,上化公司必須檢測觀音工業區內廠商廢污水排入下水道前,是否符合水溫、水質的規範。 這部份的規範依據「觀音工業區廢(污)水排入污水處理廠限值表」,水溫須低於攝氏45度,水質的化學需氧量(COD)要低於700mg/l、懸浮固體(SS)要低於600mg/l及氫離子濃度(pH)要介於5-9。
上化涉嫌收賄 以不實數據包庇廠商
2014年6月17日 星期二
市售咖啡驗出赭麴毒素A 長期喝恐腎病變;僅頂好下架消基會批
新頭殼newtalk2014.06.16 翁嫆琄/台北報導
消保處指出,這次發現4件含有赭麴毒素A的產品分別為晴天現烘咖啡的印尼爪哇or東帝汶阿拉比卡咖啡、頂淇實業社的咖啡工房摩卡濾掛式咖啡、元龍國際開發公司的極至黑爵濾泡式咖啡、頂好企業IS COFFEE的Ethiopia Mocha摩卡,檢出的赭麴毒素A含量都在5ppb的合法標準以下。
另外,消保處也公布9件標示不符合規定的咖啡產品,包含Giusto Coffee經典咖啡、巴西聖多士、Ka Ka LOVE水洗西達摩希爾莎G1、特選阿拉比卡綜合咖啡豆、印度風漬馬拉巴、黃金曼特寧咖啡豆、黃金曼巴、Ethiopia Mocha摩卡及DRIP COFFEE等,違規原因大多為未標示製造廠商、國內負責廠商、地址、電話、原產地,甚至有效日期,依法可懲處業者3萬元至300萬元罰款,未改善的話則可沒收銷毀。
消保處指出,這次發現4件含有赭麴毒素A的產品分別為晴天現烘咖啡的印尼爪哇or東帝汶阿拉比卡咖啡、頂淇實業社的咖啡工房摩卡濾掛式咖啡、元龍國際開發公司的極至黑爵濾泡式咖啡、頂好企業IS COFFEE的Ethiopia Mocha摩卡,檢出的赭麴毒素A含量都在5ppb的合法標準以下。
另外,消保處也公布9件標示不符合規定的咖啡產品,包含Giusto Coffee經典咖啡、巴西聖多士、Ka Ka LOVE水洗西達摩希爾莎G1、特選阿拉比卡綜合咖啡豆、印度風漬馬拉巴、黃金曼特寧咖啡豆、黃金曼巴、Ethiopia Mocha摩卡及DRIP COFFEE等,違規原因大多為未標示製造廠商、國內負責廠商、地址、電話、原產地,甚至有效日期,依法可懲處業者3萬元至300萬元罰款,未改善的話則可沒收銷毀。
咖啡豆驗出致癌麴毒僅頂好下架消基會批 | |||
一、 冰箱僅能放置7成滿,讓空氣能流通。
二、 降低溫度是減緩細菌生長速度,並非永久保鮮,也不能讓食物就此不腐敗,而食物的營養也會隨著放置時間慢慢減少,因此盡快實用完畢才是上策。
三、 南北乾貨需放置「冷凍庫」,但一樣仍需在保存期限內食用完畢
四、 米、五穀雜糧、豆類、冬粉、米粉需密封好,以減少黃麴毒素污染。
五、 生、熟食物要分層放置,熟食放上層,熟食也應於兩天內吃完。
六、 水果需先擦乾水分後,放入袋子中,但不要封口,保持空氣流通,並於五天內食用完畢;蔬菜則可以廚房紙巾稍分層包裹,再以塑膠袋套住,莖部朝下直立放置,五天內食用完畢。
七、 雞蛋放置於蛋盒,蛋尖朝下、氣室朝上,兩星期內食用完畢。
八、 魚、肉、蝦等海鮮,小包裝後密封再冷凍,解凍後需馬上烹調,不可重覆冷凍再解凍。
九、 非玻璃裝罐頭打開,就必須換成家用密封罐保存。
十、 含油食物、食品不要使用保鮮膜包覆,以免塑化劑溶出。
2014年6月16日 星期一
Don't wash chicken before cooking it
The government's food watchdog has urged consumers to stop washing chicken before they cook it to avoid contaminating their kitchen with Campylobacter – the most common type of food poisoning in the UK – which can cause death as well as serious health problems
Campylobacter is responsible for most cases of food poisoning, with around 280,000 people affected in the UK each year, and four out of five cases are caused by contaminated chicken. "While most cases result in people suffering from abdominal pain, severe diarrhoea and vomiting, some cases can lead to more significant health problems. In more serious situations, it can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, reactive arthritis andGuillain-Barré syndrome, a serious condition of the nervous system. While most cases result in people suffering from abdominal pain, severe diarrhoea and vomiting, some cases can lead to more significant health problems," the Food Standards Agency said.
"In more serious situations, it can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, reactive arthritis and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a serious condition of the nervous system. At its worst, it can kill. Those most at risk are children under five and older people." The campaign is part of Food Safety Week.
FSA chief executive Catherine Brown said: "Although people tend to follow recommended practice when handling poultry, such as washing hands after touching raw chicken and making sure it is thoroughly cooked, our research has found that washing raw chicken is also common practice,. That's why we're calling on people to stop washing raw chicken and also raising awareness of the risks of contracting Campylobacter as a result of cross-contamination."
She said Campylobacter was "a serious issue. Not only can it cause severe illness and death, but it costs the economy hundreds of millions of pounds a year as a result of sickness absence and the burden on the NHS."
Bacteria which is responsible for most food poisoning is spread by...
北市學童營養午餐驗出農藥;學生午餐盒 (英國)
2014-06-16 11:54
〔本報訊〕食安問題一直是國人持續關注的焦點,但今日卻傳出,學童的營養午餐遭驗出含有殘留農藥。台北市政府衛生局103年上半年針對學校餐盒及時才進行抽驗,共抽驗155件餐盒、蔬果及肉品,其中蔬果類的四季豆驗出含有標準不得驗出的殘留農藥「芬普尼」(Fipronil)0.047 ppm;台北市衛生局已通知學校並令業者立即下架不得販售。
the nanny state
2014年6月13日 星期五
「新竹炊粉」/米粉: 基會抽查 9成含米量不足/港驗米粉含米量
百年「新竹米粉」走入歷史 改名「新竹炊粉」
2014-06-13 10:09
港驗米粉含米量 台灣新東陽不足
香港《蘋果》報導,香港未對米粉成分訂標準,但參考台灣標準,米粉分為純米米粉及調合米粉絲,要稱純米米粉須以米為原料,蛋白質應在5%以上,而調合米粉絲要有50%主原料是米,蛋白質應有2.5%以上。台 灣新東陽昨表示,國內有賣新東陽特級新竹米粉,但未標榜是純米粉,標示符合國內衛生法規。御品皇品牌為香港惠康超市代理品牌,台灣未引進。我衛生署食品藥 物管理局食品組組長蔡淑貞說,會向台灣新東陽了解。蔡淑貞稱,若產品宣稱為「純米米粉」,但檢驗發現含有其他澱粉或標示不符,皆屬標示不實,恐違反《食品 衛生管理法》,可處4萬至20萬元罰款。
2014年6月12日 星期四
「吃真正的食物」“Eat Real Food.”
馬克·比特曼 2014年06月13日
我們對飲食和慢性病的關係還有很多不了解的地方,但是在這個問題上最有發言權的人說,相比經過高度加工的食品,真正的食物對健康更有利,不容易導致疾病。我們還可以進一步提煉這一要旨:我們的飲食主體,應該是經過極少加工的植物。(這話不只是我在說;美國國家醫學院[Institute of Medicine]和農業部[Department of Agriculture]都是認同的。)
- 檢視大圖Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times馬克·比特曼
在美國這個全球最肥胖的國度里,最新數據顯示每年在肥胖問題上的花銷達到2000億美元(約合1.2萬億元人民幣)。(肥胖相關的支出無法計算,但每年超過1萬億美元應該不成問題。想財政收支平衡?吃真正的食物。)國家醫學院每年用在肥胖相關研究上的經費不到10億美元,而且沒有一個有說服力的大型研究(在這個問題上小型研究是沒用的)能提出解決肥胖潛在成因的辦法。如果解決方案就「鹽、脂肪、糖」這麼簡單,或者是那個越聽越荒唐的「卡路里進,卡路里出」(calories in, calories out),我們現在應該已經有一些進展才對。
What Causes Weight Gain
By MARK BITTMAN June 13, 2014If I ask you what constitutes “bad” eating, the kind that leads to obesity and a variety of connected diseases, you’re likely to answer, “Salt, fat and sugar.” This trilogy of evil has been drilled into us for decades, yet that’s not an adequate answer.
We don’t know everything about the dietary links to chronic disease, but the best-qualified people argue that real food is more likely to promote health and less likely to cause disease than hyperprocessed food. And we can further refine that message: Minimally processed plants should dominate our diets. (This isn’t just me saying this; the Institute of Medicine and the Department of Agriculture agree.)And yet we’re in the middle of a public health emergency that isn’t being taken seriously enough. We should make it a national priority to create two new programs, a research program to determine precisely what causes diet-related chronic illnesses (on top of the list is “Just how bad is sugar?”), and a program that will get this single, simple message across: Eat Real Food.
Real food solves the salt/fat/sugar problem. Yes, excess salt may cause or exacerbate high blood pressure, and lowering sodium intake in people with high blood pressure helps. But salt is only one of several risk factors in developing high blood pressure, and those who eat a diverse diet and few processed foods — which supplymore than 80 percent of the sodium in typical American diets — need not worry about salt intake.
“Fat” is a loaded word and a complicated topic, and the jury is still out. Most naturally occurring fats are probably essential, but too much of some fats — and, again, it may be the industrially produced fats used in hyperprocessed foods — seems harmful. Eat real food and your fat intake will probably be fine.
“Sugar” has come to represent (or it should) the entire group of processed, nutritionally worthless caloric sweeteners, including table sugar, high fructose corn syrup and so-called healthy alternatives like agave syrup, brown rice syrup, reduced fruit juice and a dozen others.
All appear to be damaging because they’re added sugars, as opposed to naturally occurring ones, like those in actual fruit, which are not problematic. And although added fructose may be more harmful than the others, it could also be that those highly refined carbohydrates that our bodies rapidly break down to sugar — white bread, for example — are equally unhealthy. Again: These are hyperprocessed foods.
In sum: Sugar is not the enemy, or not the only enemy. The enemy is hyperprocessed food, including sugar.
In the United States — the world’s most obese country — the most recent number for the annual cost of obesity is close to $200 billion. (Obesity-related costs are incalculable but could easily exceed $1 trillion annually. Wanna balance the budget? Eat real food.) The amount the National Institutes of Health expends for obesity-related research is less than $1 billion annually, and there is no single large, convincing study (and no small study will do) that proposes to solve the underlying causes of obesity. If the solution were as simple as “salt, fat, sugar” or the increasingly absurd-sounding “calories in, calories out,” surely we’d have made some progress by now.
We know that eating real food is a general solution, but a large part of our dietary problems might stem from something as simple as the skyrocketing and almost unavoidable consumption of caloric sweeteners and/or hyperprocessed carbs, which are in 80 percent of our food products.
Or it could be those factors in tandem with others, like the degradation of our internal networks of bacteria, which in turn could be caused by the overuse of antibiotics or other environmental issues. Or it could be even more complex.
The point is we need to know for certain, because until we have an actual smoking gun, it’s difficult to persuade lawmakers to enact needed policies. (Smoking gun studies are difficult in the diet world, but throwing up our hands in the face of complexity serves the interests of processed-food pushers.) Look no further than the example of tobacco.
Meanwhile, if we had to pick one target in the interim, caloric sweeteners are unquestionably it; they’re well correlated with weight gain (and their reduction equally well correlated with weight loss), Type 2 diabetes and many other problems. How to limit the intake of sugar? A soda tax is a start, proper labeling would be helpful, and — quite possibly most important, because it’s going to take us a generation or two to get out of this mess — restrictions on marketing sweet “food” to children.
There’s no reason to delay action on those kinds of moves. But let’s get the science straight so that firm, convincing, sound, evenhanded recommendations can be made based on the best possible evidence. And meanwhile, let’s also get the simple message straight: It’s “Eat Real Food.”
Bacteria found in squid raises concern about spread of antibiotic resistance
Bacteria found in squid raises concern about spread of antibiotic resistance, study finds
in Canada have discovered an antibiotic-resistant bacteria for the
first time in a food product — raw squid — widening the potential
exposure for consumers, according to a report published Wednesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Most antibiotic-resistant bacteria have, until now, been in health-care settings and spread by infected patients, as occurred in the “superbug” outbreak at the National Institutes of Health clinical center in 2011 that killed seven people.
The discovery of such a microbe in food means “the risk of exposure in the public goes beyond people with travel histories and beyond people who have been previously hospitalized,” said Joseph Rubin, assistant professor of veterinary microbiology at the University of Saskatchewan.
“This finding means a much broader segment of the population is potentially at risk for exposure. It’s something you may be bringing into your home rather than something you would acquire while traveling or following hospitalization,” he said.
Cooking the squid at the proper temperature would kill the bacteria. But the bacteria could still spread into humans through cross-contamination if kitchen surfaces and hands aren’t properly cleaned.
The bacterium found in the squid is a common environmental organism, present in dirt and water. But in this case, scientists found that it had a gene that made it resistant to antibiotics that are considered the last line of defense, Rubin said.
Bacteria that have this capability are dangerous because if they are in a person’s body, they can share that gene or enzyme with other bacteria. And that makes those other bacteria also resistant to these last-resort antibiotics, known as carbapenems.
The organism found in the squid, Pseudomonas fluorescens, probably would not make a healthy person sick, Rubin said. But for those with immune systems compromised by chemotherapy or illness, it could make common bacteria like E. coli resistant to the last-resort antibiotics. E. coli is the most common cause of urinary tract infections in healthy people.
The organism was found in a package of frozen squid purchased at a Chinese grocery store in Saskatoon, Canada, in January. The store owner said the squid came from South Korea.
“Finding this organism in food is extremely disturbing,” Rubin said. “This widens the possibilities for the spread of resistance.”
As part of a pilot study, Rubin and other researchers bought six food samples from the Saskatoon store, including two squids, two packages of frog legs and two packages of black sea cucumbers.
Only one squid — a whole, frozen one between 8 and 15 inches — showed the presence of the microbe, Rubin said. Rubin said he doesn’t know whether the squid acquired the bacteria during food processing and handling or from its natural environment. Researchers will continue testing dozens of other food samples from other specialty stores, he said.
Researchers said they chose to sample foods in niche markets because the scope of antimicrobial drug-resistance surveillance programs in the United States and Canada is limited to such products as poultry, beef and pork. But as communities become increasingly diverse, “niche-market meat products, including imported foods, are becoming increasingly common,” Rubin said.
Health officials around the world have warned about the rising threat from antibiotic resistance. The CDC warned last fall that the United States faces “potentially catastrophic consequences” if it doesn’t act quickly to combat the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant infections, which kill about 23,000 Americans a year.
“Whenever we see last-resort antibiotics, such as carbapenems, stop working for another type of bacteria — we are highly concerned,” Jean Patel, deputy director of the CDC’s Office of Antimicrobial Resistance, said in a statement. “Losing carbapenems could mean we are facing completely untreatable infections.”
Bacteria found in squid raises concern about spread of antibiotic resistance, study finds
By Lena H. Sun June 11 at 7:37 PM
Most antibiotic-resistant bacteria have, until now, been in health-care settings and spread by infected patients, as occurred in the “superbug” outbreak at the National Institutes of Health clinical center in 2011 that killed seven people.
The discovery of such a microbe in food means “the risk of exposure in the public goes beyond people with travel histories and beyond people who have been previously hospitalized,” said Joseph Rubin, assistant professor of veterinary microbiology at the University of Saskatchewan.
“This finding means a much broader segment of the population is potentially at risk for exposure. It’s something you may be bringing into your home rather than something you would acquire while traveling or following hospitalization,” he said.
Cooking the squid at the proper temperature would kill the bacteria. But the bacteria could still spread into humans through cross-contamination if kitchen surfaces and hands aren’t properly cleaned.
The bacterium found in the squid is a common environmental organism, present in dirt and water. But in this case, scientists found that it had a gene that made it resistant to antibiotics that are considered the last line of defense, Rubin said.
Bacteria that have this capability are dangerous because if they are in a person’s body, they can share that gene or enzyme with other bacteria. And that makes those other bacteria also resistant to these last-resort antibiotics, known as carbapenems.
The organism found in the squid, Pseudomonas fluorescens, probably would not make a healthy person sick, Rubin said. But for those with immune systems compromised by chemotherapy or illness, it could make common bacteria like E. coli resistant to the last-resort antibiotics. E. coli is the most common cause of urinary tract infections in healthy people.
The organism was found in a package of frozen squid purchased at a Chinese grocery store in Saskatoon, Canada, in January. The store owner said the squid came from South Korea.
“Finding this organism in food is extremely disturbing,” Rubin said. “This widens the possibilities for the spread of resistance.”
As part of a pilot study, Rubin and other researchers bought six food samples from the Saskatoon store, including two squids, two packages of frog legs and two packages of black sea cucumbers.
Only one squid — a whole, frozen one between 8 and 15 inches — showed the presence of the microbe, Rubin said. Rubin said he doesn’t know whether the squid acquired the bacteria during food processing and handling or from its natural environment. Researchers will continue testing dozens of other food samples from other specialty stores, he said.
Researchers said they chose to sample foods in niche markets because the scope of antimicrobial drug-resistance surveillance programs in the United States and Canada is limited to such products as poultry, beef and pork. But as communities become increasingly diverse, “niche-market meat products, including imported foods, are becoming increasingly common,” Rubin said.
Health officials around the world have warned about the rising threat from antibiotic resistance. The CDC warned last fall that the United States faces “potentially catastrophic consequences” if it doesn’t act quickly to combat the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant infections, which kill about 23,000 Americans a year.
“Whenever we see last-resort antibiotics, such as carbapenems, stop working for another type of bacteria — we are highly concerned,” Jean Patel, deputy director of the CDC’s Office of Antimicrobial Resistance, said in a statement. “Losing carbapenems could mean we are facing completely untreatable infections.”
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