2012年8月23日 星期四

Cracks in the steel reactor vessels of two nuclear plants in the Belgium

Belgian paper: flaw in nuke plants found years ago
BRUSSELS (AP) — Cracks in the steel reactor vessels of two nuclear plants in the Belgium were first found in 1979, three years before they came online, a spokeswoman for the country's nuclear regulatory agency confirmed Thursday.
Belgium's nuclear regulator announced this month that ultrasonic tests had showed the possibility of hairline cracks in the steel vessel housing the reactor at the Doel 3 nuclear plant near Antwerp. The discovery of possible cracks came as the plant was offline this summer for a regular safety check.
The Federal Agency for Nuclear Control said it had also ordered the shutdown of the Tihange 2 reactor, 90 kilometers (55 miles) southeast of Brussels, for checks because it had a reactor vessel manufactured by the same company.
But De Morgen newspaper reported Thursday that the discovery of cracks in the reactor vessels was not new. It said its archives showed that it had reported that cracks had been found in the reactor vessels of both plants 33 years ago. It quoted an article it published in 1980 as saying, "question marks exist over small cracks in the inlet and outlet sections" of the reactor vessels of both plants. The paper also quoted Roger De Wulf, who was minister of labor at the time, as saying in the Senate in December 1979 that there were abnormalities and possible cracks in reactor vessels at the plants.
The flaws in the reactor vessels in Belgium may have wider implications, as other countries also have nuclear plants with reactor vessels made by Rotterdam Drydock Company. The company no longer exists.
Last week, Belgian authorities convened a meeting of nuclear experts from countries with similar reactor vessels, including the United States, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the U.K., to share information on the possible cracks detected this summer by ultrasound.
Karina De Beule, a spokeswoman for Belgium's nuclear regulatory agency, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the cracks discovered in 1979 were in a different part of the reactor vessels than the possible cracks discovered this summer, and were entirely unrelated.
"They have nothing to do with the problem today," De Beule said.
She said the cracks were taken seriously at the time, and that Electrabel, the energy corporation that runs the plants, as well as Rotterdam Drydock Company, were required to submit information showing that the cracks posed no risk. That information was evaluated by the relevant authorities, including the European Commission, the EU's executive branch, and no risk was found.
The head of the nuclear regulator, Willy De Roovere, said last week that it was possible that the Doel 3 plant would never come back online. It had been projected to continue operating until 2022. De Roovere said that, for the plant to go back online, Electrabel would have to demonstrate there was no risk whatsoever.
The Tihange 2 plant is still being assessed. Belgium gets more than 50 percent of its electricity from nuclear power.
De Morgen reported that it asked De Roovere about the cracks found in 1979, but he said he remembered little of the discovery. During that period, prior to becoming a federal regulator, De Roovere managed the construction and startup of the Doel 3 plant for Electrabel, the energy corporation.

ベルギーの原発圧力容器にひび 欧米に同型20基以上

 問題の原発は、1982年から稼働するドール3号機(加圧水型炉)。定期点検で超音波検査をした結果、圧力容器の壁の内部に長さ1~2センチのひびのよ うなものが大量に見つかった。ベルギーの原発規制当局は数について調査中というが、地元報道は「8千個に及ぶ」と伝えた。

2012年8月17日 星期五


德国电视记者河南遭袭 特警解救

Cameraman at work silhouettes side view © sahua d #17069561
德国电视一台驻华记者上周六(8月11日)前往河南焦作,报道当地工厂的环境污染问题。然而,就在他们拍摄工业园区外景时,从一家化工厂内突然冲出大量保 安及工人,将摄制组一行4人团团围住。在这家叫作"多氟多化工股份"的工厂外,工人要求德国记者交出已拍摄的资料,遭到记者的拒绝。摄制组遭到扣押,同时 也报了警,并通知了中国外交部。
随后,焦作警方到场,一名当地外事办的官员也出现在了厂区。在他们的护卫下,德国记者一行四人得以转移到工厂的食堂暂避。但是,食堂外,越来越多的工人聚 集起来,试图冲进大门。德国电视一台的官方消息称,当时,工厂的管理人员显然对工人进行了煽动,工人指责这些德国人是间谍,试图刺探多氟多化工的技术资 料。为数不多的警力拼力死守食堂大门,但终因寡不敌众,导致大门失守,工人破门而入,围攻了摄制组,并抢夺了摄像机。
***Achtung: Nur zur Berichterstattung über die ARD verwenden!*** 

Logo der ARD. 2010. Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:ARD-Dachmarke.svg&filetimestamp=20071108184955 德国电视一台驻京记者站摄制组前往河南拍摄节目
中国著名媒体人李大同认为,德国媒体对此事未免有些大惊小怪。李大同指出,记者在进行调查报道时,被工厂或地方政府官员袭击,这在中国并非个案,而是普遍 现象。曾经对浙江乐清的钱云会离奇死亡案做过揭露报道的《中国经济时报》记者刘建锋也表示,揭黑报道中的这类情况并不是孤立现象。
刘建锋指出,在中国,记者进行调查报道时,境外媒体遇到困难可以寻找外交部门,持有新闻出版署签发证件的记者有时也能从地方党委的宣传部得到协助;但是, 有些记者却由于种种原因无法得到官方记者证件,他们在进行报道时遇到的困难会大得多,而他们能求助的,只有所供职的媒体以及微博:
刘建锋同时还认为,境外记者在中国进行相关报道时,其遇到阻力有时会比中国记者更大,境外记者往往会遇到尾随与监视;相比而言,本土记者只要不暴露身份, 就能够更容易地进入现场。但另一方面,国内的媒体都挂靠在体制内,宣传部门更容易对其记者编辑进行控制;而对境外记者,宣传官员往往会顾及外交影响,生怕 引起国际影响,而危及自己的乌纱帽,因此不会采取过分极端的手段。

「海の健全度指数」、Ocean Health Index

「海の健全度指数」、日本は11位 国際環境NGO発表


 世界人口の4割以上が沿岸部に住み、人口増で海への依存が高まるとの見通しを念頭に、171の国・地域の海について「持続可能な漁業」や「海岸の保 全」、「水の清浄度」など10の目標を100点満点で採点。世界の海の状態を総合評価し、政策決定に役立ててもらう初の試みで、点数が高いほど海洋資源を 持続可能な形で活用していることになるという。世界全体の総合点は60点だった。

Ocean Health Index Estimates World’s Oceans Score 60 out of 100

Sunset in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. This area of the Pacific is often called the "global epicenter of marine biodiversity"; it also provides fish for millions of people.
Sunset in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. This area of the Pacific is often called the “global epicenter of marine biodiversity.” It’s also the life support system of the people of West Papua, providing a significant source of protein, jobs in marine tourism, and coastal protection from storms and tsunamis. (© CI/photo by Sterling Zumbrunn)
The London Olympics captivated the world over the last few weeks, as we watched our home countries’ competitors achieve new heights in athletic prowess. As a society, we celebrate their performances and encourage them to get even better in the future. My question is: What if this sort of ambition carried over into other aspects of society?
Consider the oceans — the world’s largest resource. The oceans provide us with ample seafood, coastal protection, cultural identity, livelihoods and a host of other benefits, yet so far we have not prioritized their protection. With 7 billion people on the planet, almost half of whom live close to the coast, securing sustainable benefits from the ocean is not only a moral imperative, it’s a matter of long-term survival for people and societies.
In the past, the lack of a comprehensive and clear measurement of ocean health has been a major factor preventing progress. In order to fill this gap, this week we are launching the Ocean Health Index, a collaboration between 65 of the world’s leading ocean experts, including scientists from CI, the National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at University of California, University of British Columbia, the National Geographic Society and the New England Aquarium.
The Ocean Health Index is the first-ever comprehensive global measurement of marine health that includes people as a critical part of the ocean ecosystem. It scientifically scores the sustainability of 10 “goals,” or benefits people expect from the oceans, to generate an objective snapshot of the overall health of the oceans, as well as the marine areas controlled by each coastal country.
So what is the global score for the state of the world’s oceans? A meager 60 (out of a top score of 100). This low score highlights how far we are from where we need to be to ensure the oceans can continue to provide the benefits we depend upon in the future.
CI’s marine programs improve ocean health in several ways. Over the coming months, my colleagues and I will share with you inspiring stories of success and highlight how the work of CI and our partners in government, business and civil society organizations advance ocean health through initiatives like:
The Ocean Health Index offers the world’s governments, businesses and communities the opportunity to measure our progress; to adapt our strategies and approaches; to improve our performance. It also allows CI and our many partners to be faster, stronger and achieve more, just like the Olympic athletes we so admire. Hopefully the Ocean Health Index will also stimulate sound competition among countries to become champions for ocean health and continuously strive to improve their scores.
Sebastian Troeng
Sebastian Troeng
Advancing ocean health is a team sport. In order to restore healthy ocean ecosystems and safeguard benefits for people whom depend on them for their well-being and survival, we all need to play our part.


長春化工廠儲槽爆炸 高空灌救

消 防人員趕抵現場發現,兩座甲醇回收儲槽發生爆炸,其中一座容量約二百公秉、另一座九十公秉,都八分滿,裡面六成是甲醇、四成是水,爆炸產生巨大壓力,把儲 槽頂蓋炸飛出去,其中一個直徑約四公尺的槽蓋掉落在長春化工廠房屋頂,另一個掉在隔壁暉華公司的屋頂上,造成屋頂毀損。

據說 近年意外多次

   民眾一早到農田,發現怎麼多了奇怪的白色漂浮物,住家前也到處都是,拿起來一揑就碎,這些都是長春化工廠氣爆後噴出的原料,像下雨一樣,往周圍飄散,飄 到將近一公里外的民宅,民眾擔心會不會有毒,工廠澄清這都是塑膠原料,沒有立即的毒性,但把周圍的環境都染上一層灰,工廠趕緊派出員工到民眾家打掃。附近 的菜園道路都得清乾淨。
  氣爆的威力實在很大,這家距離工廠六百公尺遠的公司,一整排的天花板被震到掉下來,一開始大家還 以為是地震,拚命往外跑,長春化工廠的氣爆,造成九名工人輕重傷,其中有三個人超過70%灼傷,到現在還沒有脫離險境,去年五月,工廠也曾經發生過氣爆, 昨天停工檢修的期間,再度發生意外,縣府要求工廠,針對工安問題,要查個清楚。

2012年8月14日 星期二


〔記者楊久瑩、鍾麗華/台北報導〕「衛生署放寬食品輻射量標準,是不是為了幫更高輻射量的食品大開 方便門?」就在日本陸續限縮食品輻射量標準後,政府竟走回頭路公告放寬,放射性銫容許量將由現行的370貝克/公斤,大幅調高為600貝克/公斤。由於公 告兩個月後將正式上路,消基會緊急呼籲政府回頭是岸!

消基會董事長蘇錦霞昨引述日本正不斷限縮的幅射標準,自日本福島核災發生後,日本去年 十月先是宣布,將食品中放射性銫的全年輻射量限制值,從五毫西弗降至國際食品法典委員會Codex規定的一毫西弗;今年四月又修改食品放射性銫管制標準, 幅射容許量中乳品下修為50、嬰兒食品50、其他食品100貝克/公斤,質疑台灣政府的做法不可思議。

衛生署則回應指出,「食品中原子塵或放射能污染安全容許量」修正草案是參照國際標準修訂,且重新估算後,還是比Codex(1000貝克/公斤)及美國(1200貝克)、歐盟(600貝克) 等國嚴格,同時亦不宜直接與日本比較;日本因屬災區,食物受污染比率較高,故針對銫134+137核種限量的估算值較嚴格。

2012年8月1日 星期三

2012年 7月 27日 蘋果供應商中國工廠發生有毒氣體洩漏事故

成 科技(Catcher Technology Co., 2474.TW)位於蘇州市的一家工廠發生有毒氣體洩漏﹐造成一人死亡、四人受傷。可成科技是一家金屬外殼生產商﹐主要客戶包括蘋果公司(Apple Inc., AAPL)和戴爾公司(Dell Inc., DELL)。

當地政府稱﹐格林威治時間週四0500﹐可成科技在蘇州工業園區的三家工廠之一可勝科技(蘇州)有限公司(Topo Technology (Suzhou) Co.)廢水處理車間出現硫化氫氣體洩露事故。

該公司發言人James Wu表示﹐此次洩漏事故是在日常工作中發生的﹐但與生產或原材料無關。


蘋 果公司是此前處理此類事件的跨國公司之一。該公司正與鴻海科技集團(Foxconn Technology Group, 又名﹕富士康科技集團)共同努力以提高富士康中國工廠的工作條件。此前的審計報告發現﹐富士康中國工廠的工人工作時間過長﹐健康和安全沒有保障。鴻海科技 為蘋果公司代工iPhone和iPad。

James Wu拒絕透露哪些客戶從可勝科技工廠採購產品﹐但他補充說﹐事故沒有對該公司在中國大陸的整體業務造成重大影響﹐該公司有充分的靈活性﹐可以調動其他工廠的生產來滿足客戶要求。



工廠附近的德威學校(Dulwich College)的員工Cammie Zhang稱﹐她沒有看到任何氣體洩漏的跡象。

Aries Poon