2015年6月30日 星期二




好消息是,美國食品與藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,簡稱FDA)終於禁止了在食品中添加反式脂肪的做法,儘管只是某種程度上禁止,而且已經有無從辯駁的證據(以及至少一宗訴訟),令反式脂肪的危險讓人無法忽視。FDA從其一貫支持產業界的立場作出決定,不僅允許企業花三年時間將反式脂肪從大部分食品中剔除,而且還會聽取製造企業要求保留反式脂肪的陳情。
FDA了解這一點:代理局長斯蒂芬·奧斯特洛夫(Stephen Ostroff)表示,消除反式脂肪「預計可以降低冠心病發病率,每年避免數千人死於心肌梗塞」。
那為什麼要等三年?為什麼不現在就讓這些扼殺心臟的產品下架,就像食品受到大腸桿菌(E. coli)污染後所做的一樣?既然證據表明反式脂肪比其他脂肪更有危害,而且又存在其他脂肪,為什麼還要延遲?唯一可能的答案就是保護大型食品企業的利潤。

Farewell, Low-Fat: Why Scientists Applaud Lifting A Ban On Fat

JUNE 25, 2015 5:58 PM ET
On the left, olive oil, which is low in saturated fat and high in more monounsaturated fat, which may lower bad cholesterol levels. On the right, coconut oil, which is 90 percent saturated fat and may raise bad cholesterol levels.
On the left, olive oil, which is low in saturated fat and high in more monounsaturated fat, which may lower bad cholesterol levels. On the right, coconut oil, which is 90 percent saturated fat and may raise bad cholesterol levels.
There were plenty of tasty tidbits packed into the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report that came out back in February.
As we reported, the panel of nutrition experts that wrote the report said it was OK to eat an egg a day. The scientific evidence now shows it won't raise the amount of LDL cholesterol – the bad kind of cholesterol — in your blood or raise the risk of heart disease.
The panel, which advises the government on how to update the Dietary Guidelines every five years, also pushed the envelope a bit by recommending a plant-focused diet — not only because it promotes health, but because it's also more environmentally sustainable.
But as two leading nutrition researchers argue in anopinion piece out this week in JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association, there was another, even more important recommendation in the committee's report that's largely been overlooked: It's all about fat.
For many years, the government has put a cap on how much fat we consume – recommending that we get only 20 to 35 percent of our daily calories from this nutrient.
What the new report advised instead was to "put the emphasis on optimizing types of dietary fat and not reducing total fat." The advice to limit total fat to prevent obesity was also gutted.
This is a subtle but powerful change, Dariush Mozaffarian and David Ludwig write: "With these quiet statements, the DGAC report reversed nearly four decades of nutrition policy that placed priority on reducing total fat consumption throughout the population."
Dariush Mozaffarian is dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, and David Ludwig is a professor of pediatrics and nutrition at Harvard University and the director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital. They've both authored research that has, over the years, done a lot to help shift the thinking on both macronutrients – like carbs and fat – and patterns of eating.
But let's back up a second. When and why did fat become such a big villain? As Allison Aubrey has reported, it started back in the 1970s, and with the first set of dietary guidelines for Americans in 1980. The message was: Decrease fat and you'll decrease saturated fat.
Back then, scientists were mostly concerned with saturated fat. And indeed, the latest evidence shows that saturated fats can raise levels of artery-clogging LDL cholesterol. But demonizing all fat set off the fat-free boom, and a big increase in carbohydrate and sugar intake followed, which led to Americans becoming even fatter.
And, as Mozaffarian and Ludwig point out, another problem with telling people to limit total fat is that people end up eating fewer monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats – the kind found in nuts, vegetable oils and fish – which are really healthful.
Now, it seems, the government has an opportunity to set the record straight on fat. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services are now reviewing the committee's report and will update the guidelines later this year.
Penny Kris-Etherton, professor of nutrition at Penn State and the chair of the American Heart Association's nutrition committee, says she thinks it's unlikely that lifting limits on total fat intake will be much of a sticking point. "There is a pretty solid consensus now that it's the type of fat that's really important," she tells The Salt.
The American Heart Association still recommends "selecting fat-free, 1 percent fat and low-fat dairy products" on its website. But Kris-Etherton says that advice is out of date. "They need to change that," she says.
Kris-Etherton says that in practice, the association isn't defending the low-fat position anymore. The AHA's new lifestyle guideline implies that it's best to substitute polyunsaturated fats — found in things like almonds and avocados — for saturated fats.
"A lot of people still look at how much fat [is in foods], and we're now saying don't focus on that: Look at the quality of fat you're consuming," she says.

正如我們報導,營養專家小組撰寫該報告說,這是確定的,每天吃一個雞蛋。科學證據表明,現在它不會提高低密度脂蛋白膽固醇的含量 - 壞膽固醇種類的 - 在你的血液或引發心臟疾病的風險。

面板,告知市民如何更新膳食指南每五年政府,也帶動了信封點點建議植物性飲食的重點 - 這不僅是因為它可以促進健康,而是因為它也更具環境可持續性。


多年以來,政府已經提上我們多少脂肪消耗上限 - 建議我們從這種營養只得到20到我們日常的卡路里35%。



Mozaffarian的Dariush是營養科學與政策學院弗里德曼塔夫茨大學的院長,大衛路德維希是兒科和營養學教授在哈佛大學和新百倫基金會肥胖預防中心的主任波士頓兒童醫院。他們倆都撰寫的研究有,多年來,做了很多幫助卻將思考兩個營養素 - 碳水化合物一樣和脂肪 - 和飲食模式。


研究人員說,他們認為有什麼東西在鱷梨 - 不僅僅是健康的脂肪等 - 這可以降低壞膽固醇。

而且,隨著Mozaffarian和路德維希指出,另一個問題告訴人們要限制總脂肪是人們最終吃較少的單不飽和脂肪酸和多不飽和脂肪 - 在堅果,植物油和魚類中發現的那種 - 這是真正的健康。


竹篙克里斯 - 埃瑟頓,營養學教授在賓夕法尼亞州立大學和美國心臟協會的營養委員會主席說,她認為這是不可能的,解除對總脂肪攝入量的限制將是多大的癥結點。 “現在,它是脂肪的類型是非常重要的一個非常堅實的共識,”她告訴鹽。。

美國心臟協會建議仍然在其網站上“選擇無脂肪,1%的脂肪和低脂肪的乳製品”。但是克里斯 - 埃瑟頓說,建議是過時的。 “他們需要改變,”她說。

克里斯 - 埃瑟頓說,在實踐中,該協會是不是衛冕低脂肪的位置了。美國心臟協會的新的生活方式的方針意味著它是最好的替代多不飽和脂肪 - 飽和脂肪 - 在像杏仁和鱷梨發現。

