2017年2月18日 星期六

A Push for Diesel Leaves London Gasping Amid Record Pollution. Have we learned the lessons from the history of London fogs?

Pollution haze over southeast London in January. The city was put on a
A Push for Diesel Leaves London Gasping Amid Record Pollution


Britain's efforts to aid the environment have inadvertently led to a spike in an even more insidious form of air pollution than the deadly smog of 1952.

Pea soup, or a pea souper, also known as a black fog, killer fog or smog is a very thick and often yellowish, greenish, or blackish fog caused by air pollution that contains soot particulates and the poisonous gas sulfur dioxide.

Pea soup fog - Wikipedia

Harvard University Press
"In Victorian times it was our love for home fires that politicians were reluctant to upset; today it is our love for cars and other private means of transport. It took many decades to act on the knowledge that pea-soupers cost lives. How many decades will it take in our own time?"

Writers and artists were inspired by the pea-soupers but smog cost thousands of lives
