2015年5月22日 星期五


"德國微生物醫科生 Giulia Enders 在這本著作就指,世上 12 億使用踎廁的人口,幾乎沒有大腸憩室炎 (diverticulosis) ,而且甚少有痔瘡,相反使用座廁時,我們的腸道腸壁會被擠壓,甚至造成破損,所以大腸很易出現各種問題。
人類的腸道盡頭(即屁眼)的設計,原本就不是被設計成完全打開,我們在座廁上卻是自在地放鬆屁眼,我們的裡括約肌 (ani internus) 為了避免隨時「決堤」,就不自覺地拉扯直腸,結果就是括約肌不能收放自如,導致便祕,我們在馬桶上消磨的時間自然增加。
我也知道一時三刻要改用踎廁是很困難,且好像很不衛生。 Giulia 就建議,在馬桶上辦大事時,只要腳踏矮凳,經已改善腸道被擠壓的情況,大事暢通無阻。"
Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underr...


Best-selling German scientist and author Guilia Enders reveals how we're all pooing wrong

Enders' book, now translated into English, teaches how to love your gut

The author of an unexpected German bestseller on how to love your gut has had her work translated into English – and is set to teach new millions in the Western world that we’re all pooing wrong.
Speaking to The Guardian, microbiologist and newfound publishing sensation Giulia Enders explained the first basic error we all make in the West is to poo while sitting down.
Squatting, it seems, is the natural way to relieve yourself because it “opens the hatch” of the bowels, whereas sitting or standing shuts off the pipe. Enders said: “1.2 billion people around the world who squat have almost no incidence of diverticulosis and fewer problems with piles. We in the west, on the other hand, squeeze our gut tissue until it comes out of our bottoms.”

diverticulosisLine breaks: di|ver¦ticu|losis
Pronunciation: /ˌdʌɪvətɪkjʊˈləʊsɪs/

Definition of diverticulosis in English:


[MASS NOUN] Medicine
condition in which diverticula are present in theintestine without signs of inflammation. Compare with diverticulitis.[名]《病理(学)》憩室炎.
Enders also explains in the book how humans in fact have two sphincters, an inner and an outer, and that listening to what they’re telling us could be one of the easiest ways to avoid constipation.[名][U]
1 便秘.
2 不活発,沈滞;妨害.


While we can control the outer sphincter, the inner one is automatic – an evolutionary development that responds to other stimuli to decide whether we are in a “safe” place to take a loo break. Ignoring your inner sphincter, say if you are worried someone might hear you poo, can cause it to stop functioning properly.

Enders’ book also includes more controversial passages on the link between psychological wellbeing and a healthy gut – she speculates, for instance, upon the fate of a man she met who had terrible breath and killed himself, wondering whether the two were linked.
But it also includes little gems on the gut in general, including that the oft-discarded appendix is in fact full of useful bacteria and that eating well increases the amount of a naturally-occurring painkiller in our spit.唾液(だえき),

Enders’ book in translation, Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ, with illustrations by her sister Jill, is available in the UK and online from 24 May.
