2013年3月13日 星期三

New Details on Battery Fire, but Not on Its Cause /波音787客機 故障事件Japan Grounding 787



Mark Garfinkel/Boston Herald, via Polaris

乘客和機組人員一離開降落在波士頓洛根國際機場(Logan International Airport)的那架波音787客機後幾分鐘,故障的先兆就出現了。一名清潔工在機艙後部注意到有“一股電氣設備燃燒的氣味和煙”。其他管理人員也報告 說煙霧“濃烈”,而且“氣味刺鼻”。
國家運輸安全委員會(National Transportation Safety Board)周四公布的一份報告稱,一名機械師去電子艙檢查,發現裝着飛機鋰離子電池的那個箱子的前端,有兩處三英寸(約合8厘米)長的起火點。
這份報告基本同運輸安全委員會主席德博拉·A·P·赫斯曼(Deborah A. P. Hersman)上個月告訴記者的情況相符。她當時說,問題似乎源於電池組,電池組的八個電池單元中有一個發生了短路,火勢蔓延到了其餘的電池單元。
發生在波士頓的這起事故,是787型客機所用的新電池存在問題的第一個嚴重跡象。九天後,全日空航空公司(All Nippon Airways)運營的另外一架787客機飛行員聞到煙味,在日本迫降。隨後,投入使用的50架787型客機全部停飛。日本的調查機構正在對那起事故進行 調查。
在安全委員會公布這份報告的前一天,聯邦官員表示,聯邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)即將批准波音為解決電池問題而提出的一系列解決方案。聯邦航空管理局可能會在下周作出這一決定,測試可能會立即開始。
報告稱,在波士頓發生事故的那架飛機是波音公司在12月20日交付給日本航空公司(Japan Airlines)的。發生起火事故時,這架飛機已經飛行了169小時,完成了22個起降周期。
在這款先進的飛機上有可能發生火情,令人十分意外,以至於這家航空公司在波士頓的航站經理“船長”三好步(Ayumu Skip Miyoshi,音譯)一開始都不敢相信來自維護人員的無線電呼叫,後者報告稱在座艙里發現了冒煙現象。
他在一份證詞中說,“我不太確定他是什麼意思,所以問他,‘你的意思是有乘客在廁所里抽煙了嗎?’ ”接着,他衝出辦公室,試圖進入座艙,可是煙太濃了,在門口只能看到10英尺(約合3米)遠。
波音公司重新設計電池的計劃包括,在電池組的八個單元之間,加上隔絕設施,將短路故障蔓延到多數單元甚至全部單元的風險降到最低。波音公司還提出, 添加一些系統,監測各電池單元內部的溫度和活動。波音將把電池放進更堅固的鋼質箱子里從而在起火時限制火勢蔓延,還會安裝一些管道,將危險氣體排到飛機外 面去。
波音的計劃還需要得到FAA局長邁克爾·P·胡爾塔(Michael P. Huerta)和美國交通部長雷·拉胡德(Ray LaHood)的批准,拉胡德將在未來幾天內聽取關於此事的彙報。


Safety Board Reports New Details on Battery Fire, but Not on Its Cause


(Firefighters put out a fire on a Boeing 787 jet in Boston on Jan. 7. Details about the incident were outlined in a report from the N.T.S.B.)

The first hint of trouble came just minutes after passengers and crew left the Boeing 787 jet that had just landed at Logan International Airport in Boston. A cleaning worker noticed “an electrical burning smell and smoke” in the back of the cabin. Other managers reported smoke that was “intense” and “caustic smelling.”
A mechanic who went to the electronics bay to investigate saw two distinct flames about three inches long at the front of the case holding the plane’s lithium-ion battery, according to a report released Thursday by the National Transportation Safety Board.
Firefighters, who were quickly called, found “a white glow with radiant heat waves” coming from the battery. The battery was hissing loudly and leaking liquids, and it seemed to be reigniting. Standard fire suppressants had little effect. A fire captain’s neck was burned, he said, when the battery “exploded.”
The new details about the fire aboard the technologically advanced aircraft were in a preliminary report from the safety board that provided the most comprehensive picture so far of the battery fire in the 787 that was parked at the airport and burst into flame on Jan. 7.
The 48-page report, supported by nearly 500 pages of technical documents, gave a detailed chronology of the investigation, and graphic descriptions of what took place aboard the airplane. What it did not say, however, is what caused the fires in the battery cell in the first place.
The report also gave more details about the steps Boeing took to test and certify the first large-scale use of lithium batteries aboard a commercial passenger jet. Some of those details raised questions about how Boeing could have misjudged the risks.
In broad terms, the report echoed what Deborah A. P. Hersman, the board’s chairwoman, told reporters last month — that the problems seemed to have originated in the battery, where one of the eight cells had a short circuit and the fire spread to the rest of the cells.
The incident in Boston was the first serious sign of trouble with the new batteries on the 787. All 50 planes in service were grounded nine days later after another aircraft, operated by All Nippon Airways, made an emergency landing in Japan when the pilots smelled smoke. The inquiry into that incident is being conducted by Japanese investigators.
The safety board released its report a day after federal officials said that the Federal Aviation Administration was close to approving the testing of battery fixes that were proposed by Boeing. That decision is likely to be made next week, and the tests could begin immediately.
Boeing officials said they had identified the most likely ways in which the batteries could fail. They contend that the proposed changes would minimize the odds of future incidents and protect the plane and its passengers if a problem does arise. Meanwhile, the safety board plans to continue its investigation, and said Thursday that it would hold a hearing on the hazards of lithium-ion batteries next month.
The report said the airplane involved in the Boston incident was delivered to Japan Airlines on Dec. 20. At the time of the fire, it had logged 169 flight hours and 22 flight cycles.
The plane had flown from Narita, Japan, and touched down in Boston at 10 a.m.
The flight data recorder showed that at 10:04 a.m., the pilots started the auxiliary power unit, which provides power while the plane is on the ground and is energized by one of the plane’s two lithium batteries.
That battery is in the electronics bay, which is under the main cabin, near the middle of the plane. The other lithium-ion battery, located in the front of the plane, provides power to the cockpit. It was that battery that emitted smoke in the incident in Japan.
The possibility that there could be a fire in the advanced plane was so surprising that the airline’s station manager in Boston, Ayumu Skip Miyoshi, could not initially believe the radio call he got from a maintenance employee who reported smoke in the cabin.
“I wasn’t sure what he meant, therefore I replied, ‘So you mean one passenger smoked in the lavatory?’ ” he said in a witness statement. He rushed from his office and tried to enter the cabin but could not see more than 10 feet from the door because the smoke was so intense.
Meanwhile, one of the plane’s crucial safety mechanism intended to keep smoke out of the cabin in case of a problem did not work. The venting system had lost power after the auxiliary power unit shut down.
It eventually took firefighters 80 minutes to contain the fire and remove the charred battery from the plane.
Boeing’s plan to redesign the battery would add insulation among the eight cells in the battery to minimize the risk of a short circuit cascading through most or all of them. The company also proposed adding systems to monitor the temperature and activity in each cell. It would enclose the batteries in sturdier steel boxes to contain any fire, and it would create tubes to vent hazardous gases outside the plane.
The F.A.A. could still demand changes in the proposed battery design if problems develop in the laboratory and flight tests, which will take several weeks. But the decision to start the tests will be a major step in Boeing’s efforts to get the jets back in the air.
Boeing officials said the company could replace the batteries quickly once a new design was approved. The company has much at stake with the plane, the first commercial jet to be built mostly of lightweight composite materials. Boeing has orders for 800 more of the planes.
Boeing’s plan is still subject to approval by Michael P. Huerta, the head of the F.A.A., and Ray LaHood, the transportation secretary, who will be briefed on it within several days.
Mr. LaHood said in January that the planes “won’t fly until we’re 1,000 percent sure they are safe to fly.” Department officials said he and Mr. Huerta had been kept informed of the details of the proposal as it was created, and were expected to sign off on it.
The two-month investigation found nothing unusual in any of the electrical components linked to the battery, which were all tested. These include the battery charger, its monitoring unit and a starter for the auxiliary power unit.
The safety board is also looking into how the F.A.A. certified the batteries as safe in October 2007 when Boeing’s design and testing and its adherence to required special precautions were clearly deficient. Boeing’s original tests showed that the batteries could catch fire only if they overcharged, which did not happen in the Boston incident.
Boeing also found no evidence that a fire could cascade from one cell to another, and it concluded that the batteries were likely to emit smoke less than once in every 10 million flight hours.
Once the planes were placed in service, the batteries overheated and emitted smoke twice, and caused one fire, after 52,000 hours of commercial flights.
But one safety board document also suggested that while Boeing officials sat on a committee that created new minimum safety standards for lithium-ion batteries in March 2008, Boeing did not update its design even though the first 787s were not delivered to airlines until late 2011.


  波音787故障事件 日擬委託第三方調查

〔編譯林翠儀/綜合報導〕針對日本全日空所屬波音七八七客機,日前發生電 池系統故障起火,飛機迫降香川縣高松機場的事故,經日本運輸安全員委會初步調查,發現起火的電池已被燒成焦黑,疑因主電池承受過量電流及電壓而出現過度充 電現象,導致可燃性電解液在過熱、沸騰的狀態下噴出、起火。此外,由於日本的調查時間可能長達一年,恐怕嚴重影響七八七的復飛時程。
而美國 國家運輸安全委員會(NTSB)、美國聯邦航空總署(FAA)等派遣的調查團,十八日抵達日本香川縣高松機場,進行事故調查。肇事鋰電池的日本製造商湯淺 公司,也派遣三名工程師前往高松協助調查,日本運輸安全員委會也將與美方的調查團共享資訊,以利調查客機出狀況的原因。



Top Airlines in Japan Grounding Boeing 787s

TOKYO — Japan’s two largest airlines they would ground their fleets of Boeing’s new 787 aircraft after one operated by All Nippon Airways made an emergency landing in western Japan.


更新時間 2013年1月11日, 格林尼治標準時間18:16F

 Boeing 787  漏油問題
Boston Globe 在其網站上報導稱﹐週二午間一架波音公司(Boeing) 787夢想飛機(Dreamliner)在飛往東京前因漏油問題返回波士頓Logan國際機場的航站樓。這架飛機由日本航空(Japan Airlines)運營。
報導援引機場人士的話報導稱﹐搭承此次航班的178名乘客仍在飛機上。事故尚未造成人員傷亡。機場新聞發言人Matthew Brelis稱﹐地勤人員正在控制漏油。目前漏油原因正在受到調查。

2013年 01月 10日 07:25

音公司(Boeing Co., BA)週三對787夢想飛機(Dreamliner)的安全性和可靠性進行了辯護。此前該型飛機發生了一系列事故﹐其中包括週一日本航空(Japan Airlines Co., 9201.TO)一架波音787飛機發生的機艙著火事故。

波音787項目副總裁兼首席工程師Mike Sinnett在電話中向記者們表示﹐波音787的可靠性與公司上一次推出的全新產品波音777處於同等水平。




他還稱﹐卡塔爾航空(Qatar Airways)和美國聯合美國大陸控股有限公司(United Continental Holdings Inc., UAL)波音787在去年12月份發生電子設備問題的原因已逐漸浮出水面﹐認為聯合技術公司(United Technologies Corp., UTX)旗下航空子公司生產的電氣板中的一些電子線路板可能存在問題。
