薑黃(粉)有益健康?吃吃沒害處! 薑黃(學名:Curcuma longa)又稱黃薑,為薑科薑黃屬植物,在一些亞洲國家稱作turmeric或kunyit。其根莖所磨成的深黃色粉末為咖哩的主要香料之一,也用在南洋料理,嚐起來味苦而辛,帶點土味。主成分薑黃素(curcumin)具有一些醫療保健的效果,因此薑黃也出現在中醫藥材中。 There is a lot more research that needs to be done, including repeating the experiment to see if these findings can be confirmed. But in light of what we've discovered will I be consuming more of the stuff? Probably. It helps that I like the taste and I've already begun experimenting with things like adding it with a touch of chilli to an omelette.
Lovers of Indian food, give yourselves a second helping. The substance that gives Indian curry its bright color improved memory and mood in people with…