2017年1月8日 星期日

不要清耳屎Doctors admonish us to leave earwax alone. Why won’t anyone listen?

In case you were thinking of cleaning inside your ears — gently or otherwise — a revised set of guidelines from the American Academy of Otolaryngology has some advice: Don’t. Not even with Q-tips. (via STAT)

facebook: 如果你想清潔內部你的耳朵-輕輕或-修改過的一套準則來自美國科學院院otolaryngology一些建議: 不要. 連用q-tips. (轉自STAT)

google:如果你想清潔你的耳朵 - 輕輕地或否則 - 美國耳鼻喉科學院的一套修訂的指南有一些建議:不要。 甚至沒有Q提示。 (通過STAT)

評:Google 的資料庫 有"耳鼻喉科"。它對  Q-tip (註冊商標 棉花棒) 硬翻譯,弄巧成拙。




Q-TIPS® is a registered trademark of Unilever and is NOT a name for just any cotton swabs. The Q-TIPS® trademark can only be used to refer to the specific cotton swab products manufactured and sold by Unilever and should not be used to refer to cotton swab products of other companies or to cotton swabs generally.

In case you were thinking of cleaning inside your ears — gently or otherwise — a revised set of guidelines from the American Academy of Otolaryngology has some advice: Don’t. Not even with Q-tips. (via STAT)
如果你想清潔內部你的耳朵-輕輕或-修改過的一套準則來自美國科學院院otolaryngology一些建議: 不要. 連用q-tips. (轉自STAT)

Few pieces of medical advice have been so consistent for so long, and so ignored, as the admonition not to use foreign objects to remove earwax.
