2015年12月19日 星期六

The Institute for Food Safety at Cornell,

Cornell University 更新了封面相片。
The Institute for Food Safety at Cornell, announced Dec. 15 with a $2 million state grant, establishes a center unique in its comprehensive approach connecting training and applied research to check the rise of foodborne illness. The institute will harness Cornell’s existing strengths across food production systems in fruits, vegetables and dairy foods to help growers and processors comply with the demands of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety Modernization Act. Learn more: http://news.cornell.edu/…/new-institute-food-safety-fight-f…

Foodborne illness (also foodborne disease and colloquially referred to as food poisoning)[1] is any illness resulting from the food spoilage of contaminated food,pathogenic bacteriaviruses, or parasites that contaminate food,[2] as well as chemical or natural toxins such as poisonous mushrooms.
食源性疾病foodborne illnessfoodborne disease),俗稱食物中毒food poisoning[1]),泛指所有因為進食受污染食物致病細菌、病毒,又或被寄生蟲[2]化學品天然毒素(例如:有毒蘑菇)感染了的食物。根據如上各種致病源,食物中毒可以分為以下四類,即:
  • 食物中毒既不包括因暴飲暴食而引起的急性胃腸炎、食源性腸道傳染病(如傷寒)和寄生蟲病(如囊蟲病),也不包括因一次大量或者長期少量攝入某些有毒有害物質而引起的以慢性毒性為主要特徵(如致畸、致癌、致突變)的疾病。
