2008年8月21日 星期四

The Juggle: The Key to Happiness: Money, Family, or Positive Thinking?


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而最新一期Journal of Family Psychology上發表的一篇長期研究論文再次肯定了這種觀點:要讓自己更幸福,最好的辦法是加強親情,而不是多掙錢。

這 項研究對274位已婚人士進行了10年的跟蹤調查,關注他們在各個時期的幸福感,研究發現,“家庭社會支持”的改善能夠讓研究對象覺得自己的生活更幸福, 而加薪則起不到這樣的效果。如果家庭成員互相幫助,相親相愛,經常交談,坦誠相對,很少吵架,那麼家庭的社會支持度就很高。研究對象的薪資變化並沒有影響 長時間的幸福感。(當然,研究表明,以固定的時間點衡量,這個大多由中產階層組成的研究對象群體中收入較高者總體來說幸福感略強,不過幸福的家庭生活的效 應更強。該研究由得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas, Austin)的研究人員牽頭進行。)

這項研究從 長期角度出發,這一點不同尋常。通過將家庭生活與工作進行對比,反映出了這些方面常常在日常生活中互相沖突的方式。而研究結果對我來說很真實。雖然加薪或 事業上的成功對於我也是很愉快的調劑,但我覺得真正有意義、讓我覺得滿足的是我與自己的孩子、兄弟姐妹以及侄子侄女們的親情。

當 然,幸福是個復雜的話題。另外一些專家──其中最著名的就是心理學家、著有《學會樂觀》(Learned Optimism)和《真實的快樂》(Authentic Happiness)的馬丁﹒塞利格曼(Martin Seligman)──認為,幸福的基石更多地關乎人的內心,在很大程度上是基於一個人發掘、關注和表達正面情緒的能力。這些專家說,產生快樂和幸福感的 心態是可以習得的,這種心態可以防止沮喪和覺得人生無味的情緒產生。


Sue Shellenbarger

WSJ The Juggle: The Key to Happiness: Money, Family, or Positive Thinking?

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That 'Nobody on his deathbed ever said, 'I wish I'd spent more time at the office,'' is a well-worn idiom.

Yet a new long-term study, published in the latest edition of the Journal of Family Psychology (subscription required) affirms that thinking: Fortifying family ties, not making more money, is the best way to become a happier person.

The research, based on a 10-year look at 274 married people's happiness over time, found that improvement in 'family social support' had the power to make people happier over the life of the study, while increases in income did not. Families were rated high in social support if members were helpful and compassionate with each other, talked often and honestly, and fought infrequently. A change in income over the life of the study didn't change subjects' reported happiness over time. (To be sure, when measured at any fixed point in time, higher-income people in this mostly middle-class sample tended to be slightly happier in general, says the study, led by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin; a happier family life had an even bigger effect, however.)

The study is unusual in taking a long-term perspective. By pitting family against work, it mirrors the way these priorities often compete in daily life. And the findings ring true for me. While increases in income or career success have been pleasant distractions for me, I derive fundamental meaning and contentment largely from my relationships with my children, my brother and sister and my nieces and nephews.

Of course, happiness is a complex topic. Other experts - most notably psychologist Martin Seligman, author of the bestselling books 'Learned Optimism' and 'Authentic Happiness' - say the underpinnings of happiness are more internal, based largely on the individual's ability to cultivate, focus on and express positive emotion. The mind-set that produces happiness and well-being can be learned, serving as an antidote to depression and meaninglessness, these experts say.

Readers, do you think your personal happiness derives from external factors such as family support, or internal emotions? What role, if any, do money and career success play?

2008年8月20日 星期三



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YUMMY: Olives, prawns, grapes - all holiday favourites - and good for you too

Tuesday December 11,2007

By Victoria Fletcher Health Editor

GOING on a Mediterranean diet may be the best way to achieve a long and healthy life.

Nutritious holiday-style food can slash the risk of dying of common diseases, according to a new study.

People who fill their plate with fruit and vegetables, nuts, olive oil, grains and legumes reduced their risk of dying from heart problems and cancer by up to 22 per cent.

The more they substitute unhealthy foods such as processed meats for nutritious alternatives like fish, the lower their risk of death.

The researchers believe the report proves the value of ditching burgers and fries in favour of the fresh foods of the type eaten in the Mediterranean.

The US study monitored the health of more than 380,000 men and women aged between 50 and 71 who were in good health.

They were questioned about their diet, including the amount of alcohol they drank and their intake of dairy products.

The researchers gave every volunteer a score based on their diet sheet. Anyone who ate more “healthy” foods than the national average were awarded an extra point for each portion consumed.

The research by the National Cancer Institute in Maryland found that once influences such as smoking and social class were excluded, men with the healthiest diet reduced their risk of dying from cancer by 17 per cent and of cardiovascular disease by 22 per cent. For women, the results were less dramatic. Those who ate the healthiest diet reduced their risk of dying of cancer by 18 per cent and of heart disease by 19 per cent.

Dr Panagiota Mitrou, who led the study, said: “These results provide strong evidence for a beneficial effect of higher conformity with the Mediterranean dietary pattern on risk of death from all causes, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.”

The study, published in the American journal Archives of Internal Medicine, found that most people who eat a Mediterranean-style diet are also more educated, do more exercise and do not smoke. Last night, British experts said that it was hard to know how much these other factors might have affected the results.

Tim Key, the deputy director of the Cancer Epidemiology Unit said: “This does tell us that people with a certain lifestyle including eating a Mediterranean diet have lower mortality. But it does not tell us that if you switch from an unhealthy diet to eating these foods, it will reduce your risk. That is the important question.”

The study is the latest of many to suggest a link between the Mediterranean diet and good health.

Earlier this year another American study showed that a diet rich in Mediterranean foods can halve the risk of developing serious lung disease.

Another study published in the journal Thorax in April suggested that children raised on Mediterranean foods were less likely to develop asthma and allergies.

2008年8月11日 星期一

Rember may halt the progression of Alzheimer's disease

Spectrum | 12.08.2008 | 04:30

Breakthrough in the Battle Against Dementia

The breakthrough certainly made the front pages of all the major newspapers. UK scientists say they have developed a drug which may halt the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

In clinical trials, the drug - called Rember – proved at least twice as effective as current medicines. Rember slowed the rate of mental decline of Alzheimer’s patients by as much as 80%. Britain’s Alzheimer’s Society has hailed the development a major breakthrough in the battle against dementia. From London Stephen Beard reports.






2008年8月1日 星期五


我沒這樣做 有些故事也姑妄聽之



天生萬物各有所長,也各得其所。鳥生雙翼,適於在天空翱翔;魚生鰭尾,利於在江海泅泳;人生兩腿,長於在陸地健行。今日,人類發明了太多先進的交通工具替 代兩腿,固然可使遠行方便,也肯定會造成兩腿退化的危機。記得年輕時有一次在歐洲法瑞邊境健行,參加的有中、美、英、法、德、東歐等各國同學,不過走了十 幾公里,美國同學已經累得不行了,大家都笑說美國人的腿退化得特快,因為美國的交通工具最發達。

中國人的交通工具比較落伍,反而更能保持雙腿的強韌。過去中國大陸的洋車伕,專靠兩腿維生,曾讓人道主義者大肆悲歎,卻真實地表現了人類強健的體能。我從 小雖然體弱,並無礙於健行,走個一天半日都不成問題。十四歲時,為了逃避戰禍,曾經有日行六十公里,一口氣從濟南走到天津的經驗。

如今,年歲日增,有目的步行的機會日減,只能為走而走了。為走而走,最好的時間在清晨,那是一日中最美好的時光。夜貓子自然無福消受,即使沒有熬夜,但習 慣賴床的人,也會錯過了這份福氣。雖然每天清晨升起的都是同一個太陽,但朝陽就硬是與中午的烈日或傍晚的夕照不同,朝陽所喚起的是心靈中旺盛的生命力量, 就像植物在朝陽照拂下往上瘋長一樣。加上清晨的空氣由於七八個小時沒有車輛及夜中暫停排煙的煙囪汙染,也沒有那麼多人群吐出的二氧化碳,經過一夜的沉澱, 顯得特別清新。

俗諺:一日之計在於晨。誠然,人們經過一夜的休歇,按理說早晨的精神最為飽滿。有人晨讀,增益腦力;有人晨跑,鍛鍊體魄,只要早晨的時光善加利用,一天都 覺得有勁兒。我過去選擇晨泳,因為比晨跑舒緩,不會氣喘咻咻,又因南台灣燠熱,泳池可以消暑。如今到了維城,六月仍然春寒料峭,實在沒有下水的意願,又到 了不堪負荷晨跑的年紀,只好用走的了。


同住在維城的黃永武兄,住家附近有不少林地,每天都到樹林裡晨走,風雨無阻。「下雨天,穿件雨衣就行,這樣清新的空氣,浪費了可惜!」他說。我非常佩服他 這種持之以恆的精神。我家附近沒有樹林,興起時可以走到不遠的陶米山上迎接朝陽,但多半就在周遭的街巷中走走。與台灣的城市極不相同的是,這裡清晨住宅區 的街道上闃無人跡,也無行駛中的車輛,靜悄悄的,只有枝頭的鳥聲此起彼伏。街旁都是住宅前庭的綠色草坪、花圃,還有各種樹木,房屋遠望都隱沒在樹叢中,走 在街道上跟在公園裡無異。

寓目的景色無非是花草樹木。早春常見的是水仙、鬱金香、櫻花。較晚上場的是杜鵑、玫瑰、牡丹、罌粟、雛菊,還有眾多我叫不出名字的花草。其中杜鵑尤多,有 紅,有白,常常是一簇簇,開得轟轟烈烈,吸人眼眸。樹木則以松、柏、杉、楓、白楊、櫻花樹為多,櫻花和楓樹分別在春秋兩季各顯顏色,松柏四季長青,白楊特 別高大,常可成為一條街的地標。當然樹木中還有眾多果樹,尤以蘋果、梨、桃、櫻桃、李子、無花果最為常見。奇怪的是從未見過石榴和棗子,此二者在中國北方 非常普遍,氣溫類似的加國,不知何故竟無此等品種。每家的前庭和後院都會按照各自的口味打理,有的注重翠綠的草坪,有的精選各色的花卉,有的布置著奇石、 怪木,有人庭院中居然有熱帶的棕櫚、芭蕉,蔚為奇觀。

除了欣賞各家的花木,同時也瀏覽了各種房屋的造型與顏色。每家都似乎別出心裁,不願與鄰居類同,有高有矮,有肥有瘦,有的漆成灰藍,有的粉白,有的土黃, 有的赭紅,有的暗綠。屋頂也有黑、灰、褐、綠、紅等各種顏色,如從高空俯瞰,可能會像是多彩的畫盤。共同點是一律木材建築,絕無磚石、鋼筋結構;另一個共 同點是均有前庭與後院,與左右鄰家的間距不像溫城的房舍那麼緊密,大概皆在三五公尺開外,前後鄰居或隔了一條街,或隔著兩個後院,距離就更遠了。所有住宅 高不過兩層,最常見的是一層加一個地上地下各半的地下室。這樣的木製房屋居然十分堅固,多可撐過百年。木質的彈性大,可以防震,不過最怕龍捲風,可能也抵 不住台灣時常過境的狂颱。美國的木屋就常常被龍捲風掀掉屋頂,甚至火柴盒似地吹上天空,就像兒童故事《綠野仙蹤》裡敘述的一般;幸而維城從未被龍捲風光 顧。

每晨總選擇不同的路徑,一面走,一面飽覽路邊的風光。偶然遇見另一個晨走的人,如果是本地人,對方一定露出笑容,先說一聲「早安」;如果是東方人,不論是 中國人或印度人,對方多半板著臉,漠然以對。並非東方人無禮,只是東方文化沒有跟陌生人打招呼的習慣。一般住在大城市的歐洲人也不會如此友善。蓋想當年歐 洲人移民北美地廣人稀的荒寒之地,舉目無親,遇見陌生人會感到分外親切,這種友善的習慣遂被後代子孫保持了下來。習慣影響了態度,瞭解此點可以防止不必要 的偏見。

晨走非但可以健身,兼可療病。我國先人早就研究出一套人體穴道的網絡,腳底與手掌的穴道關係到內臟器官,是故腳底或手掌按摩可以療治某些內臟的疾病。走路 就等同輕微的腳底按摩。成大退休教授于維杰對我說,多年前診斷出攝護腺癌,他於是開始每天走兩小時以上,走了幾個月居然把癌症走沒了。從此他總向朋友宣傳 走路的好處。多年前高行健在北京時診斷出肺癌,一時萬念俱灰,立刻丟下一切跑到大西南深山峻嶺中漫遊,半年後回到北京,再照X光,原來肺中的陰影完全消失 不見了。他當時以為從前是誤診,今天看來恐怕也是走路的功效。一趟西南行,使他寫出《靈山》一書,為華人摘下第一座諾貝爾文學獎。還有作家郭楓,幾年前患 了淋巴腺癌,非常嚴重,幸賴台大醫院的醫術高明,挽回一命。後來的復健就全靠每天清晨到烏來山林中晨走,幾年下來,如今雖到了從心所欲之年,容光煥發,健 康猶勝曩昔。
